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Everything posted by TeresaFR

  1. I started the year with two basses and I'm down to one. I would say "just", but Valkyrie is awesome. I have bought equipment but not directly bass gear and only due to needing it for recording purposes. Actually, I'm not sure those midi cables will be necessary now, but they could still be useful.
  2. Beauty Can't Die - Ghost of Lemora Beauty Can't Die - YouTube Well, I was trying to put in a link to Youtube but that's clearly not worked.
  3. I went amp-less about 12 years ago due to necessity, and it's mostly been fine. I like just being able to walk in with my bass and pedalboard and go.
  4. Ha! You think this is OCD?! You haven't seen OCD - this is just liking an orderly pedalboard.
  5. Might I suggest EBS flat patch cables to help tidy everything up into a smaller footprint? This should allow for at least some of your effects to be in more of an orderly set-up. If possible, I'd suggest pulling the three mini-pedals to the front and pushing the EQ to the back in case any of those aren't always on effects.
  6. I'm looking to connect my drum machine to my DAW via midi, the drum machine (Behringer RD-6 is midi compatible, but it turns out my audio interface (Komplete Audio 2) isn't. Do I have any other midi options barring getting my hands on an audio interface with in-built midi connectivity? Thanks.
  7. That looks deeply unpleasant, as does that price tag.
  8. I came here specifically to say Rickenbackers are ugly. They just are horrible looking things. Almost anything by BC Rich too.
  9. Schecter have a good selection of thin neck 5s. Could be worth a look.
  10. I have heard reports that daisy chaining can bring unwanted noise to a signal chain after a point so it's maybe not a long-term solution - but if it works for now, that's the most important thing. The same with patch cables. For years I used standard style cables until I needed to position my pedals closer together and then flat cables made the most sense to me.
  11. Chorus is a good call, as are EBS flat patch cables to keep everything neat and tidy. You'll probably want to invest in a power supply too at some point, if you haven't already. Oh, and a Metal Zone, and a Gonkulator. Everyone has at least one of those on their boards. Honest truth.
  12. I don't know which company you have a beef against, or maybe it's just my pedalboard you feel affronted by, but if it's the former then that's between you and them and if it's the latter then please recognise that no one's forcing you play or even like my pedalboard. If you don't like Korg, Wampler, EHX, MXR and Tech 21 that's absolutely fine. A line-up of Boss pedals would look great and presumably sound great too but to this particular autistic person, a Boss pedal would look out of place on *my* board and that would affect how much I'd want to play it - which I recognise would be a negative. So please, cool it.
  13. I'm surprised at that from Boss, they sound like they'd be super reliable judging by their popularity. But hey, I like EHX and not everyone gets on with them and that's fine.
  14. Great question. It doesn't need presets, it doesn't really matter whether it's analogue or digital. I'd be using it as an occasional effect rather than an always on effect, and I'd be using it for the classic wooshing sound. Budget isn't a significant issue as I can just save up for it. It does need not to be huge, so standard pedal size or smaller is for the best. Thanks.
  15. I think you were reading too much into my initial statement, but that's okay. The digital medium can be hard to navigate.
  16. Look, there's nothing wrong with having any Boss pedal on your board (even a Metal Zone, if that's what you want), and perhaps we should all of us divorce our pedal choices completely from the design of the casing (or the graphic atop the casing), but given the number of people showing off their very pretty basses on here or awesome pedalboards, one must assume aesthetics does play a part for a lot of people. Not more than sound, absolutely not, but it's not for no reason that EQD, Walrus Audio etc. spend time on making their pedals look amazing. It's also not without reason that so many of us chose basses that visually appeal to us. To be clear, I wasn't saying I was wanting to sacrifice tone for appearance, not at all - I want both and so I came and asked for recommendations from people who would hopefully know.
  17. EHX, so I am considering the Neo Mistress - which would actually fit the space available.
  18. I'm considering adding a flanger to my pedalboard, and I could get a Boss BF-3 for cheap off of a friend, I'm a little weird about the aesthetic of having a Boss-style enclosure on a board that isn't entirely in that aesthetic. So, with that in mind, could the good folks here please recommend me a good flanger pedal for bass, please? I already have a chorus I love so I don't need something that does both.
  19. Whilst I'm very much a fan of the EHX Bass Clone and it gives me the chorus sound I absolutely love, the TC Corona or the Mooer Ensemble Queen might suit you more.
  20. No More "I Love You's" - The Lover Speaks.
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