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Dood last won the day on December 8 2019

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About Dood

  • Birthday 06/01/1918

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  1. So, the ever present question: Do I sell all these bits of kit that I don't actually use anymore, or keep them on the off chance that a band (job) might require them in the future. I could do with the cash frankly, but the value of the kit could mean that if I buy again in the future, I could end up paying more in the long run. Hmmmmmm

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    2. Dood


      @Daz39 - Well, the now Ex ain't telling me to get rid of anything lol :)

    3. Dood


      @Stingray5 - Well, it would be too tempting - there's always things I want.. I mean..err.. need.. yeah that's it.. need ha ha ha


    4. prowla


      That is such an amateur question!

      You know that if you do sell something you'll need it the very next week.

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