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Everything posted by odysseus

  1. 'Sup, fellow BCers. I need a piece of electronic gadgetry but I'm not sure what. I live in a second floor flat, so jamming of any description needs to be uber-quiet. So, what I need is some piece of kit for headphone jamming goodness. It needs 3 inputs (or more) to take my bass, my drum machine/PC, and my mate's guitar. It also needs to have an ability to plug in 2 sets of headphones for listenage. An ability to tweak basic levels would be good too, obviously - but it doesn't need to be super-flashy. Any ideas on what I should get that won't cost me a shitload of cash? Any advice gratefully received! Thanks! Rob.
  2. Studio Bar in Penzance last night. Very small venue, but cracking atmosphere. Great gig!
  3. odysseus


    I've bought a shitload of stuff from GAK over the last few years. Always great service, no problems so far.
  4. Played Source FM's awards bash last night at Miss Peapods in Penryn. Good crowd - pissed as a mattress, the lot of 'em. Nice to play with a proper sound engineer and top notch PA gear and monitoring. My bass was pumping thunder!!
  5. Hmmm.......... *scratches chin thoughtfully*
  6. Jeez... only ever managed to keep 2 bands going when I was on the dole years ago...
  7. I wouldn't fancy having that bloody great thing hanging round my neck for an entire gig....
  8. Agreed. If it feels good and gets you where you want to go then it's the right choice!
  9. Yes indeed - that is the mighty Sam. He's a bit handy on them there skins!
  10. The Tavern in Newquay last night. Good gig, appreciative audience, more bookings for later in the year. Win!
  11. Osteo is a good idea, but also consider a physiotherapist/sports massage. I was a regular user of the osteopath due to weights/surfing/cycling, and I have an imbalance in the muscles in my back - the right side is stronger and tighter than the left, mainly due to an old injury. It got to the point where the osteopath would correct the spine's alignment, but within a week the muscles would pull it back out again. A friend recommended a local physio/sports massage guy - he loosened off the knotted muscle and stopped the muscles from pulling the spine back out of line and advised me on extra stretches and exercise to keep supple. I still need osteo occasionally, but nothing like as much as I used to. I see the physio dude about once every two months just to get any potential problems addressed. Working out fine now and pretty much pain free most of the time. (The guys's dad is a bass-player too, so he knows what can happen after a few close gigs.) So... osteopath is good, but do consider a physio as a possible extra.
  12. I love my Stingray. I play a couple of jazz basses too, and the necks do indeed seem a little skinny after the 'Ray. As long as you have a good warm up on whichever you are going to play, it shouldn't be a problem.
  13. Thursday 13th - Finn McCoul's Falmouth - a bit ropey after not having rehearsed for a week or 2. Went down ok though. Friday 14th - The Westmister, Yeovil - very few people out as it was blowing a hoolie and belting it down with rain. The few punters liked what we were doing and have asked us to come back, which is cool. Saturday 15th - The King William, Glastonbury - blinding gig at a pub packed with live music aficionados. Went down a treat, we all played well and we got twatted at the Backpackers across the road afterwards. And I can now say I've played Glastonbury! Wo0p!!
  14. <If they are going to be around a couple of quid each I'll take 5> Yeah same here
  15. This dude does custom thumb rests, if anyone is still looking around: [url="http://www.classicguitarboxes.com/thumb_rests.php"]http://www.classicgu...thumb_rests.php[/url]
  16. A lot of amps now have an auxiliary input for your cd/computer/mp3 etc as well as a headphone socket. Job done!
  17. It's going to vary massively from person to person depending on situation. I just had 5 years out of gigging due to crazy shift work. Now the shifts are more manageable and I'm gigging most weekends. Fortunately I have no wife or kids and the girlfriend lives 26 miles away and is just as busy as I am with her degree course and 8 year old twins, so there's not much pressure there - we meet up once or twice a month and that'll do us. I have to say that this situation is unusually good for me - most of my relationships have ended because I can't give the girl as much time as she wants. Things may change, but I'll deal with that if and when it occurs. Relationships aren't that much of a priority for me, but if work started hassling me to do ridiculous shifts again then that would be more likely to cause a problem bandwise.
  18. I now have an EQ pedal courtesy of Ratman. I'm fiddling around with it even as we speak. :-)
  19. Played the Jacob's Ladder in Falmouth last night. Small venue, but always a good night in this pub. They're absolutely crackers up there and they love their live music. An enjoyable gig!
  20. I gigged my Genz twice last weekend, the second time in a pretty big pub. The little bugger kicks out a surprising amount of low frequency goodness.
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