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Everything posted by tegs07

  1. Not sure why anyone would re decal a Tokai particularly if it was an early MIJ one. I’d still like an early Tokai Hard Puncher. As much for the daft name as the quality.
  2. Fair enough. I’ve never really been into metal. I like Sabbath and some of the doom stuff but find a lot of it a bit too Pantomime for my tastes (I get the appeal though I’m terms of musicality).
  3. I think Fenders prices are about what I would expect them to be from an historical perspective. If you don’t want to pay the brand tax but want a “Fender” just get a Squire. Same analogy with Audi/VW and SEAT/Skoda. Bit less brand and luxury trim same basic vehicle but suffers on the resale market.
  4. Peek-a-Boo - Siouxie and the Banshees (Jeepers Creepers)
  5. I don’t feel guilty. If we all liked the same things the world would be a very dull place.
  6. My God are there 2 or more of them now. 1 is bad enough! Somebody Told Me .. Killers
  7. I actually like Nirvana now. At the time I was totally indifferent and as you mentioned just wondered how they generated so much hype when bands like Mudhoney, Pixies etc were barely acknowledged. I remember listening to one gushing review saying they would have a bigger impact than Hendrix. Now I can just listen to them as I would like to have at the time. Just a bunch of blokes with some good tunes and a great sound.
  8. I take your point but would also add that if someone needs to sell something quickly to raise cash being all moralistic and saying no sorry I can’t buy for ethical reasons is not going to be of much help to them either.
  9. My personal opinion is now is a good time to be buying anything of quality that is well made. If it has cultural significance or is collectible even better.
  10. In your opinion. I happen to agree though. I’m not much of a Beatles fan but most of the songs I do like are on those albums.
  11. I don’t think anyone made them not have a bass player. In the studio they used several session bass players including The Wrecking Crew’s Larry Knechtel but felt that the band never quite worked with a bass player. I guess having a drummer that preferred Jazz, a classically trained keyboard player and a singer that really wanted to be a Poet was complicated enough. Edit: You May be correct though. I know on one album there were a bunch of other instruments introduced to make a more orchestral arrangement that not all the band were happy about.
  12. I love finding new music. One of the annoying things about getting older is I find that my horizons narrow not by choice but circumstance. This makes finding new music and experiences more difficult. I have to say that one of the joys of Spotify (there are also numerous negatives) is that it can fill this gap and introduce me to new music I would have previously found from meeting new people, going to gigs, festivals and reading the music press. All things I do far less of these days.
  13. Precisely why I am not a fan of the so called beautiful game. Occasionally I despair at the tribal small minded mentality of our species. Slightly off topic sorry.
  14. I think not liking Gimmie Shelter should be punished by exile to Hull at the vary least (Hull is spelled correctly).
  15. Wow. Don’t think I have ever encountered anyone, anywhere that didn’t like a single Stones song.
  16. If Motörhead are the Bourbon of rock music then Coldplay are the Horlicks. I am sure they are nice blokes but a visit to IKEA is more rock and roll. Edit: Apologies if I have offended any Horlicks drinkers with this post. Any members of Coldplay if you feel offended please just check your latest bank statements then just laugh at me. Your clearly doing something right.
  17. True dat. Think I read it in Lydon’s book “Anger is an Energy”
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