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Posts posted by Paddy515

  1. I have an Ampeg 210 8 ohm cab on the way via silverfoxnik of this parish and also a second SVT115e. Will surely find what Im looking (hearing for) by combining two 115s or a 115 and a 210 together and then take it from there. Thanks for the many suggestions.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jack said:

    Nonsense, the correct answer to your quandry is a one-cab solution, the Barefaced Six10. I'll even buy the BFM cab off you so you have money to put towards it.



    I only have the two cab option with the cabs I own at present. What sort of money do BF 610s run at? Any idea? The BFM cab is for sale as it happens.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Jack said:

    @dmccombe7, yeah for a solid state amp you can safely assume that it will run at anything above its minimum, so a 4R minimum amp will be quite happy anywhere >4. 8, 16, 23.5, 604, all fine.


    A tube amp, however is different. There's an output transformer in there which needs to be set to run a certain nominal impedance. No cab is truly ever a perfect 4 or 8R, it varies with frequency and heat and speaker age, but you need to set the transformer to be close enough. I believe the older SVT heads only had 4 or 2R taps, no option for 8.

    Correct, 2 or 4R - thats why a one cab option for me with 3 x 8 ohm cabs to choose from, is out.Need to run two together.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Jack said:

    You can totally mix speakers, but that's not what matters here, what matters is that you dont much care for sounds that those cabinets make when they're mixed. Everything else is kind of academic really. I'd either pick the cab you like the best and buy another or sell all 3 for a nice 4R cab.

    4 Ohm cab?

  5. 1 hour ago, Microbass said:

    How does it sound with the individual cabs? 

    Generally, mixing brands doesn't go down to well - not to say it can't be big and powerful, but the Eden, B.F. and Ampeg cabs were not design to work together - add unto that you have mixed driver sizes; again, it may sound good doing this it may not. I use a Trace 2x10 and a 15". Works well because these cabs were designed to work together. 

    I think the key to your next move would be to decide what cab and amp combo you like, then add another one of those. If you go the Ampeg route, make the models are matched if you go the route of the 12s or 10s. Safest bet would be a matching 15; but if you're not a big fan of the SVT + 15 as is then you may not like this either! 

    I cant drive just one cab as they are all 8 ohm and the head will only run at 2 or 4 ohms, thats why I have to run two cabs together. The best tones come from running the SVT115 together with the 112 ( really have the Eden 210 to sit on top of my Eden Metro combo to give me 4 x 10" stack) but Im sure the tones could be better with the addition of another Ampeg cab of some sort. Seems running 2  x 115 SVT Classics may well be the best way forward.

  6. Having played two practices and two gigs with my recently aquired SVT 2 non-pro coupled with an SVT 115 Classic 8 ohm cab and EITHER an Eden David 210 (8 ohm) made at/by Marshall in the UK OR with a Bill Fitzmaurice designed 112 cab (also 8 ohm) containing a high quality driver ( Eminence 3012HO kappalite). Not happy with either combination to be honest. Would I be best to find another SVT115 to match my existing one, or go for either an Ampeg 210, 112 or 212 (if yes, which one?)to give me a better chance of finding my "sound"? Any second cab needs to be an 8 ohm one to run at 4 ohms combined. Ive even run the 210 with the 112 and like that combo even less!! Any advice will be greatfully recieved. Thanks all.

  7. 41 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Just listened to the Lemon Twigs and thought they were pretty good to be honest. Not seen them before.

    They supported he Arctic Monkeys and saw them in Sheffield. One brother was absent sick but they impressed me. The other brother with his "Iggy Pop" type moves put his heart and soul into his performance. Something a little different in todays world of "same-old rehashed"

  8. 35 minutes ago, thebigyin said:

    Just bought the RBJ67.....went in earlier today it was hung on the wall....played it acoustically and it just ticked all the boxes, I personally like to play them unplugged and if they sing which this did....lovely block inlay/bound neck and cream body with a pale lime green pick guard very striking....just need a band now....oh and plenty of practice lol.

    Was that the one in Gallaghers? Looked nice in the Fbk post yesterday. Do you mind me asking the price for one of those.

    Regards, Paddy.

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