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Posts posted by Si600

  1. I've got a serious amount of GAS for a 5 string P-Bass with a PJ configuration. I know they exist but they seem to be quite rare and not available new.
    Would it be wrong to get a normal one and have a competent fellow fit the jazz pickup?

    Not that I'm in a position to buy a P-Bass at the moment regardless of what sort it is, but you can't help thinking of these things can you?!

  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1378421387' post='2200240']
    Usually I don't find it a problem but some songs start in an odd place and mislead you as to where the 1 is. A perfect example is 'Sex On Fire'.
    [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1378447941' post='2200330']
    Can you count? If it's in 4/4 then you only need to count to 4, 5/4 requires an extra syllable. Ask the drummer if he'll do the counting out loud to start with.

    I'm not sure what it is, but I can't hear beat one, whether it's in 4/4 or comes in late. My teacher (Hi Matt :P) started me off on Cissy Strut this week, not only is it on the off beat but when he played some drum tracks I had real difficulty picking out which beat was the beginning of the bar or not. I listened to some stuff in the car on the way home and even then I'm not sure I got it right. :( Maybe I should become a guitarist :P

  3. A work colleague of mine has just walked from John O Groats to Lands End. On the way they spent the evening in a pub with a couple of chaps with guitars. One of the punters said that they'd always meant to learn to play. At which point the guitarist said "Well, you aren't dead yet!" which strikes me as the perfect attitude to have about learning new things :) Hope you enjoy learning your new skill and have fun!

  4. It's amazing what an hour making weird noises and reading the instructions gets :) I've got a list of effects stacked up in sequence to cycle through with the footswitch and made a patch with 4 ODB3s in it, then my real one and the OD channel on the amp... Won't be doing that again!

    There are some strange things on there that I have no idea where they'd be anymore than a novelty but the seq filter is my favourite oddity :)

    I think that for what it is and what it costs these pedals are a cracking buy, I need to adjust the levels on it and my compressor/noise gate a bit though.

    Pipped by Dood! :)

  5. Rather than ressurect Dood's old thread I thought I'd start a new one with my questions, unless you want it adding to the other one to keep all the info in one place?

    I got one of these wee beasties last night and so far I'm very impressed and more than a little bit lost!

    1, Is there a suggested place in the chain for it, currently it's set up Tuner - GE7B - ODB3 - MS60B - Compressor/Noise Gate. I've not played with positioning, just chucked it in the chain to play with it.

    2, The Cry and Talk wah seem to have a LOT of gain on them, to the point of almost being a fuzz pedal. I've never used a real one, so is this what they are actually supposed to sound like?

    3, One of the Synth models doesn't seem to track very well, if I play even medium fast by the time I'm at the end all I'm getting is clean notes, again, I've never used a real one so I wouldn't know whether this is normal behaviour or not.

    4, Overall it's a great bit of kit, once I realised that the memory patches were a whole string of effects in one go and how to find the individual models it mostly fell into place but now I need to watch Dood's review and RTFM, though the manual does look a bit thin for the amount of stuff this thing looks capable of!

  6. I saw these guys in Kitzbühel earlier this year and I'd forgotten all about them until I was looking for something else on YouTube. We popped in for a couple and enjoyed it so much we stayed to the end. I was a bit worse for wear by the end so didn't think of plugging the 'chat but if you're on here, good bass skills :)


  7. Can you get single ear headphones at all? I find that if I listen to a track with my Walkman ear buds I can follow the bass much better, but then I can't hear my playing, especially if I'm not plugged in. I usually use just one of the ear buds, but as they're stereo I'm worried about missing bits as I haven't got both of them in.

    Is there a single mono earbud solution, or any bit of kit that I can plug the output from the Walkman, or laptop, into so that I can play along and hear it at the same time?

  8. I was playing with odd tuning last night, DADG for Killing in the Name. Just out of curiosity is there an effect patch or stompbox that would replicate that, like a mutant octaver or something? The more I think about it as I write the more problems I can see with it so it's probably been tried and thrown away as a bad idea!

  9. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1375694919' post='2164277']
    It's a GK MB500 Fusion and I've currently got an ODB-3 which I hadn't considered using alongside the GK as it already has a gain stage. I'll try it when I get home and see what happens :)

    Now that was an interesting experiment. Compared to the natural overdrive the ODB-3 is quite harsh and tinny, but that may be the settings. Put them together and it's a whole new sound. There's a solid body to it from the GK and the Boss adds a layer of bright snarlyness to it. I quite like it but it's a one song thing I think, adding the Boss for a chorus maybe otherwise you're trying to bash two pedals at once which doesn't quite work!

  10. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1375706391' post='2164484']
    Why not use the zooms own power supply ? or buy individual power units there not to dear on ebay better than messing things up by underpowering them.

    I can, but I was wondering whether I could keep all the pedals self contained with the rest of the board. I've not got either Zoom yet, see "What Effect" thread, but the MS60B is looking very nice for the price. I suppose that I could mount an extension block in the case along with the pedal board. When I build the case of course :P Hmmm, it might not be a bad idea anyway...

  11. I've got an effects power question, can you run a 9v 500ma unit from a 9v 300ma supply?

    Both the Zoom B3 and MS60B are 500ma but my board supply only has options for 100 or 300ma.

  12. Choices, choices :P

    It's a GK MB500 Fusion and I've currently got an ODB-3 which I hadn't considered using alongside the GK as it already has a gain stage. I'll try it when I get home and see what happens :)

    The Zoom B2 looks like a tidy bit of kit as well, I'm not sure it's as customisable as the MS60B though. Anyone using a B2?

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