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Everything posted by Naetharu

  1. I doubt you could go far wrong with any of those choices, they're all really nice basses. I've not tried the Skyline but I have looked at both Sandberg and Maruszczyk basses over the past month and I found both to be stunning instruments that sounded and played beautifully. Personally, I chose to go with a Maruszczyk in the end for two reasons: (1) the price was just amazing. You're getting a top-quality hand built instrument for around the same money as a Fender Mexican P-bass which is just outstanding. (2) they are fully customisable - Adrian is more than happy to build your bass to any spec you can dream of. You can pick exactly the neck dimensions, inlays, colour, woods, pick-ups, pre-amp etc that you want. The ones on their website are examples but if you can imagine it chances are they can do it. The Sandberg's are nice though - just you're limited to the set range of options. If you are ever over this way (London/Essex) you're more than welcome to try my Maruszczyk. Anyhow, I hope that helps a little Best wishes James Edit: Just noticed you're looking at the Electra version of the Sandberg - I just wanted to add that I only tried the proper German models so I cannot say how similar the Electra is.
  2. Just purchased a Zoom MS60B from Ryan. Smooth purchase, great communication and it arrived quickly. Very happy all around
  3. Hi folks, I ordered the 80ohm version in the end, but due to a mess up with the shop they sent me the 250ohm model. However, it turns out they work fantastically. I've been using them with both my Ashdown MiBass via the headphone socket and also direct into my PC sound-card and they sound amazing. No issues with the volume at all, I doubt they are as loud as my old cheap phones but they still go louder than I would ever want them. The sound clarity is fantastic too, the bottom end is so clear you can feel the bass and the top end is utterly crisp. I can't recommend the DT770 Pros enough! Anyhow, cheers for the help
  4. Hi folks, I'm after a nice pair of headphones for when I am practicing at home. I've settled on a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro. For reference, here they are: http://www.andertons.co.uk/closed-back/pid36050/cid724/beyerdynamic-dt770-pro-closed-back-headphones-80-ohms.asp I'm a little puzzled as to which Ohm version to get however. I will be using them via an Ashdown MiBass 2.0 headphone jack for the most part. These come in 30ohm, 80ohm and 250ohm versions. I know the higher ohm versions will need a lot more power to drive them, so my question is what, if any, is the benefit of higher resistance models?
  5. Hi folks, I'm on a bit of a quest at the moment to find a nice gigging quality bass head. Of those that I have tried out so far, the Orange OB-1 is coming near the top of the list. However, before I part with my cash I was hoping to hear the opinions of a few people that have had one for a while and gigged it a bit. How well does it fare out there in the real world? Best wishes James
  6. Hi bud, do you know what the string spacing at the bridge is on this one? I know Maruszczyk do both 17.5 and 19 mm for 5's so just wondering which this one might be?
  7. Hi folks, I would like to try laying down some recordings and I was wondering if someone here could point me in the direction of a simple piece of software that could get me started. Ideally I am looking for something that is (1) not too expensive and (2) pretty simple to use. Cheers James
  8. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1439804890' post='2845822'] Now I like that idea! OK folks, any suggestions for songs that technically challenge everyone in the band? I'm up for it! [/quote] Well if you can get the singer to sit one out then my suggestion would be this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBG3ClH-AEk - technically challenging and awesome to play. but anyhow, personally I would not put up with being treated that way. I already found attitude like this from a keyboardist I was playing with and I really think it's un-called for. A genuinely friendly joke as a one-off ribbing is one thing, but a nasty attitude that dismisses you and your contribution to the band is quite another.
  9. That's one very nice bass! Any chance of a sound-sample?
  10. Just checked the video out and it sounds great! What an awesome bass - you seem to be very comfortable with the extended range already. Have you played seven strings before or did you just find it easy to move to?
  11. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1439743374' post='2845409'] Anyone played one of these? Seems a gamble in terms of the price... suddenly 650 GBP seems too high. [/quote] My only concern would be that you may loose value on that one compared with a USA. While it might be a bit more expensive at least you know if you go for a 2nd hand USA it's going to be easy to move on in the future if you decide to part with it.
  12. I think the thing with Bass Culture is that they are all hand-made to order so you can spec them out as you'd like. If you do go for them you'll need to find someone here to help translate unless you speak German as Christoph does not really speak English - but from what I have seen of them it's well worth the effort.
  13. Have you had a look at bass culture pickups? I tried a bass with some last month and they sounded beautiful. They're hand made and I've come across a few people saying that they've used them as an upgrade from USA bartolinis. Might be worth looking into?
  14. [quote name='TheButler' timestamp='1439678592' post='2845001'] Not sure on the PG, but otherwise purdy. [/quote] Aye, I was torn on it but I fancied trying it out in the end. Worst case is that I just order a normal one to replace it.
