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  1. Oh band dramas, the sh!@ has really hit the fan with this one, honestly I sometimes wonder why we put ourselves through this

    1. tvickey


      Do tell @shoulderpet... I'm a bit drama starved.  Let me guess, something with the drummer?  

    2. shoulderpet


      No, between 2 guitarists, in a nutshell I did an accoustic gig at the weekend with one of the guitarists, we had universally agreed that as a whole band we were not ready. 


      Anyway one of the guitarists offered me the gig with me and him as he was confident we could do it, I accepted aIs had been told the other guitarist had been told about this and was fine with it.


      We did the gig and it went down very well, anyway the next day I get an irate phone call from the other guitarist demanding to know why we had apparently gone behind his back and done the gig and he has only found out from other people, I genuinely thought he knew about it and had even been told he was coming to watch the gig.


      Anyway after discussing it seems to be a miscommunication but the 2 of them but they don't seem to be communicating


      Now stuck with the unenviable role of trying to get the 2 guitarists to talk and sort out what happened

    3. Rich


      Oh FGS. Git 2 sounds like either a primadonna or just a poor delicate little flower.

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