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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. I’ve got 2 jazzes permanently fitted with D’Addario tapes, great strings
  2. Haven’t heard that for years, great tune ☝️
  3. Cruising through forest gate listening to sly and Robbie
  4. I think it would be worth the bit of extra work jono, they do look nice, what colour is the body
  5. It’s a nice one to play, and it very rarely goes out of tune, the neck profile is different from my jazzes even though it’s jazz nut width, it’s very slim back to front , and it’s aging nicely
  6. I didn’t know the gold anodised ones had different screw holes, this is my one
  7. If I’m reading this right, couldn’t you just glue a small block of wood to the side of the cavity to take the screw
  8. I’m subscribed to frederico and this just came, some great playing
  9. Ah they’ve just come back, you’re lucky mick, you nearly got a picture of my ugly mug 😁
  10. It wasn’t me, although if it was closer I would have made a cheeky offer
  11. I think this is the first time it’s happened, sometimes if I’m feeling flush I dish them out all day, this morning I only did a few
  12. This is outrageous , can I buy some more 😂. People will think I don’t like them 😁
  13. A stack knob 61 in Olympic white with a light relic would be great
  14. Yeah I use Shazam all the time, I was watching a film on Netflix and recognised the tune in the background but couldn’t remember what it was called , it was this,
  15. That looks great, I like dark and ebony fingerboards, what dye did you use
  16. They do look pretty cool, and would I be right in saying they are hand built
  17. Is that a good price for a bravewood
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