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Everything posted by ReeV0

  1. lol well my main concern is weight, and a normal 4x10 or combo is too heavy for moi
  2. ah ok. seems like a bit of a waste getting the neo speakers if the amp can only go up to 450W, unless i can find a good used deal. anyway i read on the wiki that if you use very powerful speakers with a not very powerful head, you can damadge the speakers. and if you use the rig at really low volumes for long periods, the speakers will also break cos they require movement to cool down, and at low volumes they arnt moving hardly.
  3. well hopefully im gonna try and get it second hand (from someone on here probably), and i would only buy 1 neo cab for the time being. but the thing is, if i get 2 neos, that will be like 1200W from each of them, which will kinda overload the 450W head. i should probably get the 700W head, but its too expensive, unless i can find one second hand. if not then i'll just get the 450W head and two of the 2x10 RBH cabs and stack them
  4. ok, i've decided to stick with a GK cab. should i get 2 of these: [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_artist_ca_210rbh.html"]http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_ar..._ca_210rbh.html[/url] or 2 of these: [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_artist_ca_neo212.html"]http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_ar..._ca_neo212.html[/url] i want to try and get pretty close to the tone flea has (without his bass of course)
  5. IMPORTANT NOTE: it is quite possible to damage high powered speakers by driving them with a lower powered amplifier that is being driven at full volume. Although this seems counter-intuitive the physics of sound make this possible. For this reason, you should avoid driving your amplifier at full volume to the point where is starts to distort badly (some mild “musical” distortion is acceptable). If you cannot get enough clean volume from your amplifier you need a more powerful amplifier. thats what it says in the wiki, thats where i read it from
  6. ah i see... lol that makes no sense to me thanks for tryin tho!
  7. would you say this is good to go for? [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_artist_ca_neo212.html#"]http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_ar...ca_neo212.html#[/url] i've read somewhere that using a powerful cab with a not so powerful head can damage the cab. will this be a problem with that speaker, cos it will be like 1200W at 4ohms, and the amp will only be putting out 450W at 4ohms
  8. lol hold on, whats biamping again? i thought that was just wat the GK cabs did to allow you to control the tweeter
  9. sorry i feel i need to give more info. i play mostly (loud) rock/heavy rock/funk rock, and play with two loud guitarists. i was gonna buy the gallien-krueger 210RBH, and then buy another one later and stack them. but i dont think 4 speakers will be loud enough, when i could have 6 or 8. also, that cab looks like it will be very unstable if i stack them, because there isnt a lot of actual flat space on top, it just curves anyway thanks
  10. nope. havent bought it yet lol, just decided on it
  11. hello again, ok so i've decided to go for the Gallien-Krueger 700RB-II (provided i like it when i play it, which i will). now all i need to decide is what cab(s) to buy. i thought i was prepared to go down the two 2x10" speaker route, because they would be light. but if i buy two of these, thats it, thats the full stack, i cant add anything else. that means the rig cant get any louder, and will only have 4 speakers. so now i want to try and find a good 4x10" cab that meets my harsh requirements. that way, i can add another 4x10" or 2x10" cab later, instead of having a maxed-out amp. ok here goes: im looking for a 4x10" cab that will: - work well with my chosen amp - cost £500 or less (but hopefully when the time comes i can maybe pick it up s/h) - under 30KG (70lbs) - has a speakon connector Many thanks, i look forward to hearing your suggestions thanks
  12. ReeV0


    ok great, looks like that head is the one to buy, mostly beacuse flea uses it! lol. now i kinda need to figure out which cabs to get for it. i'll think i'll start a new thread about this, this ones dragging on a bit
  13. ReeV0


    cool. its pretty expensive but should be worth it. now i just gotta find a shop sellin it so i can try it out. anyone know any shops in the UK? preferably near london maybe? cheers
  14. ReeV0


    ok do you think this is a good choice? i play mainly RHCP and i heard Flea uses these (well not these exact ones, but this make): [url="http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/700rb.htm"]http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/700rb.htm[/url] [url="http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/210rbh.htm"]http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/210rbh.htm[/url] the 2x10 cab is light, and i can buy another one later. pretty expensive, i'd have to get a summer job to afford it, but if its worth it then i'll work my arse off lol thanks
  15. ReeV0


