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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1438104652' post='2831705']

    [/quote]Cor! That's lovely :wub:

    [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1438174469' post='2832256']
    In a moment of madness I made this. Modelled by my son.

    [/quote]Rock pose, or just being crushed under the weight? :D

  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438078344' post='2831369']
    Three guitars sounds like a lot going on in the same sonic space to me...
    [/quote]This. One of you is going to have to use a different kind of tone and I reckon clean and cutting (maybe a hint of drive) will do the job. Too much gain sounds like fun soloed, but often turns to mush in an ensemble. Best guitar for cutting through? As much as I love P90s (and I do, a lot!), it has to be a Telecaster.

  3. Go to the BassChat homepage, scroll down to the bottom of the list of forums and, lo and behold, GuitarChat! Still in its infancy, but from small acorns, etc. Remember, many of the members on BC are guitar players too.

  4. None other than Gary Willis says that fingering a fretless beyond the 12th 'fret' should visually be a bit on the flat side (for a lined board). This is, I guess, down to fatness of a fingertip in relation to the space available. FWIW I recently fitted flat wounds to my GWB35 and I could get spot on intonation on the E-G strings (I used a pick edge for precise positioning), but the B string couldn't be intonated totally accurately at all. Some strings are just not quite 'right', just ask Roger Sadowsky (he reckons lots of string are just plain duff). Using dots or lines for position is just fine, but shouldn't be regarded as the be and end all, ears have to be used too.

  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1437493100' post='2826514']

    [IMG]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-07/20150722_143439_zpsy1w0zcvk.jpg" class="ipsImage" />
    [/quote]Always nice to see another John Irving fan.

    Have you thought about having that p/g engraved, like a Zematis? Something curly and organic to match the overall feel.

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