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  1. Anyone here use short or medium scale Rotosound swing bass? Just put a set on my Hofner and the E string has some really weird overtones, wondering if these die down once the strings break in.

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    2. naxos10


      This scenario happened on my Jazz Bass 77s flats but itdid dissipate after checking for twist and making sure it was at the right witness point. The katter took 3/4 attempts and then after a week or two the E string started to settle down

      You could contact Rotosound and thety will probably send you a new E string out.

    3. Osiris


      I seem to think that I read about this issue ages ago where some short scale Roto's had weird overtones. It may have been on Scott Whitley's website which was called something like shortscalebass.com but doesn't look like the site is still active for me to go back and check. Either way, IIRC, you're not the first to notice this. But I always use long scales strings on my short scale basses and have never had any issues and I've been doing it for a few years now 😀

    4. naxos10


      You are right about the comments on the Scott Whitley bass site Osiris, I remember those as well.

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