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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. This is what my £77 Harley Benton p-bass kit build sounds like. Fitted with Fender flatwounds. Through an Orange Crush 25 and recorded on my phone.
  2. Troy's videos are great, always easy to see what he's doing and pretty much straight although sometimes he adds little bits one the end 🙂
  3. IIRC they started being branded Arbor series a year or three after I got that one.
  4. My first bass - Hohner, about 1986? My Brother still has it.
  5. "Oops, we couldn’t find that track. "
  6. Well that's a bit of country I can appreciate, but I do feel sorry for the bass player and dummer...
  7. Was able to pay my tanglewood a few days ago. It's almost as loud as an acoustic 6-string but is a pure acoustic(until i put a pickup in it). It needs a setup though, nut cut deeper, truss rod, possibly drop bridge <1mm.
  8. Ha... the challenge here is to make my freshly minted song a valid entry. So the poster is advertising a Shadow Play, but ripping off Rory Gallagher woudl be cheating. However, in this warped tale an unexpected incident casts a dark shadow over the village green... Actualy as the poster is promoting 'composers' any piece composed by anyone is probably eligible if it meets the dates... 😆
  9. You can improve youe ear with practice just like anything else, When I started out I struggled to tell what key something was in. After a few years I took singing lessons and the tutor said my relative pitch was fantastic (although I don't have perfect pitch). These days I can get in key withon 2 or 3 notes, but I struggle to work fast passages out by ear. Generally i find a tab and then work through fininding any errors..
  10. I came across an exercise which was playing a riff in eighth notes, then every so often speeding up to sxiteenths for a bar, keeping time. It was a really good exercise and helped me step up a notch in my playing.
  11. Oh God. You've created an infinite loop. Let's hope this doesn't happen in the DoI thread, the universe could collapse.
  12. The problem with this thread is it's tempting me to suggest the song...
  13. I saw them on the Signals tour, at the NEC. NOtable because in ethr eview I wrote for our Rocsoc mag I called him Lief Ericsson...
  14. Still in Wales. Then when I come back, I'll be fairly stationary for a while...
  15. I was up in Matlock this morning. Going to South Wales early on Weds. Is there any chance it can be in Derby tomorrow?
  16. Blues rock version or Hair Metal version? Which do I prefer... let's just say Whitesnake have a track record for spoiling a good songs, like 'Ere I Go Again Again.
  17. Under all that crap a B2, converted into a lefty by my brother, converted back by me, and resprayed by my mate - believe it or not. Sounds fantastic and plays itself.
  18. The hardest kind where remembering it is a bigger challenge than playing it!
  19. You may worship at my shrine of Hohner Headlessness, Ricky 🙂
  20. Space Ritual Just playing it in the background. The sheer power behind sonic attack is like being hit by a bulldozer.
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