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Everything posted by Bridgehouse

  1. Flip flops may well be the only slap that I can tolerate...
  2. Shame they don’t do a 5 string. I’d be all over it right away
  3. Thing is, I know this already. It’s not like I’m expecting it to be good or anything. I think I need more pills. NURSE!
  4. If I really wanted to scratch the itch I’d get an early 70s slot head - but with a custom fretless on the way it’s really not the right time to stick that sort of money down in a hankering!!!
  5. And yet I still have a hankering...
  6. I can’t be a*sed to change my pic. It’ll get swapped when the new ACG comes.. maybe
  7. I do that already - plenty of rolled off tone with flats. No, this is more about just some weird hankering for the aesthetic. SG body shape that’s awkward to wear, far too much neck dive, odd bridge, dodgy intonation.. you know, that sort of stuff
  8. @Al Krow - Mate, you should have just accepted with good grace that they didn’t want you to have the guitarist job...
  9. I guess it’s the idea of finding a cheapie £100 bass and then dropping huge amounts on upgrades - we all know that’s how it ends up
  10. Seem to have a hankering for an EB-0 type bass. Cheap and cheerful probably. Might even turn into a mad upgrade project. Am I mad?
  11. Oh I don’t know, I reckon she’s at least decent USA made equivalence, and definitely MiM
  12. I wouldn’t take my negativity as bad publicity...
  13. Nah - Alan hasn’t started building it yet! 😂
  14. Indeed - it’s a great bass. It’s had a lot of time and effort put into it, and the electrics are now top notch East with a Nordstrand pickup. But yet I just don’t miss it.
  15. Truss rod failed. Looks like it just split under pressure and bent out popping through the back of the neck. As it happens the neck repair is minor and will be easy. The issue was getting the fretboard off. New truss rod will be a different design and make so no chance of a repeat.
  16. I’ve heard from Jon. It’s a full board off, new rod, neck repair then board back on job. He’s trying to fit it in around builds and courses when he gets spare mins. Fair enough. You know what’s really sad tho? I’m not missing it. 😞 Which to me means it’s going to be a sell and get rid job.
  17. I’ve got the SCR-DI which is that plus a scrambler overdrive. I like it - it does a passable SVT ish tone and certainly adds something. The scrambler not so much..
  18. I have a 64 Precision. Why? Because I’m a sheep, got caught up in the fervour and herd mentality and decided an inordinate amount of money would get me a much better bass than any modern rubbish.
  19. Funnily enough Mrs B bought me one of these a few years back for my birthday! Sadly it was duff and had to be returned as faulty.. I don’t think she’d go for one again..!
  20. All good ideas guys - keep em coming!
  21. I’ve got two wireless systems 😂
  22. Mrs B is most disappointed - the suggestions have dried up, and she was convinced you’d all be well over enthusiastic in trying to spend someone else’s money!!
  23. I, er, I just... As someone once wisely said on “another” forum to wit I am a moderator ”That nut is so well crenellated that it could repel the marauding armies of Saladin”
  24. You have to earn at least the value of the bass in paid gig/session work or they come round and take it back off you.. They must have a full repossessions shed somewhere 😂
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