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Everything posted by squire5

  1. Well,the gig went OK and the ol' Trace was sounding as good as ever with it's new drivers.I don't know,but as long as the speakers are capable of handling the volume I'm using and sounding as they do,I don't think I've anything to worry about.I will,however,be keeping a wary eye open,as well as a wary ear! Input much appreciated.
  2. [quote name='EddyGlee' post='1213914' date='Apr 28 2011, 04:06 PM']I can tell you that the discontinued ME-10 was replaced by the Delta-10 I have a pair of ME-12's and I e-mailed Eminence for T/S parameters .. and they told me that the Delta range replaced the ME range all the best Chris[/quote] Chris,the blurb on the Eminence website says that the Delta 10 is optimized for lead guitar,so I'm more confused than ever.
  3. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='1213871' date='Apr 28 2011, 03:13 PM']They shouldn't have, it's the least expensive driver they make. In any event should you have to do any more driver replacement first choose the appropriate model based on the driver T/S specs and how it models in your cab, not the recommendation of a retailer. If the retailer really knew what he was talking about he'd be designing drivers and speakers, not selling them. [/quote] I tried a few dealers in England and while some of them quoted £30-£40 each,by the time you add on shipping,it would have come to the same thing.As I live in N.Ireland,I managed to source 2 in Belfast,at £50 each,and as I needed them quickly took that choice.The holiday weekend would probably have held things up further.Dearest quote? Maplins at £70 each.
  4. You're right MF,on all 3 counts.Dealers will say anything to get a sale.However,I don't have the moolah to fit new Celestions.If I had checked the website beforehand,then I would have challenged the dealer,but,hey I didn't,so mea culpa!I'm gigging tonight,so I'll keep a close eye(and ear)on proceedings.These 2 drivers cost me a ton,so I'm relying on Eminences reputation to win through.Total power handling is well in excess of what I would normally use anyway,and I've been happy with the Trace/Eminence combination sound for many years. I still think that the 5 string has something to do with it though,XGS,as the cabinet suffers no abuse that I'm aware of.
  5. Well the thing is,the Emis have been in the cabinet for at least 10 years,but 2 have already been replaced last year due to the cones disintegrating around the seam( which may or may not have been due to the introduction of a 5 string bass).The same thing has happened to the remaining 2 this week,but as I say,on removing the 2 faulty drivers,I noticed the difference.I dont have any time to experiment as I'm gigging tonight. I'll see how it goes and maybe tomorrow,I'll check the other 2 replacements and see what they were.If they're Alpha 10s,then it'll be a matched 4some,and should be OK,do you think?Thanx.
  6. Ernie Ball Power Slinky 5 50-135s for me.Purely because of the 'B' string tension.Plus they still sound good after 6 months.Oh and also because they don't have silks,so they look better too.
  7. This week I've had cause to replace 2 drivers in my Trace Elliot 4x10 cab.The existing drivers must have been replaced before as there are Eminence ME10s in there at the moment.However,my local dealer tells me that the equivalent nowadays is designated Alpha 10.Now in comparison, the magnet on the MEs is much larger than the Alpha,which is rated at 150w compared to the MEs 200w.How can this be an equivalent?The ME10s are now discontinued,so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.The Alphas seem a lightweight substitute,but hey,what do I know??
  8. I've just recently begun listening to Ron Sexsmith and his new album is pretty good but last night he sounded just a little bit shaky.Could've been nerves tho'.If you get the chance,listen to "Long Player,Late Bloomer".
  9. Isithereyetisithereyetisithereyet??
  10. I think the "I gotta get a message to you" bassline showed the classic Ricky sound to a tee.The first time I heard it I was hooked.
  11. Here's what I normally do.Take the pickguard,and cover it with good sticky backed plastic.Seriously!I know it sounds a bit Blue Peter,but if you get some hobby type stuff,it turns out OK.Trimmed round the edges with a very sharp blade,and a bit of care taken it can look quite good.Plus,it's removable,should you fancy a change.Plus times 2,there is a vast range of finishes to choose from.Just make sure the pickguard is spotlessly clean and de-greased before you start. PS,you see the pickguard on my avatar pic?Used to be white.
  12. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' post='1208717' date='Apr 22 2011, 10:29 PM']I wish Fender would reissue the 60s slab Precision bass, as used by Entwistle - not so much for the bass itself (although that would be seriously cool), but for that incredible soundng pickup/tone circuit. Nobody seems to knows what was done differently, the fact is they sound utterly amazing. It's all there on Live at Leeds.[/quote] What he said.Even if it was Squier,wouldn't matter.I'd just want it for the way it looked and felt,a seriously nice bass to play.Come to think of it,maybe if I had an uncontoured body blank,black scratchplate........hmmmm.
  13. squire5

