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Everything posted by Piers_Williamson

  1. I watched this yesterday, went back to the 'Shadows of Motown' score, and my jaw dropped, particularly with the bridge section. what an astonishing phenomenon Jamerson was, and Julia Hofer is a pretty understated player that covers some great tunes too.
  2. Mouldy Old Dough was apparently the 42 best selling single of the whole of the 1970s in the UK...so there you go!
  3. I do wonder how much it weighs, and are both basses 'on' all the time?
  4. Is the whisky included in the price? 😋
  5. This is the place we use. Fairly near Paddington Station: http://www.westbournerehearsals.com/index.htm Pretty friendly and the gear is ok
  6. So a nerdy question......I use both a (reassuringly expensive) Noble and and a Cali 76 as my signal chain (on a passive vintagy bass), and plug it into what ever solid state power stage is on offer. I also have a Handbox R400, which I just plug straight into, because I assume that the pre-amp stage of the R400 does pretty well the same job as my Noble. What do you think the difference is?
  7. Perhaps the owner practices in a salmon smoke house?
  8. A Player's Capstan bass rather than a Player's bass?
  9. We are going to have to start calling you Reggie Risk now 😬
  10. Technically I swapped my Mark King (for an early Wal) and my 5 string fretless epic is up for sale at the Gallery at the minute. I am a leftie though Jazzy, so they wouldn't have interested you! I did it with a heavy heart though! I still have the t shirts 🙂
  11. Without hijacking a marvelous thread....Jazzy I am now almost an ex-Alembic owner ☹️ Beautiful, beautiful basses....but a bit impractical and too precious for playing gigs where they might get damaged. So a question for you....if you were playing, say, a vintage Jazz or Musicman through your rig, can you recreate some, or all of the same flexibility that Alembics have on-board...through the pre-amp/super filter?
  12. Thanks Jazzy....and for completeness, is the top rack unit a stereo splitter??
  13. Nerdy Alembic question for you Jazzy....if you have all that filtering goodness on-board your Alembic, do you need an SF 2 rack as well, or do you leave one set flat? And what does the top element in your rack do? Thanks...and beautiful basses and tasteful playing from you!
  14. Re Dave Allen and Shriekback, this photo is from exactly the period of 'My Spine is the Bass Line'. When Dave was in the Gang of Four, he had his basses made by the same luthier in Leeds as me (I was a leftie so had no choice whatsoever at that time). However, by the time he was in Shriekback, he was playing whatever G&L this on is:
  15. I love the fact Gibson didn't make left-handed truss rod covers. I bet all the controls work the wrong way (only Lefties would notice this sort of thing 🙂)
  16. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125213627688?hash=item1d27505528:g:5VMAAOSwBD5iN6J6 Has this had its neck/headstock replaced. or is it a fake?
  17. One of the best gigs I ever took photos at was a Dead Kennedys gig at what was then Leeds Poly in c 1983. This was when mainstream punk was past its peak. I didn't think US bands really 'did' punk. Until I saw the DKs. It started as almost a riot and descended into a full on riot. Unfortunately I was on the other side of the stage to Klaus Flouride
  18. I'm particularly digging the guardian of the sofa/Musicmen. Looks like a British Blue Shorthair.....but that's for Basschat Cats!
  19. I went back to playing my Joe Osborne from my CS Jazz's (1st world problems I know), and remembered how good Laklands are. I think the neck design is more stable than Fender, so they hold tuning much better, and they are just beautifully put together (and don't cost as much!)
  20. And was this actually recorded on a five string and/or octaver (rather than what I think is his original Jazz in the vid)?
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