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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. They do sound quite good, handle that " all important 5th string " well. Even with the bridge bottomed out the actions high on mines and neck shims in a see thru bass don't seem right. Weight is crazy. About the same as the 14lb sledgehammer I was using last week.
  2. Well the Rotos on the Dean are heavy and me being an eejit thought you meant against roundwounds. I've tapes on a fretless and the tension there is higher than the nylons. Same gauge but i've no idea who made the tapes. So compared to the Rotos and the no-name flats the tension is less.
  3. Chris 6 Peaveys is fine but if I went to 7 some might say I'd a problem. Ah just noticed your gear list. Explains things. How do those Zodiacs sound ? I've been kind of drawn to them lately
  4. Can't see a change in colour will make it lighter than mines. Still think of the savings on gym fees at £2.20 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wesley-Bass-Guitar-5-String-Electric-Bass-Clear-Pyrex-Transparent-See-Through-/201141215393?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ed4f360a1
  5. There's a nice Peavey Grind ending in 4 days. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=151374010259 Crazy cheap starting price at £50. It's the Vietnamese model same as mine, later ones don't have the scooped lower horn. Helleva bass, quality build, light weight and play themselves. Would be tempted myself but 6 Peaveys and no work till end of month say otherwise.
  6. Double shame it's half an hour from me and I'm between jobs till end of the month.
  7. Here's my Shorties Dean Evo XM strung with RS 88's 65-115 Ibanez Mikro Samick/Westone Hybrid. Neck and body bought from BC's Meddle,put together,wired and tweaked by my own fairs plays a dream even if I say so myself
  8. Tension's quite high and I'm getting some fret buzz mid neck.Things have still to settle and it could be the Benton was't set up 100% before.It's be kind of neglected while waiting on me getting strings.Raising the action a wee bit should help. I've Roto 88's on a Dean Evo but they're 65-115 and it's a short scale so different animal to compare with plus it's nearly 30 years since I last used nylons so maybe I need to look at technique again. One thing though I can't stop playing Dennis Dunnaway's bass lines on the Benton. Is this cause I meant to watch Super Duper Alice Cooper last night? Let you know how I get on as it settles down.
  9. Just got around to putting Status nylons on the Harley Benton PB-50. Very happy with them,usually use Rotosound nylons but thought I'd give these a bash. Bit cheaper,nice and smooth plenty thump. Might put a set on the Epi Thunderbird next. Oh and they look great against the Sunburst.
  10. That's some quality mods on an already fine bass. Well worth the asking price. Good luck with the sale , the buyer will have won a watch.
  11. Stuck on a job ATM that's overrunning by a few days and while sitting in the bar spotted this https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_bz_4000_nt.htm Reminds me of the Vintage V1004. Hope it arrives at the start of September cause I'm away for most of the month. When I get it I'll give you an a/b/c/d of how it measures up against my V1004, Cirrus and Millennium. Ticks most of the boxes for me. Natural, thru neck and active. 4 week wait will be a killer though.
  12. I've seen the denim and I'm sure there's a leather clad bass out there. But Velvet and Lace ? Sad n True. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Goth-Bass-Gothic-Unique-Custom-Jazz-and-Precision-style-pickup-/261532151853?pt=Guitar&hash=item3ce487f02d
  13. Had another play on it last night, 1st impressions were right it's a great sounding bass. The low B carries well and I've had re-think about the weight. When I started work cement bags weighed 112lbs and my tool belt still comes in at 25/30lbs so what am I doing saying " it's heavy" . Man up K.B
  14. Just been for a look at Andy's site and can't get over those prices. I can see that man being very busy for long time.
  15. The phrase was right. Basically what he has in mind is sound completely different from what he's using the example he gave was " Say I'm playing a Beatle Bass with flats, it sounds great but when I play it I don't want it to sound like a Beatle Bass with flats." I'm waiting on him saying " When I play a fretted P bass I want it to sound like a fretless jazz " In other words a pointless thread, says he might think about changing strings or pickups but " The bass I want hasn't been invented yet"
  16. Guy whose local was selling one of those Wesley acrylic 5'ers in purple. Thought I'd pick it up just for a bit of window dressing. Got a shock not only at the weight of it but at the clear tone it has. Can't really see me using it too much though. He also had a Kramer thru neck 5'er that must have the widest neck I've seen, it was up for grabs too but I never got a chance to play it. The Squier jazz and Hagstrom Beluga II he also had were more interesting.
  17. Thanks for the input guys. I'm further confused by what this fella wants to achieve. Comments so far like " I want a fretted sound from this fretless" and " When other people play this bass it sounds good just not when I play it" or " Technique is not the issue here " haven't cleared things up. The phrase " BawBag" springs to mind
  18. Thanks I castle. A fella over on TB was saying his fretless with black beauties was "dull" and he wanted to add a steel plate. Have no idea if it would work but I know a guy used an aluminium fingerboard ,he swore by it. Can't really see what he wants to achieve? He's talking about keeping the "clang" but having more "clatch"?
  19. I remember seeing a bass reviewed in the 80's in Guitarist mag. It was British built I think and the builder's name began with a W ? It was fretless but had a small brass plate inlaid at the end of the fingerboard. I think it was to help slapping. Any one remember this ? Found it. Doug Wikes. Now did anyone play one ?
  20. [attachment=170616:IMAG0226.jpg]Today was a NBD well really it's been NB Week. After a couple of lucrative shop fits and with a fortnight off I'd nothing really planned till last week when I saw a Tune TWB-4Z on ebay. Now I first saw the Tunes in Guitarist mag in the 80's and was dead keen on a fretless with piezos,course I've never even saw one in the flesh so for near 30 years it's been on back burner. Going for a crazy low price here was my opportunity, only I messed up the timings and never got the bid in. It never sold so I emailed the seller to see if they would re-list with a BIN,they replied saying after playing it again they were having second thoughts. Damn ! So I'm at a loose end and feel like I've money to burn,dangerous time,when a Peavey Cirrus BXP catches my eye,collection only from Leeds so I ask the seller about a courier it's his boy's bass and he's at Knebworth for the weekend but he'll ask him when he gets back. Checking on here I see one had been for sale couple of months back so wend a message about that too. The Tune goes back on sale,the lad says aye to a courier and there's a Millennium AC BXP on Cash Generators and I spend like a sailor. Tune arrived Tuesday and scared the s###e out of me,having never used piezos before or a Tune the way every little thing was picked up had me looking at every aspect of my playing,playing softly sounded so sweet but I'm still concerned I'm not up to the quality of the Bass.Both Peaveys came today,which is handy cause I'm off to Ayr for a week on Saturday,1st of 3 shop fits on the bounce. Here I was back on safe ground and I love my Peaveys whether it's my dirt cheap Milestone III, MIA Foundation,the Grind or International I love them all. Here's the pic
  21. Bought 3 sets of elites from Jimmy. Cheers bud your a star.
  22. Yeah Lads let's keep quiet here. At least till the end of the week, by then I should have my Cirrus
  23. [attachment=170615:Grind 3.jpg]I prefer the grain on that one to my own. But then I like thru neck and natural finishes, oh and Peavey basses.
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