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Everything posted by Ander87

  1. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    @MrDinsdale that is most useful thank you! I can definitely see the benefit of having a clean DI, especially for studio - not planning to record much more this year I think but I always end up doing a couple takes, one clean then the distorted stuff etc…
  2. haha I wish! This is from Southsea Sound, the studio where we’ve recorded our last EP…! I’ll pass your comments to Tim 😉
  3. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    aha! Thank you. I want the capo for a bit of hair/grit on Chanel A then stack B onto it for a crispy darkglass type distortion, leaving the fuzz as a side effect same as octave here and there. I know I can get fuzzy with the Capo but that’d be likely doing B>A or tweaking things around in between songs/live etc. Ander.
  4. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    QUESTION (Dwight mode on): I'm planning on having the Capo with just a tuner, a compressor and then an Octave/Fuzz pedal (OFF1). Could someone advise on the right chain order/use of loops? My mind tells me the tuner+comp should go on the input, the octave/fuzz on the post loop? or is it on the pre loop? I know the answer should be a 'try it out and see what you like best' but I'm happy to hear thoughts on what should I expect or what's the theory of what should be right. Thanks! Ander. PS: This is gonna look amazing next to the Capo...
  5. Thank you my friend! Already looking whether I need another bassist in the house or a drummer to play along with
  6. Lil Fella and Lo Fi Junky gone. Keeping the compressor here but odds are I’ll keep it for the time being until I find a JHS Pulp n Peel v4. no other trades are if interest, thanks! Ander.
  7. @Bigwan it really is fantastic and solidly built! I could end up keeping it, but just since I’m exploring a compressor with an OD/gain circuit now to push the upcoming Jad Freer Capo… may very well keep if the Capo has enough gain! Ander.
  8. Haha cheers Paul! The buggy will be sponsored by his/her dear grandparents but still some holes to cover…! I picture kids like my trips to Costco. You come out and suddenly don’t even know how much you left at the till, but you numb yourself with a large pizza if you’re lucky.
  9. Haha thanks a lot, s/he’s coming in making trouble already! @Skybone believe me I want to keep her, you’ve been participant of my research and digging in to find the right 4003, and now that I’ve found it… ah, life! Very mixed feelings about this sale!
  10. haha thank you Dave!! It really is a truly sensational beast! NYXL 45-105 are new from mid January when the bass was setup, also. I think I will have to consider a JMJ to have on floor level for the creature as my 'non-push gift'
  11. Well - Just learnt I'm gonna be a dad this year - I'm not a kid anymore and somehow I wanted this more than more basses (what's going on with me!?), so I've got to act up on it - I'm not desperate for the money but having about £8k worth of gear being only in one band with what's coming up is excessive. Ah, it was nice whilst it lasted. Bringing you a 9lbs, fantastic condition Rickenbacker 4003 in Ruby Red, from 2017. The bass was bought from the Bass Gallery, and has since been upgraded to a Nordstrand Nordenbocker (original pickup included); the bass has also been treated to a Hipshot bridge instead of the original, which feels great. IMPORTANT: This bass is now well settled and adjusted - full crowning and levelling / electronics / setup by Robbie Bowman, head luthier of Gordon Smith Guitars. I can guarantee this is as nice a Ric as you can find/play, since the wood (trapped under varnish in this odd design that fanboys call 'quirks') is now completely settled. I spent a good penny to have a great playing bass into a perfect example of Ric 4003. Binding solid, no sharp edges, no pickup bent as this is the structurally sound placement of the neck pickup, truss rod in perfect shape... No surprises - just a perfect playing Ric 4003. It does play perfect and it's in great condition, with no wear/human/external blemishes since it left the factory. Looking to get back what I've put into it - I encourage anyone to try it, but odds are you'll buy it if you do - you've been warned! Not really looking for trades as I just want to clear some debt etc - I'd love a JMJ blue but argh, no, better not start there. PS: I love this bass, so take it off my hands whilst you can otherwise I may withdraw - not desperate and I know my band will kill me when they know it's gone!
