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Everything posted by Ander87

  1. Haha! Interesting, I considered the Xpand1 and I love a single line thing tbh, but I will ask how’s the Velcro behaving on the layer that slides in, and have to research on space for a PSU… I do like the concept though!
  2. We must! Pedalboard building gives me anxiety lol that’s why I’ve avoided pedals for the best part of my life. My OCD really kicks in by comparison and I’m not often fussy on that for other areas 🥲 I’ve tried to take shortcuts with other pedals and save money but that only went to further wanting to replace etc etc and keep the circus going… this time I think I’m doing it right…! … just that bloody last spot to fill… and without any gain staging until I get my capo, I may pick up the Broadcast for now then reassess as I’ve got gigs coming up and only clean or kill the audience with fuzz all along - don’t get me wrong the OFF1 does very sustainable low gain sounds but it’s still a fuzz…!
  3. Hm! Could look for one and thanking you for the suggestion... I do have plenty of delays on the LEM and some of the modes do Reverb too though...!
  4. Hm! Thought about the c4 but the OFF1 + LEM combo give me all the trippy synths stuff I’ll realistically use… same goes for future impact plus that one is huge. thinking more functionality than effects, I may be laying my eyes on the Broadcast mostly as a nice boost but also some gain staging - unfortunately I can’t travel to Spain just yet as planned where my Capo is waiting for me 😅 will read around but oh boy it does sound lush, wondering if it’d play nice with the Capo.
  5. I think it’s about the last thing I’ve got missing - some Cadbury mini eggs could get me through any set!!
  6. Well…! This is not where I am as I have some pending to arrive, but I will be upgrading to a Rockboard 3.0 soon it seems. All the pedals below are either on their way to me or with me already… just one enigmatic gap right on the middle - suggestions accepted, I was thinking of a phaser but at this stage is more OCD than anything else 😂 I’ve got compressor, tuner into the capo (multi distortion preamp/EQ/LPF/pre and post loops/DI outs), pre loop: expression pedal into the OFF1 (octave, fuzz, filter) post loop: LEM (multi delay reverb with octaves/fifths up and down and trails etc) and Moog minifooger chorus I was toying with the idea of a Jam Pedals Ripple Fall bass phaser for the middle… but open to suggestions as seems I’ve got everything else….!
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. That’s a clone of Z.vex’s Wooly Mammotj mate, fuzz designed FOR fuzz.
  9. you’ll have to explain this to my wife when I come around with a Pedaltrain metro 16 or something. Expression pedal on the way… if I’d add a chorus it’d all pack just nicely, let me not get ahead of myself 😇😂
  10. Thanks Paul, hope you’re well, can see you’re enjoying the ABM loads!
  11. @Hellzero i knooooow haha! I didn’t notice after later - tbh we’ll let it be a quirk of it, it’s at the back of my arm so I couldn’t see whilst the guy was doing it. Takes avid eyes/basschatter folk to notice though, I can live with it 🤣
  12. Would totally get this if I could - instead I had to do with the tattoo version! Bump on me!
  13. And last, if anyone wants a swap of grills I’m open for a black grilled Six10 like for like but still interested in a Super Twin.
  14. Just checked and £1600 new so let’s talk reasonable offers - love this thing and happy to keep otherwise, just thinking I can cash in some to the bank.
  15. I love this wonderful thing. It may be overkill but also I’m more than happy to keep it. Just considering as I’ve seen something I like (Barefaced of course) and I will gladly gladly withdraw this if that one sells. 29kg, dead east to move around and with wheels etc. no damage except for the lightest peeling on the tolex back, common of these cabs. Not significant really.
  16. Love it really but only keeping two basses, and I’m more of a precision and stingray man…!
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  18. haha let me catch up! I need a Nano+ to fit the Capo but it has crossed my mind indeed a mini expression pedal for the filter of the OFF1 or the LEM stuff too… I love the single line approach of the nano/nano+/rock board 2.1 but adding an expression pedal would mean likely jumping to the 3 rail/double line of pedals which I don’t love, as it’d leave spaces I’d feel condemned to fill up with yet more pedals. Having said that, I like this mini expression pedal, lots.
  19. Concerningly I think about this often hahaha I think we have similar taste in tone…! The OFF1 is just absolutely massive and worth a try…!
  20. Haha I know that feeling. Black to one side, white to the other, similar sizes etc and I will make sure those two mastro Valvola pedals will be chasis to chasis so it’s all tight.
  21. Hahahahaha shhhhh it does! But then the grills wouldn’t be matching 😂 great fella and product, gents go for it!
  22. Ah! Right on time, I think I’m doing a post run this afternoon. Will DM deets! Ander.
  23. Haha! Correct, AO 60s… getting nothing else to replace it with I’m afraid! I need a new amp head (mesa WD800 on the way) as I’m returning the SVT 2 Pro in the pictures, it was lent to me. Sold the Ric 4003 Ruby red and the AO Jazz… the plan is to keep the Ray and the Precision and save since I have a baby coming and some overdraft etc, better to save for peace of mind this time. I do have dreams for a 3rd bass sometime next year, god knows what.
  24. Luke I love that mate! can you send more pictures?? ❤️ what is it?
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