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Everything posted by ricksterphil

  1. I have the junior model to this one - think it's the FJ-6 Fantastic bass, really well made and great tone - as good if not better than some of the USA Fenders I've had / played
  2. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1408458225' post='2530373'] SWR Workingman's 10 would be a great buy if you can find one. Can be had for £120ish and are awesome! 10" combo, plenty of volume and suitable for small gigs. DI out too so can go into the PA for larger gigs. [/quote] +1 I also have an SWR 4x8 extension cab - the combo sits on top perfick, and the sound is awesome
  3. "Interested? Hit us up" Made me want to hit them, still I am an old fart
  4. The jim Dunlop just has a big H (for heavy) on it
  5. I use a dunlop thick jobbie.....not sure of the gauge and can't be arsed to go upstairs snd check. Also tried gypsy jazz wooden picks (great big thick things, real nice to hold). Great attack, but they "click" on the strings which is annoying (wouldn't be at gig vol) I've got a couple of spares if anyone wants one (as in FREE) to try
  6. Old Safeway (remember them) green basket, turned upside down, stuffed with pillows Or headphones
  7. Fleabay has a source of Panasonic badged 9v PSU's Item number 230910313152 Not tried one but thought this might be useful
  8. Welcome, welcome Lots of major stuff on here....and a right lot of witty banter (better than on Dave!)
  9. The main dude at HotRox is very knowledgable on valve amps also + their prices for strings n stuff are competitive with fleabay + it's a 5 minute walk from my work (which I appreciate is only of benefit to me)
  10. Interesting stuff and I like the we blink thing for tickets (I presume it's Eventbrite or similar) The skill of self-promotion is key....and social media platforms make this possible if you're prepared to put the work in. I guess if a band can build up a big enough following it's easier to demand more cash to play if you know you'll get 100 or so through the door
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1408685706' post='2532458'] All of that is totally of no importance whatsoever. :-( What we need to know is whether that thing is your Blower Bentley! Oh, and will you be racing Miles'tones of this parish in his General Lee Dodge Charger? ;-) Welcome, Phil! I hope you'll thrive here. best, bert [/quote] Hey bert Wish that it were, it's a corker Spotted in Montecarlo, Tuscany (not the other one) Totally gorgeous and awesome.......waited round for quite a bit in case the owner returned to no avail as Mrs Ricksterphil wanted her lunch.....women eh, can't live without 'em, can't kill 'em. Lol
  12. Never really left Having said that, the stuff I learned playing on the flash stick has improved my bass playing (well I think so anyhow)
  13. Hi Been chatting on here for a bit and also made a couple of purchases (combo off Shep + cab of Oldman) Just back into bass playing after a sojourn to the lighter side (6 string jobbies). Played a lot in bands as a teenager/twenty something - had a lovely black Ric 4001 (sold it in 82 for £275 - sob) So back into it, just joined a blues band and revved up and ready. Gear SWR Workingman's 10 combo (ex Shep) sitting on top of an SWR 4x8 cab (ex Oldman) cracking rig for no money compared to list - sounds every bit as good as my old 100 w Matamp on 2 Marshall 4x12's (again sold for peanuts early 80's - double sob) Anyhow, enough walking about old gear I should have kept just bought a Farida Jazz Bass for £160 off fleabay. - cracking bass, finish is excellent as are the pups. Will probably stick a schaller high mass bridge on at some point and am considering some wiring mods etc Anyway if you're up for a back-up and are into Jazz's, the Farida is an excellent choice - Scott Whitley does a review on you tube Might see some of you fellow chatters at the next local meet up near Nottingham Phil
  14. Get it delivered to work, take existing case to work (empty) return with new bass and pretend like nothing's happened. hide old bass at work, under the bed, back of the wardrobe, behind the cold water tank in the loft etc. NB. Same colour and roughly same shape works well with this one. What to do with old bass eventually?........still working on that one
  15. ricksterphil

    Zen Drive

    Started thinking about using effects so followed a few threads on here. Thought I'd try using some of the effects I've bought over the years for using with guitar and started using a Zen Drive clone (called a Zed Drive, and made by Big Knob Pedals). Managed to get some really interesting sounds - brighter, fuller etc and found I could dial in just a touch of dirt too without it overwhelming the sound. You can find Big Knob Pedals online or there are original and clones on ebay at the mo
  16. Tricky one A bit like nuclear weapons, you can't uninvent the smart phone so not sure if PF is in the right here. The internet has changed the way people can access music forever and maybe Frampton is being a but 'old school' over this Maybe he should embrace the new era by offering a better quality video of the gig as a download for a tenner. Say £1000 to hire a production company to make and edit the video so he'd need to sell 200 to cover costs. DI the sound from the desk so the quality is reasonable. There would be graduate film makers falling over themselves to make such a vid for someone famous for peanuts
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407438939' post='2520618'] Arrgh, a pirate! Run!! [/quote]
  18. He shoots he scores! Let's do the scooby do ending
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407441291' post='2520650'] Scherwing [/quote] Yada yada yada " Got 5000 dollars, got 5000 dollars "
  20. On the strength of this thread I had a look-see on the Entwhistle site for some humbuckers, which alas there are none So I emailed Mr E asking if there are any plans to add to the range. got an email back the very next day saying that 'buckers are on the development list and will available soon.
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