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Everything posted by joseb84

  1. Ah great, I live super close to Shirley Baptist and my kids really enjoyed your virtual holiday club this week!
  2. Ah cool. No, we found Jubilee so quickly when we moved here that I never explored the central Brum churches, but do know a few people who attend them
  3. Solihull (Jubilee Church)
  4. More seriously great to see there are so many fellow church bassists on here! I am blessed to be in a church with so many great musicians (I'll often be the least talented on stage by a country mile!), especially one particular drummer, a keys player who is a member of a prog rock supergroup, numerous music teachers, an awesome guitarist and a number of great singers. Despite this, it's never about the 'performance'. Missing playing with them in lockdown more than anything else. I am less blessed that our church building is sonically as flat as a pancake, meeting as we do in an old office block. Our sound team do a great job given that limitations, and at the end of the day it is the worshipful quality that counts. I try and keep things simple for them by going straight to PA and letting them do what they want with levels. Although there was a terrifying time when they insisted on mixing the drums and bass really high in the mix to create an 'atmospheric boom', and putting a synthetic octaver on from the desk without telling me! I think that's been nipped in the bud...
  5. As no one appears to have posted it yet, this to me is the ultimate word on playing bass guitar in church https://babylonbee.com/news/worship-bassist-placed-church-discipline-venturing-onto-top-string
  6. Transatlantic - All of the above https://youtu.be/VFmnRbGTimo
  7. Hello. I'm beginning my search for a new bass and would appreciate some Ibanez input. My history with Ibanez is limited to a gorgeous acoustic guitar I tried in a music shop and somehow got talked out of buying for an alternative by the owner (a deep life regret 15 years on!) Don't want to make the same mistake again. So, my questions: 1) What model/s would you recommend for the following criteria: * Slim neck and easy play action (I have little hands!) * Can take being tuned down to D for a song and then back to an E when playing live without causing problem * Does well going directly to PA (via DI box). I may well invest in an amp at some point but this is my most common setup at present. * Around £500 to spend, either new or no work needed second hand (my instrument tech skills are non existent) 2) What kind of sounds/style would you recommended model give? Keen to explore a wide range of brands so want to understand the distinctives. Thanks!
  8. Thank you! And it's plain old Joe, but I think I might run with the Latin alter-ego. If not here then where 🤷🏽‍♂️
  9. Hi everyone! I think it's been about 3 years since I posted so thought a new introduction post was in order. I've played less or more seriously for about 10 years, having had a mostly classical music background learning piano and cello as a youngster. Most of my playing has been in church worship bands, but have also dabbled in a couple of original projects as well. I'm sure like for most that bass playing opportunities have been minimal in the past 12 months. However I'm very much getting the itch to fall in love again with playing the bass and being in good shape to play collectively when normality of sorts finally does return. And thought there was no better place to come to reignite the passion than here! I have a fairly simple set up at the moment with a 30" Jaguar going through a Zoom B3 and practice amp (usually direct to PA if playing publicly). Although the short neck is good for my slight and short build I am tempted by a good quality full length, but will post about that in the appropriate forum. Really look forward to connecting again with the bass community 🙂
  10. We're Going Wrong - Cream. The final motif is a very clumsy ending to an otherwise beautiful song.
  11. Definitely with the what works for you crowd as I kind of have the opposite story - I refused to play with a pick as wanted to be a 'proper' bassist and learn fingerstyle, then a few nights ago just went for it with a pick and loved it! My rhythm, precision and tone all transformed. Wondered why I hadn't done it before...
  12. Hi Josie - agree with nearly everything you say but would challenge the idea that all 'cheap' instruments are 'poor' and therefore off-putting to a beginner. These days I think there are a number of instruments at the lower end of the spectrum that are very good quality and enjoyable to play. While there's nothing wrong with starting on a £500+ bass I don't think you have to- £199 should suffice with the right advice.
  13. Bought one of these (the all black) on Wednesday. Having spent the last 12 years borrowing various basses from friends nice to finally have one I can call my own! Very pleased with early impressions - eminently light and playable, which as a 9st, 5'6'' and small-handed bloke was a key requirement. Was convinced within a minute of trying it out that short-scale was the way to go for me. Haven't had a chance to put it through a full rig yet (tho should be able to on Sunday...) but through my practice amp both the P and J tones are clear and well defined. Also looking forward to putting it through my Zoom B3 which should be arriving next week.
  14. British Sea Power at Camden Roundhouse last summer on the 'Decline...' 10 year tour. Great venue, great band.
  15. Can anyone advise me on an multi-effects/amp emulation unit that works well for both bass and guitar? I've been doing some research but it's not always clear from some product info whether bass amps/effects are covered. Looking toward the budget end and need something that will do a decent job plugged directly into PA if required. Anyone pointers much appreciated! Cheers.
  16. [quote name='All thumbs' timestamp='1450882684' post='2936683'] the best affordable (and available), versatile shorties imho include the Squire Jaguar SS, the Hagstrom HB-4, The Dean EVO, Chowny's CHB-1, as well as the SX stuff from the States.[/quote] Cheers for this thread - I'm seriously looking into going SS and want to stay at the budget end for now. How do the Squirer Jag and Dean Evo compare to each other? Particularly in neck width, action height, weight and overall sound?
  17. Two pennies worth from someone who sits somewhere in between the 'old gits' and 'youth' generationally... I agree with the comment that band music comes in waves. Since the time I have been into popular rock music (first album purchased was Parklife aged 10) I would identify three particularly fertile periods of UK band music: Britpop (94-97), what NME dubbed the 'New Rock Revolution' (02-05) and the Mumford-led folk-rock revival (10-13ish). Interestingly they have occurred at a regular frequency and endured for roughly the same lengths of time. There will be another wave (perhaps 2018ish?) and it will require bass players! However, also agree with the comment that none of the bands that might fall under these categories and the other big groups of that have transcended these eras (Radiohead, Manics, Coldplay) have produced an 'inspirational' bass player. Chris Woolstenhulme is indeed a worthy exception. I very much look to my Dad's collection of blues, psychedelic rock and prog for my bass playing inspiration and have never moved beyond Jack Bruce as my ultimate bass hero. So, I guess on reflection I am indeed an 'old git' at age 31
  18. Hi all, Been reading this forum for a few days and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Joe and currently live in Coventry, but am originally a Bristolian and have also large chunks of my life near Aylesbury and in Newcastle. I've been an occasional bassist for a number of years and have always played basses on loan. I'm now looking to get my own bass and have found lots of great knowledge in the gear threads. I'll post in the near future for some more bespoke advice. My music tastes are mostly in the blues/rock/indie spectrum and my main playing outlet is currently in church worship bands. I also songwrite and am classically trained on cello and piano. I look forward to being involved on here and a Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all! Joe
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