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Everything posted by greyparrot

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1073382' date='Dec 31 2010, 01:44 AM']versatility.. Ive always thought of the bass as the drums, with the added capacity for direction of harmony thats played, depending on the color of the harmony being played.. as Yoda would would say.. many variables may they become..[/quote] hehe ace. Just came back from a jam, had a great time. So many great players down at the Mill beach pub in heybridge on a thursday jam. Yes i know what you mean mate. I think of the bass as the cement between the rhytham and melody. :-)
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1073239' date='Dec 30 2010, 10:42 PM']I wish you'd stop posting these anywhere..it's giving me Bongolust. Nice playing on all you vids and a tone to die for. [/quote] haha Bongo lust! nice. They are fantastic basses mate. Thank you Steely Dan :-)
  3. [quote name='neepheid' post='1073121' date='Dec 30 2010, 08:29 PM']I was thinking more about where to send the flowers? [/quote] haha funny peeps :-)
  4. [quote name='mcnach' post='1073089' date='Dec 30 2010, 08:05 PM']I felt it fitted well in this forum, as it´s about "bass", not the actual recorded performance, which is there just as an example... loved it, I was just talking to someone last night who thought bass was unimportant... [/quote] right! how many times have wee heard that, bass is unimportant! not that it worries me, cos we know better. i did this as a quick FB ad for bass lessons, and i gave my first one (in ages) today. Take the link email it to em! hehe
  5. GREAT PRICE GREAT BASS i have one, and posted many vids on here, anyone interested in this guys bass, look at my vids here the sound, they are all dry no fx/amp, just into a mixer and many have comented on the awesome tone of this amazing bass. I cant stress enough what an amazing bass the bongo is. I would change mine.......but for the 5 / 6 string version.
  6. [quote name='martthebass' post='1072592' date='Dec 30 2010, 11:37 AM']Surprised you found no bottom end in the Status - not a problem I've ever had with the 18V pre and use of the knobs. My experience with Status and the Bongo is that they are both driven/dominated by the powerful pre - much more so than in say a Ray. I liked the Bongo but I couldn't say it had any personality or definitive sound of its own like a Jazz/P bass/Ray. I'd have another tho if I could justify it.[/quote] i recently has a status 2000 (new one) 5 stringer and i sold it to outoplayjazz rich (where is he?) i just could not seem to get a rounded bass tone out of it, it always had the mid cutting through. I fing on the bongo it does the same, but i can cut those frequencys back to get a really nice rounded bass tone, but i could not on the status for some reason, and i also found that it neeed to be turned up loud to cut through. not so with bongo. Maybe its just my shells.
  7. [quote name='4000' post='1072212' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:19 PM']Er, J J Burnel, Pino and James Jamerson????[/quote] personally i would not have eighter as they have no real bass end, (the one i had never) but they are a real funky bit of kit, im would opt for the status outa the two, but for that money take a look at a bongo, blows them both away. Iv had all three. (have bongo now)
  8. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1072239' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:44 PM']I've thought this too, it's a nice bass and good playing, but it is a recording and should really be in the recording section. This section is more about the actual instrument. A video or recording makes sense if you're saying "hey, look how awesome this instrument is", but after that, recordings should be in the recording section. All IMO of course. Keep posting videos though, I'm enjoying watching them. [/quote] ok cool. i always thouth the recording section is about recording tech for the bass. :-) no worries, glad your likeing em. Im enjoying doing them too. its also really good because i learn so much just by watching and hearing what i (or whoever) is doing, Its amazing what you can do with a £80 hd camcorder and a you tube account.....im sure the trill of being ablt to broadcast will where off soon! but it is fun.
  9. [quote name='RhysP' post='1072218' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:23 PM']Wouldn't all these things of yours be more suited to the " Performance>Recording" section, where most other people put films of themselves, rather than in the "Gear>Bass Guitar" section? Just a thought.[/quote] i dunno? it is bass guitar related, i thought the recording section is for recording tips? to be honest i just thought bass guitar, playing bass guitars ? and my stunningl bongo is a bass guitar that people seem to like the sound of.
