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Everything posted by greyparrot

  1. [quote name='JTUK' post='1070416' date='Dec 27 2010, 07:37 PM']If people know my posts they will know I never like to cop a part..and who gives s stuff about the anoraks.. but this one track is different. As Pete A says..it IS the song. I don't think the part is close enough and that normally wouldn't matter at all as the feel is generally there..but if you are going to take on a iconic bassline, you have to make it really work. Jazz it up a bit or something as the one thing people will know about THIS song, is the bass part.[/quote] ok let me tell you what happened here. I was on my way home from mums heard it on the radio and thought love it. I then got home played it through a couple of times and hit the record button. playing that for me, Its just a bit of fun.....nothing more :-) and you know what considering i spent no more than 15 mins on it, from never played it in my life to film, i think its pretty good! :-) and i also stick to my guns that i very much dought that bassist himeself will play it live note for note. your talking about copying a record. i just do not do that.
  2. see now this one is pretty note for note, they used to beat me in jet black if i played a major 3rd if i should not have. Going on memory from that band i did this a few days back. World away from rytham stick i did last night, but no less a great song...... i think anyway. as you can tell im having great fun posting vids now HAppy Jack showed me how!!
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1070370' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:58 PM']I'd say the OP has got that bass line pretty well nailed. It may not be note-for-note perfect to the original recording, but it's instantly recognisable and definitely in keeping with the spirit of the original. Who cares what the 'bass nerds at the back' think anyway? If they can do any better let them get their own band together and play live instead of air-guitar in their bedroom. I'm sure we've all seen loads of live performances where even the original band doesn't play things note-for-note as on the original recording, so why should a cover band be any different?[/quote] Aw thanks mate! very kind of you to say ;-)
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1070378' date='Dec 27 2010, 07:03 PM']I read an interview with Jerry somewhere in which he said that he was offered a chance to play as a session man with Elvis, which he obviously grabbed with both hands. He turned up at the session where the first track to be laid down was [i]Burning Love[/i], and he was so keen to show Elvis what he could do that he deliberately played a wildly over-busy bassline at the first pass ... and was astonished when Elvis said "Yeh, that's fine, we'll go with that". Or maybe he said "Uh-huh-huh".[/quote] Yep Jerry is still a fantastic player as are the TCB band. Thats a funny story huh, it stayed, i mean with ronnie tutt on drums and jerry wow what a section!
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1070372' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:59 PM']I can see a big JS influence in your playing - like him, you are a pretty busy player (something I'm not - I just don't have the ability, for a start!). Jerry's Polk Salad Annie solo was the pinnacle for me. :-) btw, did you know Jerry Scheff lives just over the border now?[/quote] Yes, and hes still playing in the TCB band! they are still touring all over the world, that polk salad annie is awesome. Can you imagine the king standing wight in front of you while playing that solo amazin! i recently did this song with a great band an elvis tribute arist (its on my you tube) and i was smiling like a chesire cat!
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1070351' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:44 PM']I'll stick my neck out here and say... that line is too busy for the tune. But it's IMO, and like you say the punters couldn't give two hoots. [/quote] haha they never! it is busy, but i think it sounds funky, and alot of my playing does have that funky edge to it. When i do it on the upright its as near to the record version cos i think the upright sound is huge. My influence is jerry scheff I dont think you will ever see a more busy bassist than him, and he played for elvis. Of course i would not record like that, but live i just like to enjot meself, as long as they are, then im happy, to me thats what live music is about , enjoyment all round. :-) and this is him and belive me this is tame by Jerrys standerds [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKUwOS5LuUo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKUwOS5LuUo[/url]
  7. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1070342' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:29 PM']Yes mate, guilty as charged. Going back to that track, nobody can play it like Chuck Rainey. His slap style is subtle, which is probably why Becker and Fagen never sussed he was using that technique. That track has never been out of our set, but I still regard my version as an approximation. The lick preceding the second verse is genius.[/quote] thats strange that my you tube version of peg brought up your advert! its only been on 2 days and had 250+ hits. Now if i was in your band i would not be slapping it all the way through as i did on my vid, but i dont think i would copy it note 4 note eighter because steely dan would not copy it note for note! i have heard loads of steely dan vids by steely dan.......everyone different. U must let me know when your in essex, would love to see it ;-)
  8. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1070331' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:18 PM']I'm quite supportive of the 'own interpretation' stance as long as it's not wildly outside the context of the song. Bear in mind that when you go to see a live show by a band you like, the chances are they aren't going to be playing note for note the version on the recording you have of them.[/quote] agreed.I think this is really interesting
  9. i would say is try your hardest and forget this is gonnabe heard by whoever,you may tighten up.
