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Posts posted by funkydoug

  1. Bought this on basschat last year. Not using it.

    Works well, no issues. All lights and knobs are working. Powered it up and gave a test just now and all is good.  I just don't need it.

    I found it to be very clean, uncoloured compressor. There is a good Ovnifx review for anyone interested in such geekery.

    £70 including UK postage.




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  2. I don't have the MS70 but my experience with the G3n - if it helps-  was that the 2.1 firmware did indeed prevent any of this working. I had to download and install the older firmware 2.0 and then it worked no problem. I was able to install any of the effects from the latest firmware though, by using the Firmware Editor to extract them from firmware 2.1 and then insert them into firmware 2.0 and save that as a modified v2.0 firmware which continues to work flawlessly. 

  3. On 03/02/2021 at 00:25, DiMarco said:

    I did some direct tests between the Hexa Valve, my Ampeg SVT-4 Pro and TC Electronic RH750, together with my guitarist.
    We ran all amps through a Barefaced Big Twin II and two Trace Elliot 2x8" cabs (The Hexa Valve doesn't do 8ohms)

    Result: staggering. Forget about lightweight amps they just don't cut it.

    Interesting experiment, bet it was great fun.  It's not a fair fight though if you're wanting to compare amp types (as you conclude). The Hexavalve Vs TC RH750 is full fat Ferrari Vs a Ford with all kinds of engine efficiency management going on.  

    I'm as big a TE fan as the next guy but compare the Hexavalve with an absolutely premium Class D head (Mesa TT) and you'd be in for a clash of the titans.


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  4. The main advantage of rack format for me is the interoperability. It was/is a 'standard' that designers built for so that things could be swapped, interchanged, combined. In the case of my original post, I like the idea of having a combo in which the head can die and the combo can survive (just choose a new head) without the whole thing needing to be scrapped. Triggers broom comes to mind...


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  5. Thanks guys.

    I guess the sheer size and weight of the combos mentioned here is part of the answer, in a market looking for small and light.

    It seems a shame that we're moving away from this kind of interoperability. 

    It also seems a shame that a new  standard for a smaller / micro form factor isn't emerging, as far as I know.

  6. Are we aware of any bass combos that use an interchangeable 19inch rack head?

    I think Orange use this format for their more powerful combos but I'm at a loss as to why this is not a more common format. Unless of course we imagine a world in which manufacturers want us to buy more of their stuff rather than make things that can play with others...

    Ashdown ABM combos do seem to use heads that can be swapped with others from the same range (ABM heads are interchangeable between combos if they've come from a combo or are in a wooden amp case) but that's not quite an 'open' design. 

    I'm also aware that BFM offers an airhead version of some of his cab designs, which I've been sorely tempted to try.

    Would be interested to hear if anyone knows of combos that have this kind of design or if there are good reasons for it not being commonly used.

    To my mind it makes a lot of sense in that if the amp dies, or your tastes change ,you can swap it for another.

    Any thoughts?

  7. Hi,

    Does anyone know if a switch could be added to turn off the tweeter on these combos? Apologies if this is a brain-dead question! Not sure what if any complications there'd by if a simple breaker was wired?

    I'm interested in getting one but would prefer to have such an option.

    Thanks in advance



  8. just to add to the collective experience of this...

    I managed to add effects from the B3n to my G3n meaning I have an all-in-one pedal for bass and guitar . Also, I prefer the G3n's black look to the red of the B3n, just sayin' :) 

    Initially I  tried to do it on a Macbook but couldn't. Once I fired up my old windows machine it was pretty easy. If anyone wants the detail of how I did it I'm happy to oblige as I get the feeling it would not be a walk in the park for everyone.

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