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Everything posted by NHM

  1. going back to the gig bag question, I've got a Gretsch Junior Jet bag which is a very good quality bag. It fits my Musicmonster, LPJT doublecut and, perhaps not surprisingly, my GJJ.
  2. well worth a listen. She's so imaginative, creating distinctive bass lines that add so much to the songs whilst remaining a team player.
  3. On a slightly different point I played at an outdoor urban festival a few weekends ago, a council/community event, where the FOH sound was well balanced and appropriately loud except there was virtually no 'low end' in the mix. I wondered whether the sound company had been told by the client to minimise the likelihood of annoying neighbours by filtering out any sounds that might carry any distance.
  4. I picked up a cab, an ebay purchase, at 2pm yesterday and drove straight to a gig, loaded in at 3.45, soundcheck at 4.30 and started the first set at 5. And the new cab sounded great! I'm sure others could beat a three hour 'purchase to gig' turn-round, but I was pretty chuffed by my experience.
  5. The 'A' string snapping at the beginning of a new year's eve function and not having a spare. Smacking my headstock into a conga player's forehead leaving him with a nasty cut.
  6. I do enough gigs to make the 'hobby' pay for itself, and have decent gear and great memories as a result. I've always done band stuff in parallel with a full time job.
  7. Fender flats are great for country rock, and not too expensive.
  8. I've done it too, perhaps post the results of your survey here? How about a follow up survey on strings?
  9. Hardly used power amp, just done a couple of gigs running a vocal PA. 2x225W into 8ohms, 2x300W into 4ohms or 600W into 8 ohm in bridge mode. Slight bend on one rear handle, otherwise in very good nick. A good quality amp. NOW £80 NOW £75 Now £70 plus £10 postage
  10. I use one for classic rock covers, normally with an extension cab - but I think it would be fine on its own (and we are a pretty loud band).
  11. I agree it isn't a prerequisite, but I said it's a help which I stand by.
  12. Hi I'm just home from a morning rehearsal where the Vong just did its stuff without complaint or adjustment, just helping me get a great sound for classic rock covers, whilst taking an unwanted load off the amp and speakers.
  13. Do cartoons count? My first pic when I was in 'The Freak Bros', from a review in the Exeter 'Flying Post' following a gig in town in 1978, that's me next to the congas (good likeness too!). For the geeks, that's an Eros jazz copy.
  14. I agree, these are great basses and while they should be marketed correctly this is a fairly minor issue and shouldn't give the impression that basses are in any way defective. The stock pickup sounds really good. And lots of people upgrade pickups, especially on cheap basses, so what's the big deal? Mine is sitting next to me on its stand and it gets played every day as my 'go to practice bass'. That video sticks in the craw.😏
  15. still, good news if you prefer a single coil in your short scale.
  16. To get back into playing in the '90s, I bought a Kustom KBA100 combo from Studiospares (thinking that would be an endorsement of good quality). At my first gig a punter kindly pointed out that I 'sounded sh*te'; this turned out to be its one and only gig under my ownership, so that punter did me a favour.
  17. Thanks. It's always interesting to hear about a new compressor (well, new to me) and its mysterious and mystic ways.
  18. How are you finding this pedal? Can you explain the knobs and switches?
  19. Given four string short scales are obviously the best, there should be a 'basses for sale' section and another for 'anything other than four string short scales'. What would be handy is being able to sort sales by location. I like to know what's available within a car ride of home.
  20. I've played in a classic rock band with a similar set up to yours, and started to play with a pick to get greater speed, consistency and clarity required. I've tried a few types of pick and settled on a standard Dunlop 1mm - but I play closer to the neck, to offset the 'click' of the pick with more natural 'thump'.
  21. Will you let us know how you find the Vong?
  22. I give a vote to the Vong - I use it as an 'always on' pedal and I think it is terrific, it really cleans up the sound at the bottom end and the lpf allows you to 'squash' down the top end of the sound, and it gives you a volume boost facility as well as a di. Bare in mind it is a kit...
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