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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. I use the iM1 for sounds in my main band at the moment, but for chords in the back of stuff such as brick in the wall etc. I am using the reface for more dynamic stuff now like linkin park, but with the new band I will have room for a full sized keyboard. As a midlife crises it seems pretty harmless!
  2. Like all these things, its a question of practice. When I was a kid they used to leave me in the local department store where they sold organs and I would just play them and get quite an audience of people - the store seemed to like it and my parents could just dump me and go shopping (you know, it was the 70s, they didn't have problems with that sort of thing back then). And I did my exams and stuff, and got really pretty good, then kind of 15/16 came along and all of a sudden bach didn't seem anywhere near as cool and I wanted a guitar. Since then I didn't really play much until a few years ago, and i am fairly useless now. I often though that if I joined the band as a keyboard player after a while I would get good, but then there is the whole not being good bit to get through, which would hardly be fair on the band. But sounds are important to songs, that is what the keys are for. One thing I like on modern keys, like my DS, is you can pick a sound really quickly. Like the previous keyboard player, we would play, say, stevie wonder, and he would just have the organ sound. Is it not obvious you would just select keys, then start with a basic clavinet sound? Same as things with horn backgrounds - just select the horns and look through there, then adjust when you find something good, but no, always the cheesy organ. I think if you can do it, then do it, being in a band is just as much about learning than something else, so do it and enjoy it. After a while, you are going to get better, because that is what makes you practice, having to do something
  3. Its a great all rounder. One of the problems we had with the last keyboard player, he could play fine but he had no concept of 'the sound for the song'. Whatever he did it sounded like a cheap organ. I was genuinely blown away when I heard how good the Nord Stage was when I heard it played by a demonstrator as all I had heard was cheap organ sounds! In my current new band I will play keys for a few things, but its a bit restrictive when you also have to play bass,.
  4. I don't have one but spent quite a time playing one. If I was playing keyboards in a group full time I would have one, but I have the roland DS at home and that is fine for there.
  5. ahh, guess it is then, that just looked like the normal one. Just that pickup then, haven't seen that before
  6. That is quite different though, that is the normal squier PJ jaguar, not active and not with the MM like the first one. I can honestly say I never saw the active jaguar with that pickup.
  7. To be fair, coat hangers are solid wire so should produce a much better quality signal.
  8. So it is a fender squier classic vibe vintage modified series? I must admit I never saw one with an MM pickup
  9. As my wife said, when she knew him in LA, if she hugged him she could put her arms round and touch her fingers at the back. In the latter years, her arms didn't get to the sides. Almost certainly the same with me but not quite so tall to make up for it!
  10. I do have a Fender Aerodyne in black, but not matte. But it looks like every other aerodyne black jazz, so no need for a picture!
  11. I suspect it would look like this but with black where the red is!
  12. As close as possible, as I play 5 strings. On a 4 string, anything from a jazz to a bit tighter will do, anything beyond that not so good
  13. Its an Arielle signature model by bmg https://www.guitarworld.com/news/brian-may-guitars-branches-out-from-the-red-special-with-the-arielle-signature-model
  14. He was altogether a pretty large guy - later on sideways as well as upwards!
  15. Really depends on the song. I can play songs that I learned 40 years ago without a hickup, and then there are some songs from my current gig list that I have to remind myself of what it even sounds like before I play it. In my last group we played Teenage Kicks and Ever fallen in love. I used to have the start notes of everything on the list as I really couldn't remember which of those were which, so the start note told me. Some things are more memorable than others. I had been practicing my new group songs regularly in lockdown as some of those we have never done, and I had sort of ignored my normal group. I went through the set list the other day adn there were a couple where I got to a complete blank of how it went, but most were fine.
  16. A combustion. Yes, I always wanted to try the others as I hear good things about them, but they are expensive and hard to find locally, an I wouldn't buy another one without trying it first, so not many options.
  17. I would have been totally with you up until I got my dingwall. I even used to test basses unpowered as I figured if it sounded ok as a slab of wood it would sound fine plugged in. Couldn't get a tone I could use out of it, regardless of what I did. So I sold it. But I loved the bass itself. Sometimes you just can't eq something that isn't there in the first place.
  18. haha - no, far from it! It is. We do love machine, does your mother know, who knew (by p!nk), Poker Face (lady gaga), Timber (Pitbull/Ke$ha). It is, as you say, all music.
  19. Yep to both. Band is 2 30s, 1 40s, 1 50s male.
  20. Honestly if you find it sounds better as a passive, save yourself a bit of money in and put a capacitor and resistor across the pickup to reduce the highs, and jobs a good one Not something I would do, no, but obviously down to you if you want to do that, Although if you really like it it seems a bit odd to change. The series parallel is worth having though, gives you a different sound thats just a bit beefier. I had that on my Jazz for those times when you just needed a bit 'more'. I have it my G&L too, but that already has too much!
  21. Interesting - wish I had seen that those years ago before I got rid of the dingwall. Or the SR805. I have the warman pickups in the bass I built myself. Great sound, but the output from them is crazy hot, like the G&L MFDs, I think when I do a bit more work to that bass I will put an inline volume reduction!
  22. One thing that is good in most american cities, if you know the number or road you can get a good guess where you are going to.
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