    Jono B

    Just bought a pup cover off Jono.Quick and easy.Top bloke.
  14. LOL re the comment about the battery compartment.I found that as well till I discovered that there is right way and a wrong way to fit it.On the underside,above the Behringer logo,the little clip should be on the left.Try it the other way,you'll have problems.Good little unit though.I use mine with both electric and acoustic basses.Has never let me down.Good luck.
  15. I've just done a defret on a P-Bass copy,and I'm happy with it.However I need to find some way to hide the original fretboard dots,as I find them misleading.I've tried using permanent black marker,only it's not very...er..permanent! If I could find some black adhesive dots to cover the white ones,I'd be a happy chappy.I've tried the 'bay but all they seem to have is Velcro type discs.Anybody know of a good source of adhesive black dots to suit my purpose?Cheers guys.
  16. [quote name='TimR' post='1202947' date='Apr 17 2011, 08:55 PM']They're not Peavey Pro15s are they? My brother was using our PA for his band and getting constant complaints that it wasn't loud enough. So much so that he hired some subs for a gig because the drummer said his bass drum wasn't sounding punchy enough (go figure). I found both had gone and Wembley PA supplied us with a couple of drivers next day. Tweeters are very susceptible to distortion at levels much lower than the main speakers are. Make sure you are sending a clean signal though your speakers.[/quote] Wow that is spooky.I just started reading this post with interest as the same thing just happened with our PA.What kind of speakers?? Peavey Pro-15s! Both horns gone at once.They're less than a year old as well.We've also got a gig on the 23rd,and I'm hoping the replacements will be here tomorrow.
  17. I think I may have discovered a way for dedicated fretless players to play in tune ALL the time.What you do is get some thin wire from your local hardware store and then,using a ruler,mark the positions on the neck where the notes should be.Then,using a hacksaw,cut some fine grooves in the neck from side to side just slightly up from the note position.then using some glue,stick pieces of the wire into these grooves,and cut off the ends,using some scissors.Using your fingers,press down between the fillets of wire,and ,hey presto,you will hear a note that corresponds to the note that you wanted in the first place.Using your eyes,look and make sure that the fillets of wire are straight.This also results in making the leg of the guitar look much more interesting.
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Geddy-Lee-style-all-maple-Squier-Fender-JAZZ-BASS-/250800784167?pt=Guitar&hash=item3a64e44327#ht_500wt_949"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Geddy-Lee-style-all-...27#ht_500wt_949[/url] Talk about bigging it up??These are rare basses you know,speshully with that black binding...
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  20. Just received the chrome J-bass pickup cover I bought from Gilles.Posted on Monday in Luxembourg.Smooth painless transaction.Thanx Gilles
  21. Look for Lisa on the back view,on the bottom edge,near the middle.You can just about make her out.
  22. My main influence is Paul McCartney,but I have no real desire to use a Hofner Violin bass,or a Rickenbacker for that matter.But I could listen to his work all day long!
  23. I'll keep a wary eye open in South Down.Good luck.Hope it turns up.
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