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Everything posted by Stofferson

  1. Currently Using the Ashdown Double shot https://ashdownmusic.com/products/pro-fx-double-shot Really good pedal, can do a nice grind, top end warmth or chunky and everything in between. shout out to the EHX Bass Soul food too, I had one before the Ashdown replaced it. Bite, gain and blend
  2. Saturday - played an all day rock/metal gig at Leo's Gravesend. Had the pleasure of using the in house cab, which was a Zilla 2x10 plus 1x15 in one enclosure. Bit toppy, bit boom on the low E, no time for adjustments, was nice and loud though. Very moist gig! Yesterday, Charity gig just outside Worcester, favour for my engineer mate. used my own cab, sounded amazing. Work this morning- knackered.
  3. Hard to say at bedroom levels currently, will know more after practice next week, feels tighter, more top end with the tweeter, cleaner etc. But less dispersion and pure barefaced beef, will know more at higher levels
  4. Considering just selling now, my 410 handles gigs fine and I'd like a new amp haha
  5. Picked it up for peanuts, just had a blast in the bedroom, yeah sounds alright and pretty light
  6. Hi guys Anyone had the pleasure of one of these on their travels? https://ashdownmusic.com/products/abm-210-neo Picking one up shortly for a mess a bout
  7. Looks great, like the idea of the torpedo built in too, would be an ideal Studio beast.
  8. But I really like my black one and it's got my band stickers on now 😂 but I'd have to get the ABM 1200 to run them haha
  9. Yeah I did ask a while back if it's possible to change, unfortunately not. it's not the end of the world, but I do fancy something different for a smaller situation
  10. Down in Kent next Saturday if that helps lol
  11. Putting the feelers out. Trade for black grill version, or Super Midget / Super Compact or something like that. Barefaced Two10 S - Silver Cloth Grill with cover Amazing cab, I have the four ten (black grill) so looking for either something different (the 12's) or to black grill to match my four10. Used, good nick, just putting the feelers out. Edit* more pics added* Purchased 2nd hand over lockdown and added the "S" 4/12 ohm switching kit myself purchased from BF. Was a 12 ohm, previous owner changed to 4 ohm (still have both those back plates too). Weighs so little and can happily can beat a drummer and a 412 Based in Mansfield, can meet up +/- few junctions of M1 j28, hesitant to post but can look into it. Specs below
  12. ahh sorry mate, my bad, mis read your post
  13. Hi mate I got these a about 2 years ago, pretty solid, cant complain and a good amount for the price https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01BD8VZNI?ref=em_1p_2_im&ref_=pe_4107641_391069431&th=1
  14. HI Mate Short answer is no, The amp goes down to 4 ohms lowest, the 1 x15 is fine, but the 4 x10 you'd only be able to run on it's own as that's 4 ohms, technically you can plug both in but that would take the total impedance to 2.67 ohms which could cause the amp to overheat / distort / fart out. If the 4 x 10 was 8 ohms the same as the 1 x 15 this wouldn't be an issue as the total would be 4 ohms which is safe for the amp
  15. Went swimming Monday night, now my ear is blocked, gyarrgh!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stofferson


      Dammit, wish I read the last bit first!


      Any who, luckily there's a local private ear wax centre thingy near me, got an appointment tonight for a full lobotomy after work. 🙂 



    3. Stofferson


      Holy crap I can hear again! Awesome!

    4. gjones


      Get one of these off ebay and you won't have to worry about ear wax ever again. https://www.crownheightsmc.co.uk/website/J82144/files/Ear Wax Self - Treatment.pdf


  16. Technically, the RM220 is sort of that, I actually have one, RM pre amp with a solid 220W power stage, guess people forgot about these with the 500/800 W class D versions.
  17. We'd like to think that most bands realise this, but you do get the odd one. Not everyone has their own PA nor needs one though.
  18. My rig aint that big or impressive, it's hardly a fridge and I'm young enough to not have a glass back. 99.9% of bands and bills I play, cabs are involved, whether I take my own or use an in house cab or gear share with bands on the bill. It makes no odds, I take my amp, I turn it on and I'm away, not much different to setting up whatever DI system you use, I'm experienced in setting up and down so I've had no complaints from engineers either. I like having my amp there, and it's been fine for 90 years or so since the first amps where invented. To imply songs aren't good enough if I can't feel it is absolute rubbish, done plenty of DI only gigs, but here is my PREFERENCE, I like my back being flapped about, I have capable gear and I am capable of getting it right in the 7.5 minutes we have to set up.
  19. That might suit you in your experience, but in my experience, I like my rig behind me giving some power, as it's powerful music, cant beat that feeling. Cant always trust FOH engineers to give you what you need, or have the time to get that sorted, sometimes it's boom straight on, I'd rather my vocalist and drummer get the time they need to get their necessary mix through through the monitors.
  20. err yeah, tried and tested on many a O2 academy
  21. Ashdown ABM 600 and my barefaced 410 plus 210, loads of power and dispersion.
  22. I'd say that 90+ percent of users just have an 8 or a 4ohm load to contend with, 2 ohm, isn't day to day usual, it's great that brands offer this now with switching, but you cant please everyone with everything. If you had 2 x 4ohm cabs get the 1200W for dual 600W at 4ohm outputs.
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