  15. Well after experiencing how darn nice these basses played I went crazy and ordered a full blow Elwood X 24+ in red burst with black binding and inlays on the neck and a Delano pre-amp. It's going to be something I keep for years so decided to go wild Basically this, but with active electronics, black hardware and binding, and in 4-string rather than 5. Now I just have to find some way to make the next five weeks zoom past
  16. Anyhow, Just to make a final post everything is sorted for me. The bass is being returned and I have a beautiful new one on order. All smooth as can be and very happy. Cheers for your help folks
  17. [quote name='TheButler' timestamp='1439566091' post='2844036'] So why make a thread about it? If I made a thread about every time I have returned something this place would read more like Money Saving Expert. [/quote] For the reason clearly stated in the first post - I was torn on whether to keep the bass and was looking for some advice from more experienced people to help me make my mind up before messing the seller around with a return. The point of the thread, which I think is pretty clear from what I said, was to ask for advice and not to complain about my experience.
  18. [quote name='TheButler' timestamp='1439561217' post='2843937'] I think this is the key thing really. £400 isn't pocket change and this bass wasn't, I presume, sold as being anything other than 'lightly' used? I think people are jumping to the defence of the seller as they '[i]know[/i]' him... [/quote] I really must state that I do not feel that I was duped or otherwise badly dealt with, and the seller has been very good to deal with regarding returning the bass and ordering a different model. This was no doubt an honest bit of miss-communication and nothing more.
  19. [quote name='TheButler' timestamp='1439509769' post='2843538'] Any chance of it being damaged in transit? Send it back and i'll pay £454. Pre-damaged means i'll not be precious, which means i'll actually gig it heavily; which, if I am led to believe the modest hype around these, would be a pleasure. [/quote] Na, it was really well packed and there was no damage to the packing - this is clearly caused by direct impact with a hard surface. My honest guess would be that the strap-lock on the end of the body gave out at some point resulting in a drop.
  20. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1439491812' post='2843385'] Is Adrian there? I sent him a long and detailed email and got no reply [/quote] Perhaps he is away at the moment? I know he is a very busy working bassist in addition to running Public Peace so chances are you've just caught him at a bad time. He's been very good getting back to me - even answering late at night well after working hours at times. Perhaps if he does not get back in a few days re-send the email with a different title as it could have been gobbled up by spam filters?
  21. Aye, if it was just a bit of wear and tear then I would be cool with it but there is quite a bit of damage. It looks like the bass has been dropped at some point, as there considerable damage around the jack socket. Its not simply someone being heavy-handed with their cable, its a major impact that has cracked the finish and dented the wood. The cracks are around three to five inches long all around the base of the body, and there is massive chips of finish missing. Also, the end of the body has been drilled into several times, and it seems the strap-lock moved around quite a bit leaving four nasty holes and a big bare patch with more cracks in the finish. It is nice to play, but in the end my aim was always to get myself a really nice bass that I am going to have as a proper keeper for years to come, and sadly this is just not what I was after. I think the take home lesson for me here is to make sure that I ask a LOT more questions and not to simply assume that everything will be clearly disclosed. Its my fault, I should have asked for more detailed photos &c.
  22. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1439504028' post='2843498'] You should've done that before posting this thread. There're a few stages to a sale and it's certainly not over when the goods arrive through your door. Out of all the items I've bought here three of them have not been what I considered to be as described. [/quote] My reason for posting here was simply to get some advice from level headed people before messing the seller around. I felt torn about the bass and wanted to talk it over here since I respect the people on the forum and trust that you lot will talk sense, which is certainly what I found I've no doubt the seller will sort the issue out, but I don't want to keep messing him about and so wanted to make my mind up [i]before [/i]contacting him and arranging for a return. Just to reiterate my post above, the point of this thread is in no way to grumble about the seller or otherwise simply complain. I just find myself in a position where I am torn as to what to do and so asking the advice of more experienced people seemed like a good plan before taking any action. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1439505029' post='2843505'] +1 £400 including shipping plus strap, gig bag and extra pickguard....? Given what folks say about these basses generally and what the OP says about this bass in particular, it still sounds about £200 shy of what you'd expect to pay for a used instrument. [/quote] To be honest, not really. In total I paid £453 for the bass to be exact, and the same model brand spanking new sells for £640 by today's exchange rate. Given how nice Maruszczyk basses are the prices are very reasonable indeed. Anyhow, thanks for the advice folks, its really appreciated and helped me think things through
  23. Naetharu


    It looks fantastic against the vintage white bass. I have a Squire that's got a tort plate I've been meaning to change - I may have to look into one of these.
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