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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. I'm impressed with the TGI extreme padded gig cases for about £40, but for another £5 - £10 Gear4music have some surprisingly impressive looking hard cases.
  2. The laurel one is actually a Squier VM SS Jaguar... I suspect they work hard to make sure the Squiers don't outshine the Fenders, at least on their website.
  3. Hmm, perhaps some lines to try... "Sorry about that, I didn't realise you were struggling to keep up with me until near the end. Do you want me to knock the tempo back a bit next time?" "Do you think we should try death-metal vocals to better match our playing style?" "I would turn up my amp, but your speakers sound like they breaking up a bit already." But the ultimate weapon for any bass player... "You think that's loud? THIS is loud..." 😁
  4. Sounds like a flaky joint. I fixed a noisy valve amp just by removing each valve then working it in and out of its socket for a while 🙂 At the weekend I fixed a mixing desk that had developed a mains 'buzz' - I just resoldered every suspect-looking joint in the power supply and it magically went away. The main suspect looked like it had been bad from new. Made me look like an electronics god, but to be honest all I had to do was identify where the regulator circuitry was.
  5. It may depend on the actual piece of wood - I may have got lucky! Old (~35years) rosewood left, young laurel (right). The laurel has similar but not quite as nice grain, but darker. Similar finish. The rosewood used to get treated with fast fret, but not for decades.
  6. They also made Hohners, I understand, and many of those were damn good instruments.
  7. My first electric was the six string version, I still have it. I fitted a tune-o-matic bridge and got rid of the 'tremelo' and added various switches. As stated above, put it through ridiculous amounts of distortion and you get wails of feedback and a sound Neil Young would die for... The body is undersize, only 1" thick,and plywood. The tuners are three-to a plate acoustic ones. It's lovely to play too, with 008s on it 🙂
  8. Two rosewood and one laurel fretboard right here. One of the rosewood boards has a slightly richer figure if you look VERY close and the laurel is slightly darker. I doubt I would have noticed if I hadn't read the spec.
  9. Now the Truth can be told... Mike Rutherford is Ed Milliband's evil twin....
  10. You might not have me if it wasn't for the effect of Lonnie Donegan on my mum...
  11. Yes, and arduino or AVR was in the back of my mind too. I've always fancied one since seeing Haze in the early 80s! With my co-ordination it would probably be little more than hitting a note and keeping my foot down...
  12. At the risk of getting shot down in flames my approach on guitars has been to wind the highest string bridge piece so its as close to the neck as possible and fit the bridge so it's exactly twice the distance from nut (or zero fret) to 12th fret from the nut. The highest string usually needs only a small amount of movement to set the intonation and this leaves plenty of adjustment for the other strings. The bridge should never need to be closer to the neck than this.
  13. Poor Fender. They have made some wonderful and striking instruments but the herd want to buy 'traditional' shapes if they have the Fender logo, even if these beauties knock te pants of more expensive 'boutique' ones. My brother was reminiscing about his Squier Katana (6-string) only yesterday 😞
  14. I tried that, it works, but scary expensive! I assumrd there would be cheap alternatives out there? Midi pedalboard does get a few 9still scary expensive) hits! Perhaps the easy way is to make one from a £30 midi controller, a bunch of sticks and a handful of microswitches.
  15. Auditions should be like job interviews - you check out people as much as they check you out. If their style doesn't fit yours, what's the point - politely decline without making them feel bad 'I was looking for something a bit more laid back'? I agree best to talk through issues than use email. For the loud band, you could get some quality earplugs, then turn up and blow them out of the fire escape...
  16. Beacause the body is 1" thick plywood? Yes my 'SG' has the strap button on the neck...
  17. is there a name for the 'thing on the right' other than 'bass pedalboard' or obvious variations that will give search results not swamped with examples of the 'thing on the left'?
  18. Just like my Kay 'SG' it's got the traditional 'not in the middle of the neck' truss rod skunk stripe, although that's the worst I've seen...
  19. Looks disturbingly like The Nautilus...
  20. A distance sale, you have the right to return within `14 days in the original packaging, no questions asked.
  21. I'd be interested in anything on luthierie (is that a real word?)
  22. I saw that when I was 11 or 12 and I STILL remember being freaked out by Ron Mael! Not so much a segue as alternative lyrics 🙂
  23. Saw my brother this weekend (guitarist). He used to use a JCM100 head, but currently he's using a 20W(!) Marshall valve amp through a vintage Marshall 4x12 cab. His sound is driving a small valve amp very hard. And yes it is bloody loud.
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