  10. [quote name='icastle' post='1072214' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:21 PM']I remember the video. When you say "women love it" what you actually mean is "she didn't slap me" [/quote] True!
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1072208' date='Dec 29 2010, 10:17 PM']Haha I knew you wouldn't leave the tasty run bit out. [/quote] accually i tried to do just half of it but got lost!
  12. i bought one of those stag stick basses. For £250 they are perfect for blues and jazz stuff. I cant play it anywehere near my bongo, but i dont need to as the sound is huge, and as far as playing walking bass lines its just perfect for that. I would say get an upright for this sort of thing, and also being strait up, they take no room, and women love it!
  13. Of course we as bass players know we are important, but its even surprising to myself just how dull music is without the bass.
  14. [quote name='Platypus' post='1072162' date='Dec 29 2010, 09:17 PM']I've had the same response form Basscentral, though Chris's one was from an eBay sale in US[/quote] last time i was in the bass mercahnt they had a blue one in.
  15. whats it like mate? i have a bongo and its awesome.
  16. Just love this tune. My bongo just sounds so sweet, the tone i love it so much. Best bass i have ever had. will be looking for the five string next year so this will be on sale in a while i should think.
  17. harder than it looks! thanks for looking :-)
  18. [quote name='skej21' post='1070895' date='Dec 28 2010, 12:35 PM']Or the "million notes to four people, or four notes to a million people" jazz versus rock joke lol. At the end of the day, the truly awful bass players are the morons who think they know best. Making comments about how you could "play something better on the fly" or putting other bassists down because they play something "simple/easy" (such as Clayton) is just a mixture of jealousy, sheer arrogance and naivety. Being a great bassist is not about how many notes you can/cannot play or the standard of your playing. It's about being humble, respectful to fellow players and setting yourself challenges to improve your playing. There will always be someone out there who has achieved more than you (regardless of how "easy" there playing appears) and who is a more complete player than you and similarly, you will always be better than someone else. A truly great bass player realises this and uses his acquired skills to help players who are behind them and respectfully seeks similar help from players who are ahead of them.[/quote] its got nothing to do with that, its also got nothing to do with clayton being bad, but personally i think the bass lines he comes up with are boring! thats why i dont play u2 stuff. and as a member of the public, i have a right to say me bit :-) I would sooner hear something i enjoy then something i dont. You are almost saying people must like what others do. Well they dont, im not knocking him, good luck to him, he pulled it off and i have respect for him there. ;-)
  19. [quote name='ironside1966' post='1071295' date='Dec 28 2010, 09:42 PM']From my experience the bands that get their parts right get put the time and effort to get the music right and the musicians with the attitude of it will do tend to be in it will do bands but there is nothing wrong with changing developing songs/ parts overtime so long as it is self not indulgent and done for the right reasons.[/quote] hi guys was out all day chilling with my friend Lisa. you lot have been great (im the guilty one for the bass line) i think its so interesting what people are saying, and amazing to see peoples reactions and comments to my vid. I will be the first to say that we as bass players have a bloody hard job. Not only do we have to understand rhytham, but also harmony scales etc etc, we are the cement between the drums and guitars. We have a bloody hard job, and we all just wanna do what we feel is right. Belive me parading my vidios in front of a load of bass players is scary, but also rewarding. Im feeling that most of you are appreciative of the work it took to get to that level weather its played the same or not, one thing is for sure its still bloody hard! iv watched some great vids on here and met some great people in trades etc, and i can honestly say that posting my vids here is a huge confidance boost to me, as im not a confident person. As for the nature of my playing on this vid, i like the song, i like the 16th note groove and the attack, thats what i tried to capture, not the individual notes but the mood and feel of the bass part, if that makes sense. I also know that if i was in an ian dury tribute band i would do my dam nearest to nail it note for note, as i had to with the shadows tribute i was in, but if i was in a pub band doing covers i and im sure the band i was in would be happy that i can even get that groove going. Remamber i just had a crappy you tube track in my cans, not a loud bass drum and hi hat n snare to lock into. BUT im not in a covers band nor an ian dury tribute, but a function duo/band but i fancied playing that 16th note groove to that classic song. I can take something outa every post here and i will thank you all . :-)
