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Everything posted by matt_citizenbass

  1. have a free BUMP. remember guys, this is an awesome pedal with an awesome sound! it's also been discontinued!
  2. I'm looking to trade my beloved Hartke HA3500 for an old valve head (think soundcity, wem, selmer, simms watts) it's in perfect working condition and has never let me down( it's been gigged probably about 35 times) there are a few scratches on it, the worst one being on the handle. it's a bloody loud head and i've never had it past 5 even with gigs when i'm not going through the PA. i can post pictures if there is interest. NOW FOR SALE AS WELL- PM ME AN OFFER thanks alot, Matt
  3. Gary Numan works for south west trains. he once checked my ticket. no jokes
  4. if you play by yourself, get into effects or something. my favourite thing to do at the moment is just sit down with my amp and pedalboard and loop and improvise over the top. it's incredibly satisfying getting the loops to work and i find improves my playing in terms of understanding how things can fit in and generally everything else. but the best thing to do is join a band, don't bother about "locking" in with the drummer or following the guitarist (i can imagine that would be well boring) do you your own thing and see how it fits, i love hearing a bass line running up and down in the background of a song.
  5. pics from friday night, including my recently de-scratchplated jazz-
  6. i had a sick gig tonight (well yesterday evening as of now) only about 40 people but it was a small room so it seemed full, i got two mics, one on the floor, one on the stage. free beer and for some reason lots of photographers. turned out to be a crazy one, with lots of blood involved. i'll post some pictures when i/ if i get them through.
  7. i want to sound like a bass, guitar, keyboard, xylaphone, glockenspiel and a 90 piece orchestra. i'm nearly there!
  8. looking fooking amazing! although thats gonna result in some serious neck ache from looking at the computer monitor!
  9. [quote]Isn't there all the routing? Assuming it's a Fender![/quote] nah, its just an empty pickup hole which i had anyway. i'll upload some pics later! and also, i don't have to get pretencious and print t-shirts and stuff, i know i'm the worlds greatest bass player...or so my mummy tells me. Tim Commerford also did it and he's cooler than beans.
  10. its all shiny and not seen lightness! plus my bass looks mega badass. there must be something else i can take off my bass? maybe i should just play with 1 string? do i really need a bridge? who else has done this? Matt
  11. yeah some guy came out with an awesome looking telecaster shapes bass!
  12. i don't think you should have to think about your band image these days. if you guys all wear plain tshirts and straight jeans i guess thats your image. don't bother with these competitions, approach a small indie and start from there. well thats what i think!
  13. oh you're in attack! attack! - sick! i've been seeing your name everywhere these days. good luck with the tour!
  14. i have yours higgie! i think? maybe i have ants? actually i think it is yours. top quality pedal!
  15. [quote]Ive just bought Nash's Marshall JCM 800 superlead non master volume amp.[/quote] isn't that a guitar head?
  16. i meant as in too loud... i thought 100 watts valve was enough to blow someones head off. so 200 watts should be the right amount for me i want to take down the venues!
  17. oh really? hmm, maybe i'm a bit clueless about this whole thing then. how would a 100 watt all valve head size up to my hartke 3500 then?
  18. that sounds great! i really want to try some now! also surely 100 watts all valve head is just ridiculous?
  19. thanks for the advice guys. I think a PA head may be the best bet, i think i basically need to try out valve heads to see whether they actually suit my sound i just like the idea of having something thats classic looking, cheap and i can easyily add to my wall of amps to be. but i'm worried they'll be too warm cause my sound is really high endy (octave pedal) plus really distorted and i don't want any of that "absorbed" by the tubes. when i think of stuff like this i think of Jesse F Keeler from Death From Above 1979 (RIP) ([url="http://www.myspace.com/deathfromabove1979"]http://www.myspace.com/deathfromabove1979[/url]) who swore by solid state amps claiming that the tube transient response (i think) was too slow. what do you guys reckon?
  20. hey prose bass, if you could check what they have if you get a chance that'd be amazing, because i'm stuck at home ill with no voice at the moment! do you know whether they'd ship it as well? thanks, Matt
  21. Oh god, this is the exact kind of thingi want and only £250! the thing is though, i'm not sure i could afford to keep it working if you get what i mean, i have enough equipment that breaks every gig at the moment and can't afford to keep changing the valves etc.
  22. and how much do they go for? i'm tempted to even trade in my hartke 3500 for it. thanks, Matt
  23. my rig for recording yesterday it was a trace elliot head, and ashdown cab (borrowed from a mate), and my hartke 3500 head and loud 410 cab, we didn't use the 210 it was just used as a stand for the 410. but yeah, we had 7 channels of bass for this session- it sounds absolutely massive. i'll let people know when the tracks are up!
  24. LONDON gig is now CANCELLED. bugger, i knew this was going to happen, when a promoter avoids your calls and txts for a week you know its bad. anyway, our next confirmed London gig is Dual in the Deep at Catch 22 bar in shoreditch which is put on by our own , very lovely dangerboy! we also have a gig at Barden's Boudoir on Jan 6th but it's not confirmed yet. thanks, Matt
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