  12. truly! Hahaha the Adam sounded fuzzier after changing the amp.. I did try it live and practise a bunch of times though 😂 this is fine tuning now, we’re getting closer to regret it all and start again 🤣(Capo on the way)
  13. Blackstone, woolly mammoth gone - lol fella and lo-fi junky available.
  14. Thanks @stewblack! I’m interested in a C4, lots, but all the menus etc editing and so on does take me aback a bit.
  15. Hm - interesting way to get myself into trouble - I was thinking of the C4 as a synth / octave but this being simpler and having fuzz could get me out of some trouble...
  16. well - not to suggest you need to buy new gear, but if there's something I've taken from the Jad Freer Capo threads is that users are very happy with the LPF function. An LPF after the DI could help you reduce that sizzle/fizzle on the top whilst still sending a pretty much full signal to your cab - it is the way I'm planning to work moving forwards!
  17. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    Well, thought I'd update - the order has been placed... I ordered directly through them via email with a pro forma, and transferred the funds via Wise (Transferwise). This seemed cheaper to me? Including shipping, we're looking at £390 that left my account (409 euros plus 27 euros for shipping, 436). The Reverb ad was showing as £416.69 + £29.63 for shipping, so about £447 plus then I'd assume looking into VAT and all that stuff (probs a 20-22% on top?). Aware this % is what I'll have to add to what I've paid for already, but thought I'd share the numbers in case anyone is on the fence. Anyway, what matters is that I shifted some gear and I've already burnt that cash. Oh, life - but also, pretty excited for this pedal coming in! Best, Ander.
  18. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    Warning. Warning. Warning. I'm one small sale far from affording the Capo. Whilst that is good news, oh boy, what a dry dry dry month awaits until I get it, with nothing more than a compressor and a distortion pedal on my board
  19. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    ... And, of course, I started selling some of my precious valued pedals in search for the perfect tone - not fair to hold out the Capo to that premise but hoping it'll get me closer, and free the real estate to let me get a C4 Synth lol. Looking around in Reverb to check the Capo, 'similar products' highlighted the Chase Bliss Brothers - 2 gain stages, each working as Boost / Distortion / Fuzz - simpler EQ, no ID, but also a combined mode to stack A into B or B into A. At risk of hijacking the thread, has anyone looked into this? Seems like they are indeed comparable - the Chase Bliss feels more like a distortion pedal than the Capo is in terms of DI for sure, but worth your thoughts!
  20. I'm trying to simplify / rejig my board, for tuner + C4 synth + Capo + Compressor. Hence, my pedals below are up for sale - I'm not desperate and the comp is a feeler - I may change my mind and keep them so go at them whilst available. Add a fiver for postage: * £230 Blackstone Appliances Mosfet drive: The star of the show - super rare, great overdrive/distortion, with 2 channels and capacity to shift the EQ from flat to scooped, separate gain distortion levels for each with knobs that won't make you wonder whether your settings are busted - can adjust easily with a nail or a pick though. Anything from adding a bit of hair to actual distortion is possible. Works a treat on bass and the brightness/depth can be adjusted via plug in capacitors and trim pots on the rear - I never felt the need for that tweaking though. SOLD. * £160 ZVex Vexter Wholly Mammoth - as the name suggests, a massive, gated fuzz tuned specifically for bass - amazing when combined with the Blackstone, but just great on its own really. SOLD. * £130 Fuzzrocious Lil Fella - distortion to fuzz depending on gain, comes with a gate engaged on the switch - crunchy tone, super organic, able from low drive to metal * £160 ZVex Instant Lo Fi Junky - chorus perfect for lo-fi / introducing odd noise with three wave signals flickable on switch... lots of depth/compression from 80s chorus to vibrato. * £70 ThorpyFX Fat General Clone - a feeler since I love this pedal, but I could be interested in other comps potentially - tone enhancing, always on pedal - I just love it but open to a change if anyone is after this. Like I said I love this pedalboard and you can tell it's been crafted with love, lust and GAS - happy to keep them but I'm interested in trades with a C4 Synth, POTENTIALLY a Source Audio Aftermath or a cool compressor but ideally trying to get funds for a Jad Freer Capo.
  21. Unopened set of Ernie Ball slinkies 45-130. £20 posted Unused Labella 760M 52-110 £30 posted, cut for Fender with lots of wrap around post - bought them off a basschatter who said bought them new a week ago - tried them and gauge is just not for me. can do swaps for Labellas 43-104 or 45-105. Best, Ander.
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