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The Bass Doc

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Everything posted by The Bass Doc

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='497941' date='May 26 2009, 12:54 PM']Did all the nuns get basses from you?[/quote] That's not all the nuns got from me - Sister Raquel and Sister Siobhan were very accomodating on their days off. Some very strange habits. They were not good payers however which gave rise to the saying 'as tight as a nun's knicker-leg'.
  2. Welcome aboard - I've already commented on the custom-build thread. I was bound to like your two M.R. basses 'cos I built 'em!
  3. Hi Mikey, I'm Howard the Bass Doc - built your two custom jobs. I don't have the shop anymore but I'm still active at the home workshop. You can PM me via the forum any time. All the best.
  4. [quote name='wegale' post='496475' date='May 24 2009, 09:14 AM']I've just bought a second-hand fretless Ibanez Musician Bass, does anyone have information on the controls?[/quote] I think there's a couple of variations in the control department so a picture of the layout would help. The more common model has active and passive capability and the knobs are finished differently to indicate which is which.
  5. +1 for Di Marzio model J with the proviso that Schaller JBX have identical specs. and may be found cheaper - I've used both loads of times and can't hear any difference - the only bias towards Di Marzio is that 'USA' thing. The Ulta Jazz is OK but I think loses a little top end by being so strong - bit like quarter-pounders-v-hot.
  6. Standard Jazz - Serial E 95156 which as I'm sure you know means it was built in 1895 - too early for Leo Fender himself but apparently he had an uncle who worked in a loft somewhere in Anaheim. But seriously folks, this is the model Fender classed as the standard for a year or two before realising the more conventional 20 fret job should retain that title. This one carries 22 frets and is known as the 'longhorn' in some circles. In America it's nickname is the 'boner' but I can't think why - I mean it's not like it's anything to do with U2 at all. The dating business is a bit strange since the body seems to be double stamped 1989 and 1991 - pots are dated '91 so it may have lain around awhile before being shipped. It's up for sale at £450 to include the case - rectangular with moulded logo (not great condition but it's done it's job over the years). Only one pic - you might just make out a slight pinky discolouration at the 'arm-over' area - previous owner wore a red shirt and some colour bled in. Sale only please, no trades. [attachment=25600:DCFC0003.JPG]
  7. [quote name='truegeminis' post='493162' date='May 20 2009, 12:12 PM']Kenny Potter was my bass teacher when I first started playing bass. Nice bloke, good teacher. Does he have website anywhere, wouldn't mind seeing what he's up to now?[/quote] Not sure about a website but if you need a telephone number for Kenny let me know via PM.
  8. [quote name='Twigman' post='491397' date='May 18 2009, 02:28 PM']2 full seasons of Leeds United programs from 1974-5 and 1975-6 - strange as I support Sunderland and have never been anywhere near Elland Road ???[/quote] If you support Sunderland I wouldn't recommend going near Elland Road especially if you were to mention the 1973 Cup Final. Anyway, best of luck at Portsmouth tonight.
  9. [quote name='Golchen' post='491308' date='May 18 2009, 01:03 PM']I prefer my horses relic'd[/quote] Did you not mean radished?
  10. There's an outside chance you have a kink in the string just ahead of the fretting position - can you check that or perhaps replace the string to see if if the buzz disappears. In my early days I was driven mad with a similar problem and tried all other methods before a close inspection revealed that the bass had taken a knock 'face on' resulting in a kink downwards which had the effect of the string presenting itself to the next fret a tad lower than normal. The kink can be so slight it's hard to spot , hence the suggestion of trying a replacement.
  11. [quote name='dlloyd' post='491234' date='May 18 2009, 11:46 AM']Small world... I bought that very same bass. It was an absolute pig at first, but plays great now that I defretted it and swapped out the horrible old flatwounds for rotosounds. I'm thinking about routing it for a Kahler.[/quote] I trust you've also had it sprayed metallic purple and replaced the pickup with something tasty like an Artec soapbar.
  12. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='491206' date='May 18 2009, 11:08 AM']Benwell? You sure that was an "n" in Funk? [/quote] Actually now you mention it the 'n' did look a bit sideways. I was told the bass had 'apparently' been the one that recorded the song 'Bercadette' by the Fower Terps.
  13. [quote name='Killstarz' post='491101' date='May 18 2009, 08:50 AM']Does anybody have a phone number or contact email address for Neil Harland Please? ive had a quick scout about on the web but couldnt find anything...[/quote] You have a PM with Neil's number. Cheers.
  14. [quote name='Golchen' post='491114' date='May 18 2009, 09:18 AM']I can't see why anyone would want a signed instrument? I wouldn't.[/quote] Ageed - it just looks like graffitti to me and if people think it makes the bass worth more I take the opposite view. Having said that, I always kind of regret turning down a pre-CBS Precision offered by a bloke in a pub in Benwell for 150 quid on the basis some twit had carved the word 'Funk' in the heel of the neck.
  15. I don't believe Noel Redding signed all these basses 'cos he's dead isn't he? Mind you, he died relatively young and I do believe he was survived by an uncle who lives in an attic room somewhere and perhaps he is responsible for the signatures.
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  17. [quote name='Hamster' post='490739' date='May 17 2009, 06:38 PM']I couldn't find my loft hatch, but undeterred I broke through and found an old retired couple living there. They said they'd lived at flat 47 for the last 14 years![/quote] I think you might find the man is actually your uncle.
  18. Living in the area where Gordon Sumner grew up I thought I would check the loft for any Sting memorabilia - - Close - - I found a wasp's nest.
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  20. The nut Slots can be cut down to close to zero to assist the hard work of 'fretting' at that end. The whole idea of the correct nut height is to clear the first fret so now that it's not there you can go lower. Hope this helps - can't see any benefit in shimming at this stage .
  21. I think you'll find most chappies on the forum would need to see 'under the cover' detail before opinionating on the origin of the pickups. On the basis that it's often not a good idea to mess around when you're about to sell (sod's law and all that) I would be willing to bet the pickups are Japanese - can't see why a special edition Jap product would involve 'mixing'.
  22. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='489255' date='May 15 2009, 07:33 PM']I had a dream about AM1 last night. Nothing sexual you understand?[/quote] Try partaking of something with aphrodisiac properties just before going to bed
  23. I've mentioned this one before - when you hear someone say 'horses for courses' respond with 'Yes, that's how baby horses are conceived'.
  24. [quote]That's right ! .. think they are No12's .. pretty decent tuners.[/quote] Be careful with those Wilkinson ones - I've found they don't quite fit the standard Jazz headstock without requiring some filing.
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