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Everything posted by Bridgehouse

  1. You got eyes for the green 51P huh? It's currently got a one off ric-o-like single coil in it which is properly rude and naughty.. but suits it very well
  2. Heh - yeah he is.. It's a great bass - lightweight, and has a unique tone being hollow. It cost very little actually - I'd say probably about £300 all in including some custom hardware and a hand wound pickup. It does sorely need de fretting tho....
  3. Ah you're a comedian.... Here it is once I'd bolted the stick on it..
  4. I reckon it had about 6 coats on. Cut back in between and buffed. Nice and satin. It's actually a great bass. Got Grainger hardware on it and a custom wound split coil 51P pickup. Funnily enough it would be No.1 candidate for a fretless conversion.. hmm...
  5. If you leave plenty of drying time between coats and let it build then it does a good satin finish. You could go gloss, but it would take a helluva time!
  6. The truss rod was of an older rather odd two way design. It decided to dump its weld and split - the tension in it kicked out and cracked the back of the neck. The new rod can’t do this, and it actually keeps the neck a lot straighter anyway - pretty much transformed it’s playability
  7. I hate to admit it but that does look really good mate. You’ve learned some valuable lessons on spraying and next time you do a build you’ll use tru oil 😂
  8. Really interested in how you approached it and what you did mate.. I am quite tempted to try a de fret and see how it works out!
  9. Yes, agreed. I think I'd have gone for anything other than a white pickup cover tho!
  10. Wet rag and quick play didn't go well then?
  11. If it doesn't work out I'll have it and de fret it as a project. I'll be getting the turps on that headstock tho
  12. I’ve posted a WTB ad for a fretless shed. I’m not holding out much hope tbh so maybe I need to get the yacht varnish out
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  14. Good on you! I’m looking for a fretless shed I can fettle not a decent acoustic to butcher
  15. I’m sure it will be fine for his standard of playing without any of that excess stuff 😂
  16. You’ll get decent cash for that! Quick wet cloth round it and it’ll sell. Looks too nice to de fret and stick yacht paint on!!
  17. This is where I absolutely don't say anything that might incriminate myself, right? Got any pics?
  18. Knock the frets out, fill with green paint and you'll have a winner on your hands there! Having done a few builds myself, I'd say you've done a good job if that's your first spray job. One thing I would advise tho... investing a few quid in replacement tuners, bridge and pickup will make it a much much better instrument...
  19. Epifanes? I think I have a pot of that in the garage. Not that I have a yacht of course... Why don't you want it?
  20. Oh gawd, I've just spent half an hour on fleabay eyeing up cheap fretless projects to give me something to fettle during lockdown. Nowt of any interest at all. There was this Encore fretless.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/fretless-bass-guitar/303553043225?hash=item46ad2bdb19:g:G-4AAOSwpeFeqAfj But apparently the mower is not included so that's a no no. Oh, and it's an Encore.. Come on Basschat, you can do better than this... after all my pain with the Shuker surely someone's got a crap old bass in a cupboard they can let me fettle?
  21. It's 100% genuine original tasteless fender paint - course it's worth more than 5 grand...
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