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Everything posted by Naetharu

  1. Loving it! It looks great with the bold red and simple colour config. Congrats mate What specs did you go with for it?
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1441891162' post='2862654'] wow, that is seriously sexy! I also got a similar email from Adrian this morning... but although I love mine, visually yours is in another league entirely Mine is pretty pedestrian looking, by design, and I don't regret it, yours is a work of art... congratulatons!!! [/quote] Any chance of a picture of your one? Give how nice all of the Maruszczyk basses are I very much doubt its anything but awesome.
  3. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1441890499' post='2862639'] Very nice, i've emailed Adrian a few times and he always seems quite grumpy and not that helpful as I keep asking questions about narrow necks and narrow string spaces!! [/quote] I think it is more that his English is a second language - he's very brief in his emails and to the point but he did give me some good advice. I found it best to keep the emails very clear in terms of the English you use and stick to short simple sentences. I know where you are coming from but I am pretty sure its a language barrier issue rather than his being grumpy.
  4. Pretty quick - I think between five and six weeks. I was very surprised to get the email saying it was done today - I had expected to wait another couple of weeks at least.
  5. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1441887616' post='2862601'] Lovely bass btw. Please could you post the spec.? [/quote] Sure, Its a Maruszczyk Elwood X 24+ [list] [*]Alder Body [*]Flamed Maple veneer front and back [*]24 frets [*]Maple neck and fingerboard [*]Black block inlays & black neck binding [*]Black standard Maruszczyk hardware [*]Delano MC-4-AL humbucker in the bridge position [*]Delano JMVC-4-M2 single-coil in the neck [*]Delano 2-band active eq with the option of passive bypass [*]Pick-guard is made from maple finished in high-gloss lacquer [*]The finish is matte red-burst [/list]
  6. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1441884624' post='2862544'] I think its Maarooshchick. I'm probably wrong though, usually am... Eude [/quote] Yep, a polish friend told me to say it as Mah-roosh-chick - the r of 'roosh' is supposed to be one of those rolled European ones that we Brits don't have but otherwise that's it from what I understand
  7. That's a fantastic looking bass! Any chance of a video so we can hear it in action? I just checked out the build diary too and I have to say I am [i]very [/i]impressed with your work!
  8. My new one currently on its way to me via Fed-Ex
  9. Hi folks, I just got an email from Adrian this morning to say my new Maruszczyk Elwood has been finished and is on its way to me. He sent me a nice pic too so I thought I would share it with you all.
  10. Looks legit to me! I'd shoot them a mail and see what happens. Looking forward to seeing your new bass
  11. I use one of these - great quality lead, at a good price and nice fast delivery http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007C2MX68?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
  12. [quote name='Hokeypokey' timestamp='1441635151' post='2860435'] Thanks, just been having a wee look, can find Tanglewood Elf guitars, but there doesn't seem to be a bass out there Wondering if they're rarer than hens teeth?! [/quote] Have you tried asking a Tanglewood dealer if they can order you one? Chances are, anyone who stocks Tangelwood stuff in general could get hold of one for you - probably just not enough demand to warrant them keeping stock.
  13. I would say the answer is simple - just be up front and honest with them. Chances are they don't realise the work involved. Just be friendly but clear about what it would cost you in terms of extra time and effort and see if you can negotiate something. Perhaps they'll settle for a few funky songs amide your normal set or if they've really got their heart set on it they may pay for your time to do the arrangements. Either way, if you're up front and honest with them at least you all know where you stand.
  14. Hi folks, Since starting to play earlier in the year I've heard this comparison between so-called Vintage vs Hi-Fi sound made quite a bit. The thing is, I have no real idea of what it means. Could someone explain to me the difference and why one might be favored over the other?
  15. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441268297' post='2857319'] I also live not far from the OP and finding a good teacher round here isn't easy. [/quote] Aye, its hard to find someone that is an actual bass player (rather than a guitarist who claims they also know how to teach bass) and that is good at teaching. The guy teaching me was a fantastic player but I not so great at knowing how to teach and structure lessons. The other one I tried was really a guitarist and so while he was great for general music theory he didn't have a clue when it came to bass technique a such.
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441264292' post='2857291'] If you're organised and self motivated, then try Scotts Bass Lessons Academy. There are some really good lessons and resources on there. www.scottsbasslessons.com [/quote] I've signed up there to have a look - it certainly seems well worth following whatever way I go with the formal lessons in person. Cheers for the heads up! [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1441265276' post='2857295'] Yes, they undoubtedly helped me. A lot. As has been said though, the quality of the teaching has a lot to do with it. Every lesson would be some area that my teacher (Jon Caulfield) felt needed improving. Then he would show me a good example of what we were looking to acheive/play, and explain any theory behind it. Explain the techniques involved, demonstrate the technique involved, then work at it with me. Pointing out any things i should do differently, or any flaws in my technique as i was learning to play. Then we would usually construct a groove or line, that contained whatever aspect of playing i'd just been working on. So one week it could be ghost notes. Next could be legato. Next could be constructing a walking bass line. Next could be .... and so on. It sounds like it was quite regimented. It wasn't though. In general the lessons just followed this path. The feedback you get from a good lesson cant be replicated from online lessons, and as good as Scotts are (and they are good IMO) a good teacher, face to face will help you more. That why you pay more! Also, a good teacher will be hugely motivating when you see them play as it will open your eyes as to what can potentially be achieved. [/quote] Cheers, this is what I was after I think. I think this kind of structure to a lesson would actually be pretty helpful - I'm going to have a chat with my teacher and see what we can do. I've just found that so far I turn up and its pretty much left up to me to decide what we are doing that day. It feels like there is little direction or structure being offered to me which is perhaps the problem. I'm fine structuring my own practice, and I'm working on my Rock-school grades in my own time anyhow, but I think I need my lessons to be more organised on the teachers part than they are right now. Many thanks for your responses folks
  17. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1441243495' post='2857251'] If you don't feel you are getting anywhere perhaps you have the wrong teacher or perhaps you don't have a clear enough idea of what you want to achieve? [/quote] I have a pretty good idea of what I am after I think - in many ways that is more of the trouble since I don't need assistance in being organized with my routine or setting goals. I'm just curious what people actually do during their lessons as the ones that I have taken seem to be a bit of a waste of time. I just end up going through some stuff and spending a bit of time covering certain tricky bits in songs. Nothing wrong with doing that but its the same thing I would do at home anyhow and it's costing me £30 for the hour. I guess I am hoping that someone is going to come along and post that they do x/y/z during their lessons that has been very valuable to them and then I can perhaps try the same. Just right now I'm finding it hard to justify the cost given the return I am getting.