    i just checked out the Epifani UL410 cab - its WICKED but too expensive like £900! i dunno, maybe i'll just give the hartke a whirl and hope for the best. but as you said, theres no rush
  16. ReeV0


    ok cool i'll think about that, but you said "Try out that Hartke head and see if it's any good. If it is then get yourself an Epifani UL410" how can i try out the head by itself? im guessing i'll be playing it through the hydrive speaker, so i dont get how you can really judge a head other than its stats
  17. ReeV0


    ok thanks for all ur help, i'll think i'll go with the Hartke LH1000 amp and the Hartke HX410 cab. (Then, if neccessary later on, i'll buy another 4x10 or 1x15). P.S. i didnt really get ur last comment. the hartke gear seems like pretty great gear to me!
  18. ReeV0


    lol ok let me try and make sense of that. are you saying i should get the LH1000 head? thanks again lol
  19. ReeV0


    ok read the bit about impedences and the like. if i only plan to use one cab, is there any way of making it 4ohms instead of 8ohms, to draw the full power of the amp? because it doesnt say if it can be used at 8ohms, it just says 4. or will this just blow the speaker? or should i get the Peavey Tour 700 head? 500W at 8ohms, 700W at 4ohms. it least i know for sure the peavey amp can be used at 4ohms thanks
  20. ReeV0


    oh i've just realised. if i get the LH1000 head, thats 1000W at 4ohms. The 4x10 speaker is 1000W at 8ohms. if i only have one attached, could this be bad? i'd probably only be getting about 500W to the amp right? it wouldnt overheat the head or cab or anything would it? thanks
  21. ReeV0


    ok ok, i've taken all your advice, and decided to get only one 4x10 cab. would this be a wise idea? Hartke LH1000 (partly because it has a speakon connector, and the LH500 one doesnt) Hartke HX410 (well its £500 and it looks amazing, so it must be pretty good) and also, with the LH1000 amp, i could get another cab later on (just incase i wanted to!) plz tell me what you think? thanks a bunch
  22. ReeV0


    the thing is with different heads and cabs, you cant really try them out, because each store sells different things and you cant mix and match them in the shop. i've kinda decided on the Hartke LH1000, with two Hartke HX410. I really do need it loud because we will be playing in pretty large outdoor gigs
  23. ReeV0


    [quote name='WarPig' post='171605' date='Apr 7 2008, 04:09 PM']Go to a few local rock gigs and check out the bassists rigs, and you'll soon see that alot of people dont need 2x 4-10's. 2x2-10's is definatly loud enough.[/quote] Granted, but if i have a 500W head at 4ohms, and i buy two 2x10 8ohm cabs, that means im pretty much set. i cant add anymore cabs. but if i buy one 4x10 8ohm cab, its only drawing about 300W from the head, so i could either buy another 4x10 (which seems more sensible), or buy a 2x10. But as i am looking at the new hartke hydrive range, they dont do a 2x10 anyway
  24. ReeV0


    ah ok i'll chek them out. [quote name='sk8' post='171315' date='Apr 7 2008, 11:21 AM']Sorry, yes i did. You seem fixed on needing a stack. there are people on here running two 210s or two 112s as their rigs and they are fine. Are you basing needing the stack on expereince or because you think you will need it. 180 watts and a single 210 is pretty loud.[/quote] I dont have any real experience, except that i know i will be playing in a heavy rock band, with (im guessing) a loud drummer, and 2 guitarists, who i know for sure are both using at least all-valve marshall half stacks. so yeah i kinda need to be heard i am liking the hartke combo more and more, just seems to fit my requirements. here they are again: [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1944&brandID=3"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...4&brandID=3[/url] [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1941&brandID=3"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...1&brandID=3[/url] People have said that the paper + aluminium cones make slap sound really good (which i will be playing a lot of) I will definitly have to try it out for sure
  25. ReeV0


    [quote name='sk8' post='171253' date='Apr 7 2008, 10:15 AM']or just get two 4ohm 210s[/quote] True, I could, but then that would only be a half-stack, and I doubt will be loud enough. Don't you mean two 8ohm 210s? (The Hartke amp is 4ohms, anyways)
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