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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. Just fitted a Hipshot HE6C 3/8" to my 4003s. This is the one that matches and, from web searching, fits. Er, not so much. Beware, the newer 4003s is ever so slightly tighter, about 1mm. However, after much sanding (I don't have a drill bit that large) it's on and works like a dream. In fact the action is much smoother than the Ric branded Schallers that are fitted.

  2. [quote name='Tech21NYC' timestamp='1440512539' post='2851392']

    My suggestion would be to try the amp first before passing judgement on the design. It was designed to be used with a full range cab or passive cab. The Blend control can be used if you want to reduce the effect of the speaker emulation.
    [/quote]Wise words.

    For me, I like to have the sim engaged on the VTDI all the time, going through my Phil Jones rig. It just 'tightens' the sound up nicely.

  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1440506020' post='2851325']

    Hard to pick a favourite, but perhaps Rene Flachsenhaar (04:17) for his solid, old school funk.

    [/quote]+1 and the Italian chap @4:19 for me. Both have a really nice groove, but in differing styles. Having massive chops is fun for the occasional 'stunt' but give me a deep, solid groove anytime.

    Scott Devine was nice too.

  4. Here's one for the Rob Allen users out there. Sometime ago, I saw a post where the owner of an MB2 (I think) had replaced the nylon covered LaBellas with 'ordinary' flatwounds. I thought it was Beedster, but no. He suggested Legion, no again. I know someone out there is doing it and I'm sure I didn't dream it. So, whoever you are, what strings are you using and how do you find the tone compares to the nylon wrapped LaBellas?

    Many thanks in advance :)

  5. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1440436224' post='2850722']Or you could buy the powered extension cabinet. Just be aware that I don't think those 5" drivers are particularly efficient, so that 250 watts on thepowered extension cab might not get you massively loud.
    [/quote]My PB300 keeps up with with my current 5 piece just using a Bass Buddy to power it (I do also use the Cub as a head too occasionally), the band aren't hugely loud, but they're not quiet either.

  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1440098290' post='2848351']
    I frequently keep time in my beat group so I will not resort to cheap arcade games to tell me I'm not good at it.

    Actually, I'm scared to do it in case I'm shown up !
    [/quote]Pretty much how I felt before I had a go.

  7. Another one of the annoying FaceBook things, but a bit of fun. This was the quote that really sucked me in, [b][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#8A8F93][size=4]"[/size][/color][/font][/b][b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#8A8F93][size=4]Take the test below and find out if you're a human metronome or a bass player's worst nightmare."[/size][/color][/font][/b]


    I got 898, I wish I could've used my foot on the mouse, but that might've been expensive.

  8. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1440013729' post='2847646']

    That was going to be my first reserve in case the bassist jokes start; but the version I heard was;
    "How do you know there's a drummer at your door?
    The knocking speeds up, then slows down, then they come in when you don't expect them to"

  9. What do you call a drummer without a wife or girlfriend? Homeless.
    How do you know when there's a drummer at the door? The knocking speeds up.
    What do you call 5 drum kits at the bottom of a lake? A good start.
    The U.S. Cavalry are approaching a Sioux war party, when they hear the war drums. "I don't like the sound of those drums," says the captain, when from the war party comes the reply, "Don't worry, he's not our regular drummer."

  10. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1439968003' post='2847058']

    I probably depends on genre as much as anything. I love the tone and clarity of my PJB gear, it's just that to get anything close to what I would describe as 'bass' I need to go to at least 250w in PJB terms. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking PJB gear at all, I've got loads of it, but the Briefcase and the Flightcase at 100w and 150w respectively do not cut it in anything other than a very quiet room. And it's not just about the band, it's about the ambient noise also, I've sound-checked with a Flightcase and found it fine only to find that when the room fills up it isn't, neither for me or the audience.


    Flightcase on top of a PB300 - now you're talking!

    Slightly OT (massively OT); Chris, am I right in thinking that you're using a Rob Allen without the nylon wrapped flat wounds? If so, which ones are you using and how do you find it affected the tone? If I'm wrong, oops! Sorry for the derail.

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