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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. Cheers Lozz - did you put the pedal in the FX loop or between the bass and amp?
  2. Hi All - Recently got a Tecamp Puma 500 after my Ashdown ABM evoii developed an issue. Using it with my 2 Barefaced super compacts isn't quite hitting the mark like the ashdown used to.. The top end is lacking somewhat and I was thinking to put an EQ pedal into the effects loop of the amp to try and drag out some of the frequencies that are (to my ear) missing, as I used to boost a little on the 1.3khz and 2.4khz sliders on the ashdown. Those frequencies aren't there on the PUMA, Hi-mid is 800hz and then the Hi is 8khz. Thoughts?
  3. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1431570299' post='2772709'] Sounds like the pre amp valve is on the way out. Do you still get the crackling when you turn the pre amp to solid state only? If not then the valve needs replacing. Although pre valves last much much longer than output valves they can fail prematurely. [/quote] It's one of those annoying intermittent faults - have had it running for hours at home with an ipod playing through it with no issues - dont think I could trust it on a gig again now though...I've never engaged the valve drive for any length of time and certainly don't use it for gigging, don't like the sound of it..
  4. Should also try the Roadworn P-Bass if you get a chance. MIM made but they have a really 'played in' feel to them right out the box. Nitro finish which looks amazing especially in the sunburst. One of the best P's I've had. I still favour my see-through blonde '78 over it but that's just coz I used it for such a long time!
  5. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1431527127' post='2772252'] Looks great. Is the neck as much of a handful as it looks? [/quote] It's actually very comfortable (to my hand anyway), It's just setup so well that you don't really notice the width to be honest. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1431547694' post='2772560'] [/quote] I take your point lojo - but to be honest Mark wasn't pushy at all - I'm not generally easily swayed anyway..
  6. Cheers Machines, it really is a thing of beauty! Visually and Sonically!
  7. So I went to Bass Direct yesterday looking for a new amp, wanted to try a LM3 and a Tecamp Puma. I'd seen this bass on the website but then them whilst demoing the amp (tecamp puma 500) using my own MIM Jazz, Mark suggested trying a different bass just to hear the difference it could make. He got it down from the wall and plugged me in. WOW. What a tone monster. All strings sounded even and the Low B, although a 34in scale, was nice and tight sounding too. We often get that feeling like the Low B doesn't have the same sound as the EADG strings, well no need to worry about that on this Bass. Plugged into a tecamp puma 500 running with flat eq and the 'taste' knob centered, and into my own Barefaced Super compact which I has taken with me, the sound was just SO good, nice and punchy in the low mids with just enough top end 'zing' right there with the bass and treble centered on the bass itself. So after a lot of self questioning, and subsequent talking to Mark and Marcus, we thrashed out a deal with me P/X'ing my Fender and taking the Bass and the Tecamp. Also got a gramma pad and a nice gator case for the Tecamp. In short I'm now very excited for the weekend to get the whole thing out and hear it at gig volume, I'm pretty sure it's gonna cut through the mix like a beast!
  8. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1431348854' post='2770225'] Bass Gear in Twyford just outside Reading? [/quote] Thanks - Yes they've been on the radar too. Browsing the website I think Bass Direct might have a bit more stock on hand...
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1431347659' post='2770203'] Wherever you go I'd make an appointment so they have the time and space set aside for you. Bass Direct has to be the best shout really. [/quote] Thanks - I've already been in contact with them!
  10. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1431347752' post='2770207'] PMT in Birmingham might be worth a look - its a massive store but PMT only seem to ever stock either Ashdown or TC Electronic amps. [/quote] Yeah I went to their Bristol store a few weeks back and all that was there was TC / Ashdown and and OTB500. Nice chaps tho.
  11. As above I got a day off tomorrow and am going looking for a new amp. Looking for somewhere with a good selection of heads, and who'll let me try them using my own bass and cab (not an 8x10!, a barefaced supercompact). I'm in South Wales, willing to travel anywhere in between Birmingham and the south coast.. I know about Bass Direct in Warwick, definitely on the radar, anywhere else?? Cheers guys Lewis
  12. Got it on test in the house now - running the ipod thru it and waiting for something to happen... Have heard a bit of noise on the pots, hopefully it's as simple as that... Bruce, I don't or never have used the valve drive...always disliked the sound of it! Largo - Its possible, could also be something in the pedal board I guess, although didn't have any issues when I switched to my backup amp for the second set on last night's gig...
  13. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone has experienced this? Started after about 3 songs into last nights set - Loud crackling somewhere in the pre-amp, know its in the pre-amp coz I could see the vu meter jumping when it was happening... Here's hoping its something simple!! Was thinking it could be the Valve / dodgy input socket / dirty pot ?? Amp was bought new in 2006, I am the only owner.. Cheers!!