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1070321' date='Dec 27 2010, 06:10 PM']I think it depends on the particular song and the listener. If the bassline IS the song. ie. Good Times or Peaches etc, then I would expect the bassist to respect that and play it as recorded when performing it live. I think Grey Parrot is a great player and knows his stuff, but Rhythm Stick is dominated by that bass part. Just my opinion, folks. [/quote] oh ta can i ask i just noticed your comment on my peg cover it brought up that ad, ru in that band/ just saw the siggy !
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1070297' date='Dec 27 2010, 05:42 PM']Uhh...why is that then?.. He may be called Grey Parrot but it doesnt mean he has to play a line like one. . ive heard lots of classic bass lines playing differently or more simply. and there just as good..not suggesting GP's is.. but define "better it"....? why would you want to hear the exact same bass line..i want to hear GP's expression of this groove....nothing worse than a bassist matching a bass line exactly...shouts nerd to me...everyone can add something different.. just my OP.. tribute act or not, who would notice if you played a few notes differently? as long as the feel and rythm is there...[/quote] here here! and that stuck in my mind too, copy it or better it??? (and i really do have a grey parrot)
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1070282' date='Dec 27 2010, 05:22 PM']I would be happy enough with your version mate, Obviously like the others say if you were doing a tribute act thing people want to see it exact as the record but if you were down my local I would give you a warm welcome and applause for it done as you are doing it already. Theres plenty of bands doing terrible covers with basslines to a lesser standard than that, I should know Im in some of them! [/quote] ha ha thats really funny mate! i think unless you are totally fookin it up ie wrong chords then whats the harm in doing your own version of a bass line. I honestly do not know one player that sticks to the record note 4 note. another eg. does anyone really care?? (punter wise)
  13. [quote name='JTUK' post='1070252' date='Dec 27 2010, 04:43 PM']Funnily enough, I never rip note for note, but with 'Rhythm stick' it has to be pretty much the exception. It is going to be a bass feature song which everway you skin it..no way round that so you have to nail it dead, IMV.[/quote] the only song i tryed to nail dead was the chinese way. And fever. Nope alwasy room for busking/changing bass lines (in my book) Say i was going to do that in a band, and the singer said i want it note for note i would do it, but other than the tribute band, i have never had anyone say they did not like a line i was making up on the fly.....but then i have never played this in a band! but i did post it on my FB and a buddy of mine now wants to do the song with no mention of changing it, and you know what, if asked to play this right now, it would be totally different from that one. I wonder if the blockheads played the songs note for note. I wonder if that bass player would copy his line note for note live? i dont sisagree to what you say, i just have my personal view point. Mind you even in the chinese way cover i did, i think i changed the bridge chords to harmonise.
  14. [quote name='thebrig' post='1070106' date='Dec 27 2010, 01:39 PM']I absolutely love my Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 12T Combo. Light as a feather, I now carry all my gear around in one go! I've gigged it a couple of times, and the 375 watts it puts through the 12" cabinet has been more than enough to keep up with our quite loud drummer. I've now added a matching Genz Benz 210T cab, just in case I need the full 600 watts at a larger venue. I actually tried it alongside the Promethean, and although the Promethean was good, I thought the Genz Benz just blew it away. The Genz Benz cost more, but for me it was worth it. You can actually see in my avatar photo just how small and compact it is.[/quote] i tell ya what, try a fender rumble 150 bass amp. The new one, I have it and it sounds the nuts. If i need more, i just di it as it has a xlr di. For £300 they are great, and no lie sound every bit aa good if not better than a combo twice the price.
