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Everything posted by fumps

  1. I got my lovely Stagg from our very own Artisan (A outstandingly handsome fella) from a beginners perspective it's a fantastic piece of kit. Although i have no experience with higher value instruments it is a EUB I cannot praise enough !
  2. Try a drummer stool. my mate has three for his practice room & they work perfect i think they were £20 each & are very sturdy & comfortable for the price
  3. I'm only allowed out at certain times........god dam registers
  4. So lets have a poll .......who has hugged their bass (Guitar or Upright) I have ......on both counts
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  7. fumps

    old zoom multi fx

    I have been playing with an old Zoom 506 & plugging that in to my Boss 20B, I have now added a big muff & can make some lovely fuzzy loveliness that added now with my Stagg upright I can make some very pretty warm "Woom" noises......it makes my lady giggle I cant knock the 506 for the cash good toy for the money
  8. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1342532322' post='1736667'] It's very natural to cuddle an upright bass! [/quote] Yes.......i'm glad it is lol
  9. I love my Stagg so much I sometimes cuddle mine ......is that strange ?
  10. THe EUB section is great check out the "no pain no gain" thread. people are always ready to answer question in the special section for the double & EUB section. great corner of the forum
  11. Awww i so want to go to the Secret garden party.....maybe going next year . hope you have a hoot mate
  12. I've been looking for a cheap camp fire acoustic for years but never found one that actually knocks out enough noise to sit & play with others......the pickings are slim in Leeds shops so I am yet to find one that is worth the money. Although I did try the Ibanez semi that made me GAS for a while.......but i'm yet to drop lucky on a cheapy for camping !!! I also just want to add that a mate of mine landed on one for £40 in a local junk shop last week....grrrrr why is it never me ?
  13. OOOO a new 'Nez.....i have a thing for Ibanez Bass'. congrats on the new slab lass......hope you are as happy with yours as i am with mine.
  14. Daft Punk-the Tron legacy film score.....awsome peice of work !!!!
  15. I'm no expert mate unfortunately but my love for this bass is going to be my primary reason to follow this story. I have often thought about the day I may look at an upgrade but to be honest I'd rather do this & mod my bass than change to something else . Good luck with this mate I am happy to see someone do what I've often considered myself in the past.
  16. I've just read this entire thread with my mouth wide open. beautiful workmanship & it's clearly a instrument that once finished will be loved. I am in awe of this & it looks so amazing it hurts lol I cant wait to see this finished. I wish i knew where to even start on something like building a bass never mind a 4005
  17. That is lovely.......well done that man, that really is a pretty thing to behold !
  18. arrghhhhhh I have that bass & I winced when I saw it in bits...... .................make it a real monster bass !!! These basses are so over looked it's criminal I love mine with a passion. i will be watching this with great interest. what are your plans ?
  19. no worries guys i'm glad my learning is helping others. maybe a sticky for this kind of stuff could be a way forward in another sub forum ? as I say I have a excel work book with all these in & as I go on I will add more pages. But I'm loving the learning process of music now.....so expect more things like this to follow & maybe the odd stupid question to help my little tiny mind understand the obvious lol
  20. Am i really sad that i know all the names of the line ups of RHPC I'm going to sulk now.......but in my defence i actually do like the other members & think they are talented too
  21. lol cheers Dad3353. I'm not looking to become a theory oracle, just a basic understanding of what I'm playing is what I'm aiming for, if I knew it was like this though I'd had done this ages ago. As soon as I used to hear "Theory" I used to instantly start working out my shopping list in my head until the person changed the subject because it was something I never thought would go into this dusty dried up cow pat i call my brain. [attachment=112908:minor.JPG] hope this one is of use to someone. Alternatively i have all these charts now on one Excel workbook so you can play around with them if you want. just pm me your e-mail address & i will send you the workbook & can always send you updates
  22. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1342018307' post='1728179'] Add the minor scales to this too and I've got another for the laminator [/quote] Will do mate just give me a bit a time & i will post it !
  23. [attachment=112859:notes.JPG] I did this one as well
  24. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1342011777' post='1727990'] I hear ya OP I'm the same age as you and for too long I've been a bass karaoke'ist And in that I mean I can play the songs I learn with a decent groove and feel, but I know nothing about music or basic chord structures and would fail miserably to make my own lines on the fly in a jamming situation. Deep down I know I've got it in me, but I need to start opening up that side of my brain and learn some fundamentals. Looking to start taking lessons as soon as I get my wedding out fo the way in Sept. Good luck on your journey, hopefully I won't be far behind ya! Ming [/quote] Yes mate the best way I'm finding is to start from the start, the funny thing I'm getting is that my hands & technique is above what i'm learning but now because i'm understanding what i am learning, the information is instantly useful. Have a go mate, i'm really enjoying my journey so far !
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