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Status Updates posted by Daz39

  1. Bugger; just found out that a friend from my previous job died today. She was in ICU with Covid for a few weeks, and was even posting from there a few days ago, but didn’t make it out.

     I’ve known her for ten years. She was funny, kind and leaves 2 young kids (7 and 4), as well as her poor husband. 
    I’ve said it before, but this year can do one.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nibody


      T he next dumb sod who starts spouting Covid is a hoax, I swear I will smack them in the teeth. So sorry matey, wife works on a "Red" ward so she has seen this a good few times. Heartbreaking for you loosing a friend and for her family (as a dad that bit hits me hard)

    3. Chienmortbb


      It is such a shame, in the first  phase we were all told that is was the old and sick that were susceptable to this virus but it has become clear that anyone can succumb. My thought are for those two children.

    4. Daz39


      Thanks all - Yes -  it's 8yrs since I left the firm she worked for, and although we did keep up on Facebook, especially once she had kids, we weren't close - seeing the hundreds of messages from close friends from home, work, school run etc. shows how much impact someone's passing has on those closest to her. A lot of her friends are similar: 35-45, young families.

      She wasn't even 40 - it's bloody awful - you're right @Chienmortbb; it's getting less choosy about who it takes, and although she was overweight, she had at least as many years again ahead of her.

      I lost an Uncle and his youngest (my age) son to Covid last summer - although my mum's been estranged from her entire family for the best part of 30 years, so it was slightly surreal.

  2. Has anyone else seen the Facebook update from @Chownybass about the '51 P-Bass 32" scale in the works? (Route 51) Oooooh, nice...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bigwan


      Now that's interesting....

    3. Daz39


      Managed it - blinkin technology.

      Yeah - they look really nice in that scale length.

    4. acidbass


      Lovely!  Would love one with tapewounds for recording - bet it would sound ace!  Nice to see the proper bridge as opposed to the ridiculously poor traditional design.

  3. V.excited about the Dingwall Namm sneak peeks. Especially #10. *twitches*

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