  18. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1441236260' post='2857230'] Not a dumb question at all, on the face of It there's no downside really, especially as it's switchable between the two. In my head it was an aesthetic thing, it's a much chunkier pickup, and a cost thing. As it happens, I'm not bothered about the aesthetic, and it's no extra cost to have JJ instead of J. So wth that said, I have a finished spec Si [/quote] I really love the look of the JJ - it gives the bass a little bit of an unusual appearance and looks pretty neat. Looking forward to seeing your finished bass when it arrives!
  19. Hi folks, Since I started playing bass in March I've taken a few lessons with a couple of different teachers in my area. However, I'm just not sure that I am getting very much out of the lessons that I could not simply achieve on my own with the aid of the Rock-school grade books and various internet lessons/resources. I was just wondering what other peoples opinions are on paid lessons with a formal teacher? Is it something that you have found useful and if so what did you focus on during your lessons? Best wishes James
  20. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1440957065' post='2854977'] Thanks Macdaddy. I've looked into that... it's more like a classic overdrive. It overdrives the whole spectrum, and doesn't have that shaking burpy low end. [/quote] I've been messing around with some sounds this evening and I've had quite a bit of success with using a parametric EQ to get this kind of tone. It might be worth having a go yourself and seeing what you think. I've only been using the cheap one that comes on-board the Zoom MS60-B pedal but it allows you to drive the gain to low frequencies hard while retaining a clear top end and it sounds pretty convincing. Not sure if that is much help but I thought it would be worth putting out there as an option to consider before you go for something far more expensive.
  21. [quote name='mal2404' timestamp='1440890154' post='2854631'] Cheers James, appreciate it and especially the invitation to drop in an try your [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maruszczyk.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Did you go for a Jake or Elwood in the end?[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]One of the great benefits is the ability to customise to your preferences [/color][/font][b]but[/b][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828] if I'm completely honest I not sure I really know what mine are! (Previous experience is picking up basses and thinking they either feel/ play well or they don't)[/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]I suppose I should Google how to measure radius and string spacing etc [/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I know I like necks that are a little "flatter" is their radius and I think I'm edging towards a P/J pickup option having the Humbucker in the Musicman.[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Did you simple email Adrian with your preferences or did you reference of basses?[/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Sorry for the dumb question.[/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Graham[/color][/font] [/quote] Hi mate, Sorry for being slow to get back to you - I only just saw your post. I've gone for an Elwood in the end. The stunning thing is that even with the high-end options and custom stuff the price is still outstanding. For my one I have ordered the Elwood X model, which is the basic Jazz shape. It has a flamed maple cap on the alder body with a matte red-burst finish. I've got black block inlays and black neck-binding on a maple fret-board, black hardware, an MM/Single Delano pickup config and a Delano 2-band eq with active/passive options. All of that came to just shy of £850 (around 1150 euros) which is about the same price as a higher-end Mexican Fender. In terms of contacting Adrian just email him on the [email protected] address. He's pretty quick at getting back and more than happy to help out with any questions. It might take a while to get your dream bass set up but he seems to be full of good advice. Also, check out the pick-ups from Bass Culture that he often uses. They're pretty awesome if you're looking for a smoother tone - I was very tempted but erred toward the Delano's in the end having used a Maruszczyk with them in already and loved it. I must admit I am already getting GAS to order a Frog 5-string with Bass Culture pick-ups. Anyhow, I hope that helps a little - let us know what you go for in the end! Best wishes James
  22. [quote name='mal2404' timestamp='1440939382' post='2854836'] It's giving me lots of confidence with these basses, just that there is now soooooo.... much choice on the website [/quote] The main thing here is that given each bass is made by hand, the website serves more as a collection of examples rather than options in the traditional sense. I found that emailing Adrian was very helpful as he offered me some great insight into the best pick-up/electronics etc given what I was after in terms of end result.
  23. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1440962614' post='2855014'] hmmm... not a bad idea. I've never even thought of an attenuator for a bass amp. A guitar amp, yes. [/quote] This is the one that I use - no idea about the rules of using one with a bass amp so might be worth dropping the guys at THD an email if you decide to go that way. I've dealt with them a couple of times and they've always been very friendly and quick to respond. http://www.thdelectronics.com/product_page_hotplate.html
  24. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1440961047' post='2854998'] Have you tried using some kind of attenuator between amp & cab so you can run the amp at gig settings but control the overall output? [/quote] +1 to this I use an attenuator on my valve guitar amps for just this reason and it works wonders. Never tried it on a bass amp but I imagine it would be just what you are after if the sound you want comes from driving parts of the amp hard.
  25. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1440885188' post='2854599'] As well as plenty of set options, you can spec your own build by using their 'configurator'. [/quote] I don't think they offer that for the Electra basses. Its only an option on the full German made ones.
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