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Everything posted by tegs07

  1. Cheers had a search but didn’t find anything- lots of jack cassidy bass threads though
  2. I have nearly completed a new project but am having issues with the output jack. I get sound from the pickups but only when the lead is partially inserted into the jack. The body of the bass is an ‘83 Fender Elite and has a hole that will accommodate a barrel type jack usually seen on semi-acoustic instruments. Can anyone confirm how to identify the R, T and S on these barrel type jacks as I can only think I have soldered incorrectly? Stereo jack with EMG active Pickups. Note the EMG Pickup wires to jack have been soldered (clip removed). Cheers
  3. EMG PX as described with good communication throughout. Cheers
  4. Currently I have Kelly Joe Phelps playing in the background and thinking these articles should really be titled “Who is the most well known electric lead guitarist of all time”
  5. The first time Clapton heard Hendrix play Killing Floor Blues he was so awestruck he had to leave the stage... but I know what you mean.
  6. Sadly never saw them live but did get to see The Mission and Fields of the Nephilim several times..
  7. I had a Sterling Ray34 that I really liked and having recently tried a Lakland PJ am very tempted..(bit over my budget to date though).
  8. The only Yamaha’s I have played have been a little modern in their styling for my tastes ( nice to play though) apart from an Attitude which I really liked but suspect was a couple of grand!
  9. Many of the nicest basses I have played have been around £500 second hand and Indonesian made.
  10. Then I would have to drive it ..
  11. Followers on Instagram are an important metric. My kids were deciding on who to see at a festival and ruled out some old codger called Lionel Ritchie as they had never heard of him and his number of followers was not high enough 😜
  12. Haha I’m no Adam Clayton but at least I don’t have to hang out with Bono..
  13. A great guitarist should contribute to the song/band. If a solo is required then great if not then just don’t do it. I like the John Frusciante nomination. I think I judge great guitarists by what they don’t play as much as what they do play!
  14. You could buy a low mileage used BMW rather than a new Dacia...
  15. Yep. For me great guitarist doesn’t equal boring widdle machine that doesn’t know when to stop. Its like Santana, some of the stuff is great but I frequently wish someone would take Carlos’s guitar and stick it someplace alongside Dylan’s harmonica!
  16. I have seen some very technical and accomplished guitarists live. Some bored the pants off me. I would prefer a few bum notes occasionally and a whole heap of soul any day alongside the fundamental ability to pen a decent tune.
  17. You may also be supporting some skilled luthiers and allowing an important craft to continue well into the mass produced mechanised market. As I get more of my income back I am trying to do the same as well as supporting small local bakers, butchers (haven’t found a candlestick maker yet).
  18. Paco Pena is fantastic... “Friday night in San Francisco” would have 3 contenders for the title...Another Paco along with McLaughlin and Di Miola
  19. Precisely. Presumably is well known and plays a lot of solos. Making Joe Strummer a 2 out of 10 despite being exactly what The Clash needed.
  20. I always find these greatest guitarist of all time articles to be interesting but a bit pointless. Malmsteem Is definitely a more technically accomplished player than Gilmour but Floyd would sound crap with Malmsteen widdling all over the place. It’s all very subjective.
  21. This is so true. “My” first bass was a borrowed MIJ jazz clone. I think it was a Columbus. It was made of a mixture of lead and concrete and a swarm of angry bees had been inserted under the control plate. I later bought an Encore P which was a bit like the Columbus but thankfully had no trapped bees.
  22. Yes very droll. As you point out some assets outpace inflation and are therefore investments. I agree that instruments are unlikely to make returns anywhere near early Fenders but there is a big difference between an investment and a get rich quick scheme. If you had 2 grand spare you could put it in the bank, get 0.6% or so return on it when real inflation is running at 3/4% and lose £40 to £60 a year or so or buy that secondhand Ricky or whatever you have always wanted enjoy it for several years and most likely make a modest return on it when it sells. There are better investments as you say but most of us can afford one house if we are lucky and fine art, classic cars and old wines are not possible let alone gambling on crypto currency’s.
  23. Met a guy recently who sold a pre CBS strat for £35K bought a camper van and spent lockdown living in it & off the profits. I doubt that the big names Musicman, Rickenbacker, Etc are going to dip below inflation if bought second hand. Cash in the bank on the other hand will be decimated over the long term.
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