  15. [quote name='bluesman' post='1070221' date='Dec 27 2010, 04:05 PM']i decided the 5 string grind wasnt me....so got my squier jazz back....its more me think im stuck in a time warp lol but many thanx too the folks who replied....[/quote] great bass for the cash, i would have one anyday, and use it as a 1st bass.
  16. [quote]That\'s interesting. So if you were to play \'Good Times\' by Chic you would busk it? [/quote] i do play good times live and i do change the line yes, here is a you tube of it. i think this is really interesting. just how many guys copy note for note in general gigs, and how many learn the chords then play what they feel at the moment? i dont think one or the other is wrong, just personal taste.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' post='1070144' date='Dec 27 2010, 02:33 PM']Busking it is ok...but if you are going to gig this you have to nail the line exactly or better it. As all the bass nerds at the back will think you can't play it. There is no middle ground here, IMO. Apart from that, I like it.[/quote] haha well i tend to disagree here. Me personally gig loads of covers and do i copy a bass line note for note, never, i just learn the chords and play what i feel, unless of course i was in a tribute, which i was in a shadows tribute many moons ago, ( i have dance on on my you tube great shadows song)and had to learn all the bass parts note for note. But for general gigs and weddings, no one really knows, and if there is a bass nerd out there, thats fine, they can think what they like :-) but its my views as an individual. :-)
  18. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' post='1070173' date='Dec 27 2010, 03:15 PM']That line belongs to Norman Watt Roy, saw him playing in the Wilko Johnson band a few months ago in Southampton, great bass player .[/quote] totaly. There are some amazin players out there.
  19. [quote name='Johnston' post='1070099' date='Dec 27 2010, 01:33 PM']I think it depends on how the admin have it set up. For example on another forum I used instead of typing youtube in the book ends it was just yt and the link had to be changed to uk.youtube from www.youtube . Where as one the Mrs uses you just copy and paste the link and it is automatically embedded.[/quote] Great fellas thank you for answering my question! many thanks :-)
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1070041' date='Dec 27 2010, 12:16 PM']Looks like you've got it sorted, Rich. Given my lack of technological skills, it always feels weird to be advising others on how to do computery stuff ...[/quote] thats great mate, im not too good in this sort of thisng, and my bad spelling makes it worse. Will this work on all sites ?
  21. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1070031' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:54 AM']good... nice RH groove going on there... [/quote] haha i changed the heading of the tread! and thanks mate. :-)
  22. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1070025' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:46 AM']are you busking it or approximating? That isn't the line... not being critical or anything just trying to be helpful.[/quote] just busking it. :-)
  23. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1070022' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:39 AM']greyparrot your link don't work![/quote] iv got it now,HappyJack showed me all that code stuff, thanks mate!
  24. [quote name=\'greyparrot\' date=\'Dec 27 2010, 11:34 AM\' post=\'1070016\']
  25. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1069997' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:15 AM']If you look at the 'address' of that YouTube vid, it's a load of gobbledegook leading up to an '=' sign, followed by [size=4][color="#FF0000"]ccd3m4zz-Mk[/color][/size] That coloured bit is all you want. Now you need a pair of YouTube bookends. 1. Put [size=4][color="#FF0000"]youtube [/color][/size]inside some square brackets. That's your start bookend. 2. Put the YouTube code (see above) after that. 3. Put [size=4][color="#FF0000"]/youtube [/color][/size]inside some square brackets. Don't leave out the "/". That's your finish bookend. Here's one I prepared earlier ... [/quote] OH H J what am i doingwrong! look at myyou tube clip in the tread hitmewith your rytham stick! gone wrong :-(
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