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Everything posted by tegs07

  1. These boots are made for walking- Nancy Sinatra
  2. Brown Eyed Girl - Captain Grumpy Pants
  3. Misery is the river of the world - Tom Waits
  4. Is there something in the water at the moment? Lot of anger around. I can’t comment on your experience of having frets levelled but as for set up this is a fairly personal thing. I have bought two basses in the past from semi-pro guys that had their tech set the bass up to their exact requirements. I had to set both up to my own liking. I can’t see every luthier being dodgy anymore than every mechanic. If the jobs not done to your satisfaction there are plenty of consumer rights acts and bodies to work on your behalf but a polite phone call is normally all that is required.
  5. Glad your enjoying the Ray34! I have to agree. This was my old bass and It was the one I always picked up to practice at home even when I bought a US Ray. I can’t give you an accurate comparison in sound as my US Ray was a 2 band but I bought the Ray34 in a music shop and tried out a (Sterling) Sub4, Ray34 and a US Ray on the same day. I remember being really pleased with all of them. The Sub didn’t quite have the punch nor build quality of the US Ray, but for its price point was a good instrument. When it came to the Ray34 and the US Ray that gap narrowed considerably. I’m sure the Ray35 will be equally as good and second hand they are really great value. Around the price point of MIM Fender but far better instruments IMO.
  6. It wasn’t me - Shaggy and the other bloke I can’t remember.
  7. I don’t like either of them but I do like sabbath and Tony bennet. People like what they like. I’m with Bill Hicks when it comes to marketing.
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