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Everything posted by tegs07

  1. revolution 1 - beatles could have been another number..
  2. Echo Beach. What was supposed to be a punk band suddenly had the guitarist girlfriend as a singer. She had talent. We didn’t. But the set list rapidly became inane drivel.
  3. We will let you get away with some artistic license. NHS … FBI close enough.
  4. Your music choice is always great. Your destinations not so great. Can’t you be driving your V8 down highway 101 to Santa Barbara for a change?
  5. Pedo Fernandez would not be amused. Only heard of him from a visit to Mexico where he is pretty popular … though probably wouldn’t be with your name adjustment.
  6. Indeed. The whole world is panicking as central banks revert back to base rates that were considered normal and safe before we collectively lost the plot and went on some kind of drug fuelled profligate spending orgy. What a total mess. If the western world was a band it would be the Happy Mondays.
  7. Agreed. I would add that the energy costs are not as big an issue as the costs of remortgaging in 2023 or shrinking rental supply and rising costs of accommodation in general. This is the next big panic the media haven’t quite begun to grasp …. yet.
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