  14. +1 for the 2 super compacts + Ashdown ABM setup, exactly what I'm using. Was toying with getting a smaller head, but there really is no need. I've in fact convinced myself that if my evoii ever dies, I'll just get another ABM head. Like Merton says, the small overhang isn't too bad, plus having the top speaker higher up means you get that juicy sonic goodness right in your ears!
  15. Currently using 2 gen3 super compacts with an Ashdown Evoii ABM head. Cant say enough good things about the cabs! Done 5/6 gigs with them now and they're breaking in really nicely. I keep telling other people - go on, lift them up! no-one can believe how light they are!
  16. Not owner feedback sorry - What's the difference between the big bang and a LMIII? All I can see is an Aux in and a headphone out with a level control, and a red paint job. Doesn't seem much extra when you can get the LMIII for around £400 mark now..
  17. So I used the cabs for the first time on Saturday night, Long narrow room, band set up at one end.. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's certainly the 'clearest' I've ever heard my sound - Also I guess the super compacts will get even better as they break in..[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's no joke, you could here everything, even next to my drummer, who is very loud when he needs/wants to be![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The funniest thing was that during passages of certain songs I use a bit of distortion with a flanger on top, I've always done it, but after the gig on Saturday night, the guitar player mentions during the pack down, 'Wow you really took over that section of the song tonight didn't you!'[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Like is said over and over by Barefaced users - Whatever you put in to them, comes out! Loud and clear![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Still undecided if I want to change the amp tho - I'll do a few more gigs with the EVOii first, then see how I feel. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My trouble is, probably like many of us, when I start 'GAS'ing for something - its very rare that I don't buy something.... [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I contacted Marcus at Bass Direct and he's happy for me to bring a super compact and my own bass to the shop and try whatever heads I like with it..lets face it, it's gonna happen, just a matter of 'when' and 'what'![/font][/color]
  18. LewisK1975


    [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1429124048' post='2748329'] It's not that bad! More importantly tho, how did you like the sound? [/quote] It's certainly the 'clearest' I've ever heard my sound - Also I guess the super compacts will get even better as they break in.. It's no joke, you could here everything, even next to my drummer, who is very loud when he needs/wants to be! The funniest thing was that during passages of certain songs I use a bit of distortion with a flanger on top, I've always done it, but after the gig on Saturday night, the guitar player mentions during the pack down, 'Wow you really took over that section of the song tonight didn't you!' Like is said over and over by Barefaced users - Whatever you put in to them, comes out! Loud and clear!
  19. [quote name='natjag' timestamp='1428949319' post='2746326'] prefer a warmer sound, having said that, I do like that the berg (with a GB shuttle 9.2 head) gives out what I put in. [/quote] If its totally uncoloured sound you're after - I know they aren't cheap, but you won't go wrong with a Barefaced Super compact. At £549 they are in the ball park of some of the other boutique type cabs. I have 2 of them and I promise you that you wont be disappointed...
  20. Thanks Greg - Mine were delivered after 3 weeks too. Happy Guy!!
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1428944955' post='2746255'] IMO the Barefaced Retro Two10 is a good idea. Email Alex at Bearfaced and he'll tell you if it will or won't work. [/quote] +1 - Alex will ask you the right questions and tell you if the retro 210 will work for you or not. I've just had 2 super compacts from him and I couldn't be happier. Extremely lightweight and sound incredible.
  22. LewisK1975


    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429009524' post='2746904'] Great, let me know... I've kind of got GAS for a Rumble Combo... probably never need the extension cab, but if I do get one I'd want it to match the combo... my OCD won't allow otherwise... [/quote] Ha I know what you mean - My OCD was kicking in on the weekend when I plopped my Ashdown ABM evoii on top of my new Barefaced super compacts. Amp was 1/2in wider than the cabs either side. Unless I change the amp, I guess the cabs will be going on their side from now on, but then the Barefaced logo won't be face up!
  23. Great news! I had some Bikes nicked from my shed once and they turned up in my local crack converters. Took a while with the Police faffing around but I got them back in the end..I think having a couple of close relations in the force helped things along a little....
  24. Yeah it's obvious that any manufacturing time issues are well and truly behind them - my 2 SC's took 3 weeks and 2 days from paying the deposit to being delivered!, including the easter break. Alex quoted me 2/3 weeks and he delivered! [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1428658726' post='2743425'] Trust me, an EVO II through two Super Compacts is an incredible sound Let us know how you get on! [/quote] Will do Merton! Gonna fire them up tonight at home (not for long - I get on with my neighbours at the moment!!) Really looking forward to hearing them at gig volume tomorrow night tho! Pictures will be taken!
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