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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. Brain bleach required (for both pics :) ).

    Not a fan of the look (unless you were in a grunge band of course). The photos on the original G3 album has Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Stu Hamm in shorts; they don't look good. Eric Johnson was the only one to wear full length jeans and look 'right'. The only guy who really pulls shorts off is Robert Trujillo (that doesn't sound right ;) ).

  2. Self build amp, OD pedal and guitar.


  3. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1435763648' post='2812236']
    Thank you for the post, it admirably describes the problem, but how to rectify......... That's the issue.
    Of course the answer will be different according to line up, genre, venue, etc, but still it's a problem worth trying to solve (or not)?.
    At the bottom there's the kick drum, some of the toms might be in the middle, valve driven guitar amps, and Hammond type organs/Rhodes type pianos also in the mids, cymbals at the top, and that's not even including the vox which are arguably the most important , so where's the bass supposed to fit in????. Happy bassist on stage with crap out front sound or muddy thud on stage and happy audience? Financially of course it's the audience that should win, but it would be nice to have a little fun myself too!, lol.

    Cheers Pete.
    [/quote]I found what works for me is a cab with a low mid range voicing, they sound bad soloed at home, but great in band situation. The first cab I had that achieved this was a Schroeder 1212L. I would have the EQ on my amp (a Mark Bass LMll at the time) set flat and just go with the voicing of the cab, sometimes adjusting the EQ for odd venue acoustics (this was rare). When I first got the cab home I hated it, but the good counsel of BCers told to hold fire until I'd used it live, they were right. Since then I've moved onto Phil Jones gear. My current rig still has the pronounced, low mid range of my previous set up, but it just sounds more refined, more hifi if you will, and is smaller and lighter.

    Listen to some other bands live (in a similar setting that you play in), listen for what you think sounds good and then have a chat with the bass player in the break. Obviously a player using a similar bass to you will help narrow down your search. Conversely, you can go to a dedicated bass store and ask their advice.

    EDIT: Synchronicity at work, I just saw this in the for sale section http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256385-fs-schroeder-1515l-cab-l250/page__fromsearch__1 add amp of your choosing.

  4. Sitting in the mix to me means having your own sonic space where you can be heard, support the sound as a bass should and not step on any other band member's toes. A muddy, boomy mess might fill out the sound, but it's not musical. A shrill, cutting sound might accentuate what you're playing, but it doesn't fulfil part of the bass player's remit.

  5. That looks the bee's patellas. Congrats chap, well worth the wait I reckon.

    EDIT: Hang I've only just noticed; 2 new Wals in as many months?! I call shenanigans and demand you put the fretless up for sale immediately; it's only fair ;)
    [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1432649179' post='2783563']

    a 2014 fretless MK1 with gorgeous stained sycamore facings.


  6. All of the above. You are quite likely to make a mistake, let it go, it happens to everyone. Setting up always takes longer than you think, I'm normally done in 15-20 mins, but as a band it takes waaaay longer; give yourselves 2 hours and then relax if you finish early. Have plenty of multi-way plug boards as venues rarely have copious amount of outlets. If something doesn't appear to be working, don't assume the worst, it'll be something simple like a gain pot turned down or a jack unplugged; don't panic and have a torch handy. It's likely to be hot (British summer weather notwithstanding) take a spare shirt to change into before going on and you can change back afterwards; a small personal luxury, but, as mentioned above, check your flies after the change :D . Most importantly, enjoy it, have fun, it'll show in your playing.

  7. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1435672711' post='2811241']As I walked in I heard someone say 'Oh good, a double bass'. So, go figure.
    [/quote]They probably wouldn't say that if I was playing it :D

    Bassace's post sums it up really, the world is full of music 'fans' who listen with their eyes and not their ears.

  8. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1435609377' post='2810638']
    Lists can be fun, but at some point you always end up trying to compare apples & oranges.

    eg. How do you decide whether Les Claypool should be ranked higher than John Deacon?

    Les is an avant-garde genius who plays the instrument like just about no one else, whilst Mr Deacon is absolutely solid as a rock, has written many classic lines & songs & is pretty much everything a traditional rock bass player is supposed to be. They both undoubtedly (imo) deserve to be on a list of the top 50 bass players but as to where abouts on that list in relation to each other I have absolutely no idea where to even start.
    [/quote]Perhaps we run it (yes I think we should do it despite the low take up so far) like the Oscars: best player in a supporting role; best lead player; etc. So, rock, prog, pop, funk, icon, etc. That way apples and oranges don't get mixed up, but can feature in more than one category. Waddya think?

  9. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1435388003' post='2808270']
    Half blood brother....

    Lull PJ4
    [/quote]Ooh, I say :gas:

    Shameless plug http://basschat.co.uk/topic/261950-1963-fender-precision-bass-for-sale-l3700/page__fromsearch__1

  10. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1434917728' post='2803873']

    Yeah, but the quick way to decent fretless playing is to listen to the masters of yore, use 12" speakers and avoid valve amps.

    Get with with the programme.
    [/quote]Oops, sorry. One of us, one of us, one of us. ;)

  11. Try as many things as you can and dispose of what doesn't work for you, that way you'll sound like you and not a clone of, whoever. Today I was using a pick with my fretless and was loving the sound. I may do it some more on other songs. There are no rules as such, just music. The modern bass guitar is only around 65 years old, so who is to say what's right and what's wrong?

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