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Posts posted by Paddy515

  1. 51 minutes ago, discreet said:

    Aye, there's the rub. Lightweight gear is good because it's, er... lightweight. I went as light as possible but found I was sacrificing sound for portability. Now I've gone relatively small with a combo, but it's not a light combo. It's not Class D either. It sounds great, but... it's still 32kg. D'oh!!

    What's your combo of choice?


  2. 3 minutes ago, Paul S said:

    I had a Silver Series P bass and it is the one bass I have sold that I regret not holding on to.  It was lightweight, slim neck, played fantastically well and sounded even better.  Stupidly I kept on seeking my 'perfect P', not realising I had pretty much let one slip through my hands.  A few years and many £hundreds later I do indeed have perfect Ps but it would have saved a lot of time angst and money had I simply held on to that Silver Series.  

    Nice job, btw!

    Amazing what can be done with luke-warm water, white vinegar and teal oil (which I like but no-one else seems to). It growls like a grizzly too!!

  3. 8 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    That’s cleaned up well, it has a bit of mojo , if it was me I would strip the bridge and clean it up and re set the intonation .  nice job 👍how does it play ?

    Had the bridge in white vinegar for 3 hours which cleaned plenty of gunk from it. Dont want it too shinny!! Intonation is spot on and it plays very well with plenty of growl - using the old strings it came with, just wiped them over with the vinegar.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Bassislife16 said:

    Literally for the body & back of the neck (if lacquered) spray disinfectant, Dettol maybe? 

    As for the fingerboard, if you want it CLEAN like NO gunk & other peoples finger juice CLEAN:

    Warm water, fairy dish soap and a handheld bristle brush.

    Scrub the fingerboard with the grain lightly and when the soap suds build up wipe off with kitchen roll. 

    Examine the disgusting green & brown goo that’s off countless other bass paws and wretch in pure and utter shock.

    After the thorough scrub, dry the fingerboard off with kitchen roll and leave to sit 10 mins to air dry. 

    The fretboard should now look somewhat dry and maybe feel slightly “crispy”

    DONT LEAVE IT LIKE THAT. You’ll end up with sharp fret ends if you do because it’ll shrink.

    First pass of oil after a deep clean should be a flood coat. I’ve found Linseed oil/Mineral oil to be the best. Lemon oil is a waste of time and money if you ask me and will not help condition the fingerboard as most lemon oils sold on the market contain alcohol and drying agents (which is actually unhealthy for a fingerboard, it will tighten the grain and overall make the fretboard shrink) 

    Linseed/ Mineral oil fingerboard and let sit to soak in for around 15 minutes. 

    Wipe off any excess and if the fretboard doesn’t look well enough conditioned go over it a second time with the oil, sparingly however. 

    Polish for the body/ any lacquered parts and Mineral oil I’d recommend are by Music Nomad, best stuff available if you ask me. 

    Comprehensive answer - many thanks Bassislife 16

  5. 2 hours ago, lozkerr said:

    Same amp as I've got! I l love my Metro - I just wish it didn't weigh so much. But the tone's gorgeous. I'm hoping the Glowplug will give it just that little extra. All the reviews I've read have been positive, with the only gripe being the 15V PSU, so I'm hoping it'll be a worthwhile investment.

    I use channel 1 for an old vintage style tone and channel 2 for the Glowplug overdriven sounds. Works a treat. Cuts through the mix really well too.

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  6. Having recently bought turntable, power amp and speakers to get my collection of vinyls back into circulation, I put Solo in Soho on. As the last track on side 2 began, I had the realisation that that was the bass sound I search for. Having not listened to Talk of 79 in decades it was quite an eye-opener. What tracks have your ideal bass soung in them?



  7. 23 minutes ago, Lozz196 said:

    They certainly can, I`ve never had a 210/115 set-up that didn`t sound amazingly good. Only downside was always having to take both cabs to get my sound, as neither could do it on its own. That`s pretty much the reason why I always go for the same cabs if possible, the laziness factor.

    As I say above, head will only run at 2 or 4 ohns and all my cabs are 8 ohm so have to always carry the two cabinets. Worth the lugging tho!!!

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