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Posts posted by Si600

  1. Resurrecting this one as I've thought of another question...

    I've been looking at small mixers, for no better reason than I can. I thought of getting a little one to record to a computer and play about with multiple inputs and generally learn how to use it. If the phantom power is global, as it appears to be on most desks, does that mean you are only able to use powered microphones? Most channels seem to have a normal 1/4 jack as well as the XLR so I'd guess amp line-out's can go in there rather than using the powered XLR on the desk?

  2. We're working on a song which has the guitar and bass copying each other note for note under the verse and then root note/chords for the chorus and under the solo.

    It's a punky sort of number so dirty guitar power chords but when we get to the solo it's just me following the roots with the guitar noodling away on top and it sounds a little thin.

    Any suggestions on what, if anything, I can add to my sound to fill that gap in? I could play power chords I suppose... :P

  3. Ooo crikey DM. It does have two toggles, but as they're between the controls for the inputs and there's no obvious manual online I think there had better be more research.

    What's a condenser microphone, or rather, is one better than a dynamic microphone? :blush:

    I think I need to rename the thread ;)

  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1383315877' post='2263076']
    +1 to what 51m0n says!

    We're posting up a sticky on this sort of stuff fairly soon. Watch this space, etc. Well not literally... go do something useful in the meantime :D

    Wot no sticky? :P

  5. I've not got an XLR out from my little amp, just a 1/4 jack. The GK has one, but I'm not using that this time. I've got one on my tuner though, which has a 0, -10 and -20 db switch, would that be safer to use?

    Even just having a cursory Google throws up all sorts of weird things that look shiny but I have no idea whether any of it is any good or not. I'm very definitely in the shallow end of this very big pool :)

    I'm going to suggest that if the singer wants the speakers to hear himself then that's fine but we'll get a recorder like the H4n instead of the M-Audio thing and carve the soundfile up on a PC afterwards.

  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1383583715' post='2266187']
    Ah. :)

    In that case...


    I know what the magic bit is supposed to be now. One of these http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MTrackQUADNew.html I've no idea whether it's any good or not but...

    He's also talking about these; http://www.equatoraudio.com/D5-Coaxial-Studio-Monitors-p/d5.htm which I'm assuming is because we have no means of attaching a mic to anything so he can hear himself sing!

    It all looks rather funky, but I'm going to look for an H4n in the meantime!

  7. All I got this morning was an email asking whether my amp had an XLR line out on it. It doesn't, but it does have a 1/4 line out. Which is why I asked whether the 1/4 to XLR cable would work.

    What will actually happen I have no idea, I'll find out next time we meet up. If anything sensible comes out of the other end I'll post it so you can laugh at my shonky playing :)

  8. Are all DI's at mic level then? So in my practice setup where I have a little 25w Marlin combo with a line-out on the back and my tuner on my board has an XLR DI out the two outputs will be at different levels? Why should line level be different from mic level?

    We don't have a mixer, our singer is talking about recording us using some sort of MIDI input with an output to a Mac. Until I actually see it I haven't much of an idea of what he's talking about, I'm just the bass player after all :P

    I would like to start recording us and I'd like to learn more about the dark arts of doing so, I did the lighting desk for a year at Uni but never got to play with the audio side.

    We're nowhere near being a real band yet, we don't even have a human drummer, just a Boss Dr Rhythm :)

  9. While that sounds tremendously cool, what I actually meant was could we get a desk that would allow us to record our practice sessions as well as being able to mix a PA when necessary. Something like a mixer with a built in HDD or a USB interface for connecting a PC to.

  10. We are looking to start recording our practice sessions and at the moment neither my guitarist or I have any XLR line-out on our practice amps.

    Is it possible to take a 1/4 to XLR cable from the normal line-out socket on the combo to a mixer with XLR inputs?

  11. Just to clarify in my own head, (and defeat GAS :P) the consensus is that for UK power a mains conditioner isn't necessary and that the amp itself should be robust enough in it's design to cope with power irregularities anyway?

    Snake oil or is it worth getting one for the current/load protection anyway? I'm looking at the Samson Powerbrite PB10 because it ahs the C13 ports on the back and the blurb claims it does surge protection, peak voltage spike clamping and RFI/EMI filtering. Whatever they are!

  12. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1382802304' post='2256740']
    The best and most expensive vdrum kit won't work through an under powered PA, you need lots of watts to recreate the earsplitting crack of a real snare.

    Do you? I hadn't thought of that aspect to it. So basically we're looking at a quality kit plus a quality PA to get the best out of it?

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