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Everything posted by Bass-ic

  1. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='356692' date='Dec 17 2008, 09:58 AM']If you're playing the same thing over and over soon it grows monotanous and ends up feeling like you're not getting anywhere/getting worse. Try varying what you're doing.[/quote] why thank you 'o gorgeous one' I did in fact come accross this problem a while ago, and then i posted a thread about what people thought a beginner should learn. The response was good andf Ive learnt music that I wouldnt normally listen to. I still have a way to go befor e i master everything that folk here recommended. It was fun to learn stuff like this. XXX
  2. That, my friend , is brilliant. thanks very much fir taking the time to get all that down. Cheers matt. I think Im going to read all that again.
  3. I did just manage to get through 'Peaches' without making any errors!
  4. Am going to loook up the Hendricks tho. Muse, I seem to getting around on. I can sort of play Starlight. I just keep forgetting where I am. I get teh point. I actually try to play stuff that I dont normally listen to, as i am trying to be somewhat encompasing in the stuff that i learn. Its good for me, right? Yikes Matt
  6. Thanks to everyone for their input on this. Cheers Matt
  7. That Ashdown combo seems pretty popular on here at the moment. Loads in other threads about it. Matt
  8. I hear what youre all saying, but I just dont know enough to play in a band right now. My knowledge is pretty limited. Matt
  9. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='356380' date='Dec 16 2008, 09:04 PM']Well,what used to work for me were the old ''Hot licks''videos(no not tht kind) which, Basicallyis a i hour video(dvd) of a bass player of the kind of music you like showing various techniques to learn. Alternitavely, if you have reached a plateau and are having difficulty then perhaps seeing a teacher about once weekly should help.[/quote] Am seriously considering lessons after the christmas thing
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='356327' date='Dec 16 2008, 08:00 PM']You're not getting worse ... the more you know, the more you recognise your own mistakes and realise how much further there is to go. I've been playing for just three years, so I remember hitting the same thing. My solution was to find some guitarists to jam (quietly) with. Nothing improves your playing like playing with someone else, and nothing boosts your confidence more than discovering that NO ONE else can hear your mistakes![/quote] It feels like Im getting worse, i cant even seem to stop notes buzzing and I keep missing the right place to put my fingers. Grr, Its frustrating. last week I was joyfully jamming along to the Tascam no problem, now its all over the place. (me not the Tascam!) Oh well.
  11. [quote name='Prosebass' post='356325' date='Dec 16 2008, 07:58 PM']Ditch the scales and practice warm up routine for a while. Get some good backing tracks 4/4 drum beats etc and just sit and play what ever comes into your head for a few hours. Make your own riffs and progressions up and try to be spontaneous ...... Play till your fingers hurt and your arms ache , then ask yourself...."was that fun ?" If you answer yes , carry on we all have dips in our ability and interest, you'll get better and gain confidence with time. If you answer no.....join a guitar forum.... [/quote] Hmmm, seems like a good plan. I really feel off the pace at the mo. Cheers to everyone for the input ! Matt
  12. I think this must be me. I've been playing for about a year now, teaching myself and trying do it properly with scales and a warm up routine. How is it that recently I seem to be getting worse? Is this normal?
  13. Hi Paul. Thanks for that, can you let me know how it goes? Matt
  14. Hi Paul. How did the combo work out. I am also new to amps/combos and as far as I can make out the combo +extra bin was where i was heading. would be interessted to hear your comments. Did you get to play it before you bought it? Cheers Matt
  15. Im not sure if it covers your area, but tehre is also 'bristolrock.co.uk' ya never know! good luck Matt
  16. Ahh. Ok. I think i get that. So why wouldnt you run something at 2 ohms or would tha not make it louder still? Blimey, did i just say that??
  17. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='351700' date='Dec 11 2008, 12:40 PM']I have the very combo, plus the extra 115T bin. My opinion: I do various pub gigs and have never felt I'm pushing the combo. I have rarely used the 115T bin, and I think it was a bit of a mistake as there does appear to be some funny phasey kind of things going on. Search the threads and you'll see some of the experts on here will warn you about this when mixing driver sizes. Anyway, back to the 210 combo. I love it! I did try a huge Trace Elliott rig last week with an 18" in the cab and my mind was blown away, but I think for what I do, and the fact that it needs to fit in my car, then it's absolutely fine for my purposes. I was also using it as a practice amp in my house the other night. The fact that it's a combo means it gets a bit heavy if you're carrying it for more than a few yards at a time. The only thing that really f**ks me off about it are the pots. There is no real reassuring resistance in them when you turn them or notched centering in the EQ ones, so it is easy to knock them. I have even done this mid gig with the back of my leg before! I bought mine early 2004 so they may have improved them since. I guess if you're clever enough you could replace the pots, but I've never been that bored! EDIT: Just remembered, it does sometimes rattle. I have seen other people moan about this on various web sites. It does disconcertingly sound like a poorly driver, but everyone seems to think its a loose grille or bit of wood in the cab. It doesn't always happen, and most people wouldn't notice at pub levels anyway.[/quote] Cheers HH Matt
  18. [quote name='sk8' post='351706' date='Dec 11 2008, 12:44 PM']the 414 cab is a 410 4ohm one so that would give you the full 300 watts[/quote] sorry SK8, I didnt understand any of that.
  19. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='351590' date='Dec 11 2008, 11:02 AM']I used an Ashdown Mag 2x10 Combo and 1x15 Mag Deep Cab for years and in all honesty it was the most versatile, reliable and convenient rig I've ever owned. I used the combo on it's own for small gigs, rehearsing and recording and added the 1x15 extension when I wanted to move a bit more air. I only eventually moved on to the Superfly rig due to the rapid approach of old age and infirmity and. while I would certainly recommend my new rig to anyone, the Mag rig took some beating in terms of value for money.[/quote] Hi Cheers for that. matt
  20. part of my research was to trawl through this site and see who used what. Ashdown semed very popular. Plus i can get a good price on the unit. I could always sell it or take it back if i didnt like it.
  21. The reason i looked at the Fender was because it seemed like a good practice combo, but i thought why spend the money when i could get something that would possible serve me beter inthe future. I am trying to decipher the whole amp thing. its complicated. Matt
  22. Thanks very much for the info. I must admit that the CT210T is my absolute limit finacially at the mo, but i do like the idea of getting the 115 cab at a later date to improve it. Its that or a fender 210. Hmm, am trying to think long term Cheers Matt
  23. has anyone got one of these? Ashdown MAG C210T 300 combo Am interested to hear from anyone who has used one. Does it need the extra speaker cab for the amp to push all 300W. How is it for practice, small gig etc. many thanks in advance Cheers Matt
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