  20. [quote name='gub' post='1070857' date='Dec 28 2010, 11:45 AM']Great work gp ,i just had a go at it but cant get it fast enough but will keep trying. keep posting the vids i and from what i can see many others enjoy watching them [/quote] # hehe thank you :-)
  21. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1070844' date='Dec 28 2010, 11:31 AM']You see now mate, your getting me all wrong. I'm a players player. What i mean by that is i play parts for the song, the overall package. I couldn't care less about how you've played it on a video for youtube. The only point i made was about the Vocals. There is always a couple of thing that really 'make' a song, and in this song, the bass is one of them, theres no two ways about it. And if all you mates say its great then does that make everyone else wrong?[/quote] everyone??? i can see only one or two people throughout this tread saying its wrong to change a great bass line. Ill put it this way, whatever way you look at it that song if played in that groove as i did takes alot of technical ability and stamina. Now lets look at the bigger picture. Movies how many times have you seen a remake of the same film? if the remake was the same as the last one what would be the point? where is the individuals skill or his own brain making up somethin in his own mind. What is the point in cloning ? i still say that if that bass player did that song live, ill bet it wont be the same as the record. How would you even remember it note for note? i know i could not, unless its read from a score and lets face it thats not what rock n roll is all about. A song is made up of all parts bass drums guitar vocals. Not just bass and vocal line. While i do not try to change your view point, in fact respect it, i also have my viewpoints on the aspect of playing in an individual style. Ps i trully can say that on this song i also love the drum line as much as the bass line. If i was a drummer, i would not play it exact. There is no right or wrong unless you are playing wrong note/scales, but there is different. GP
  22. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1070812' date='Dec 28 2010, 10:50 AM']Yeah but Ian Durys vocals aren't the part that make the song. Its the bassline that does.[/quote] but mate they might be to a vocalist? as we are bass players we think it made the song.....the song is the song, bass is part of it. (ps im the one who played the line, the tread starter), and agree with all of the above post. And as proof, my frineds all great players (guitar vocals etc ) have heard it and not one comment about but its not the same! two you tube comments so far and both positive. You cant always look at things from a bass players point of view, because its the public that hear the product.
  23. [quote name='Doddy' post='928529' date='Aug 18 2010, 11:08 AM']But does a player like Guigsy or Clayton play chugging 8th notes because musically it's the best thing to play,or because they are limited by their abilities and that is all that they can play? To me there is a big difference.[/quote] yep i agree. Would be nice to hear another player playing those parts. Just because a bass part is down on record it does not mean thats the b all and end all and thats that. I bet most of us can come up with a better bass line playing it on the fly, but because Clayton recorded it and its down on record some think its the best thing for that band.
  24. [quote name='bh2' post='1070463' date='Dec 27 2010, 08:15 PM']It's an iconic bass line... of course! It's one of Norman's. I have never attempted to play it, it's sacred to me.[/quote] but its a bass part to a song. How many vocalists would think ian durys singin in that song should be identical.....whatever instument you play it could apply to, play it enjoy it simples. ;-) heres my stament right. Music is fun, cool and should be played and enjoyed by the person doing it, then that will go over to the audience. Unless your an anorak.....you played that note wrong or your playing a 3rd and not the root......etc..........i bet if i played that same bass part in a band, not one punter will come up and say it was wrong or whatever, because it was not wrong just different, its what came to my brain at that time as i was playing it, and i enjoyed playing it for that moment! but if it was a tribute band, thats different, but then i have no disire to be in an Ian Dury tribute band to be honest! ;-)
  25. [quote name='JTUK' post='1070428' date='Dec 27 2010, 07:48 PM']ok...and I don't care one way or another, either, tbh.[/quote] good nor do i! or any one else from what i read here!
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