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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. Hola all, I am currently in the process of swapping out the stock preamp 12AX7 valves in my bass terror due to them not suiting my sound when I crank the amp. Now I am looking into what I want to swap them with and I find various model types and vendors and to be honest I am now a bit lost. I know different types of valves with give me different sounds. But do the model types all have the same output or does it depend on the vendor that gives it a specific sound? I like a trebly attack (think the striking F note at the start of Baba Oreilly). I know the EQ aint great on the OBT and I dont want to be restricted to playing low levels incase I get that horrible O/D sound sound. So even if you could let me know what the differnt model number mean and then give me your thoughts on a prefered preamp valve. I have read HappyJacks thread on the swap and he gave me some great advise tonight as well so all I need to do is find a valve. Cheers Steven
  2. Its ok all. Turns out it was strings direct I was looking for
  3. I may be wrong, but im pretty sure I had an account with strings and things webshop. I just went onto the website and its a different layout and they say they are wholesalers! Have i got my websites mixed up or have they changed their selling method?
  4. yeah no probs mate. You have probably done me a favour anyway. I have a cracking DHA pedal I use for my valve distortion but I have been thinking of using a compressor with it and seen this and thought I would give it a bash (even though I would probably have it back up for sale in a few days once i realise I dont need a compressor hahahaha). All the best with the sale anyways buddy.
  5. i will take it off you for about 80bucks mate.
  6. lovely. Wish I had the cash for it. All the best with the sale buddy. This is the way the Les Paul basses should look.
  7. great price for a great bass. A few scuffs would not put me off buying this for a grand. Im curious to why you swapped out the original ric pups though?
  8. amazing clip,,,,just to show without bass the band has to heart. Big smiles before i go to bed:-)
  9. Bravo I say. A great quick reference for the competent player and I imagine a great resource for the folk just learning. Its a great tool and I have it in my favourites.
  10. yeah it seems a tad cheap to me... Like BB said, if genuine this is one hell of a bargain
  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1317819997' post='1394927'] Just an update then..... no gigs since then (been training up a new guitarist) but plenty of rehearsals with no problems at all. Reviewing my technique slightly so not to play so hard. I have plenty of headroom left on my rig as it happens. It's all that Bongo's fault [/quote] hahahaha.
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1317763563' post='1394422'] Agreed, that butterscotch Tele is turning my head. [/quote] want too chip in with me Matt hahaha.
  13. if anyone wants to buy my Fender Jaguar from me I think i will get the Tele bass. That Tele just looks awesome to me. The butterscotch one is on the cards for me.
  14. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1317160180' post='1387611'] Nice mustang (was it?) [/quote] its a Jaguar. one of the best basses I have had the honour to own and still do due to that reason.
  15. Not that im complaining, but does anyone know the reason behind the rise in the retail price of the BT heads? It wasnt that long ago you could pick them up for 370notes!!!!!! Now they are up at 450-490.
  16. Oright buddy. Cant believe your shifting this mate. All the very best with the sale
  17. Not really been on here that much PB. Been having loads of work and stuff to worry about. Plus my wee lad takes up almost all my time AND im starting up a new band and been playing sheds load of new songs so we can get a setlist sorted and gig ASAP. Its been a busy time but starting to free up a bit of time these days which is always good.
  18. bass is still available folks. Pickup or meetup welcome.
  19. Hey buddy, Hope that Bongo is serving you well I had the same thing at rehearsal during the winter months last year. I kicked into the rehearsal hard and fast and my plucking hand just gave up on me hahahaha. I was worried initially but it came back to full mobility during the day.
  20. [quote name='RichF' post='1374361' date='Sep 15 2011, 12:58 PM']If you have an always on gentle OD, then a twin channel is unbeatable in allowing you to switch up to heavy OD. I was not as concerned because I have distortion and fuzz to cover most of the step ups I need. I still want OD but will get a solution that takes up less board space (looking at a SFX micro red dragon or a smaller DHA).[/quote] The amount of OD I have probably wont change now I have sat down and played with the bass and the pedal I have. It looks like its a volume boost I need rather than the 2nd channel OD that I was previously talking about. the thing is I dont want to go through the process of buying and selling pedals again as I have pretty much got what I want in terms of gear. The Orange head I have does dirty really well............the pedal I have can act as a boost aswell as adding valve and diode OD if required. However fannying about with EQ settings during a gig is just a pain in the arse as its only really 1 or 2 songs this may come into effect. WHAT TO DO WHAT DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. ive just realised I quite fancy a dual channel overdrive sound. The DHA pedal I have is amazing and does everything I want. However when I am playing clubfoot I feel as though I need a boost at the solo or something. I wonder if I could could just use the pedal active at those points rather than having it set all the way through the song which means when I come to the solo I dont feel I have enough presence.. I dont want to have more than one pedal infront of me so maybe I should concentrate on the pickup selector on my Ric as an option of immediate volume increase. I know the pedal aint for sale and I seem to be rambling however since I started writing I thought I may as well finish. Also any thoughts on this matter is welcome :-) Out of interest here is my pedal.http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119897&hl=dha
  22. [quote name='Le Chat Noir' post='1368474' date='Sep 10 2011, 12:25 PM']Sure, you can check us out at [url="http://www.lechatnoir.org.uk"]http://www.lechatnoir.org.uk[/url] I've dabbled with all kinds of rigs, even quad amping for a while![/quote] great amount of energy in the band for just having 2 folk in it.....great to watch buddy. Im a massive White Stripes fan so find this very pleasing
  23. [quote name='gemdids' post='1371037' date='Sep 12 2011, 08:30 PM']Not had any comeback from him regarding possible postage, don't suppose you could ask the question on my behalf could you?[/quote] no probs, I should have confirmed this with him before sticking the ad in here. I will get back you you asap.
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