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Everything posted by SkinnyMike

  1. +1 for the post above ^^^^^^ What a hilarious idea. I think this would be a great way to allow BC'ers to converse with there playing more and it just sounds fun to me. definatly up for it, even though my skills arnt exactly fantastic but tbh i dont care if someone else is better than me. Good on them for trying harder id say.
  2. [quote name='XB26354' post='198628' date='May 14 2008, 11:51 AM']The only style I would say is a big no-no is to anchor your thumb on the pickup and leave it there whilst you play all 4/5/6 strings. This puts a severe bend on the right wrist (which gets worse the higher you wear the bass), puts tension in the hand when you play the upper strings and leads to a loss in fine control when playing quickly.[/quote] Too true buddy. I adopted this style when i started 6 years ago and only YESTERDAY realised that it was the worst playing technique a bass player could have compared to all the others out there. Im trying my hardest to adopt the floating technique and to be fair, after 6 years with 1 technique then switching to this (completly new to me) technique, its not actually as hard as i thought it would be. It feels very natural. It does hurt at 1st but i can tell that its gong to be doing me a whole lot of good in the end.
  3. [quote name='Oscar South' post='198712' date='May 14 2008, 01:33 PM']Got all their albums between 1975-78 (5 in total), listened to them all. This is the attitude I was talking about in my original post.[/quote] Attitude...It was ment to be quite a light hearted joke tbh. However at 3.45 in the morning my thoughts might have come out slightly wrong. i understand your reasoning perfectly as i used to pretty much dispise funk but could play the style upon request. dont take my post to heart to much...its only the internet.
  4. Im sorry, how can you not like funk!? Ok it may be jazz's deformed cousin but you cannot dislike it. Its almost not agressive enough to be taken seriously. Go and listen to some Parliment songs and if they don't bring a smile to your eye then your just cold. Oo
  5. This thread has been a great read guys! And the same goes for the 3 finger exercise in another thread. I definatly need to adopt this technique as i get a very sore wrist quickly when playing bass. Although having dislocated and broken my right wrist a few years ago wouldnt have helped in any way, shape or form... Wow my right hands technique is going to change a LOT over summer because of this forum!!
  6. Bought the EHX micro q-tron later last year, Still have its original box and is in mint condition! would quite like a trade for this for maybe a nice chorus pedal but its up for [b]£40 Posted[/b] I also have the boss me-50 multi effects pedal. Its in great shape, been in storage for the past 6-8 months. [b]SOLD!!![/b] could do with either a chorus or could do a deal for a EBS octave pedal. In fact im open to any offer of pedals, as long as there around the same price range and in a metal box i guess. Mike
  7. Would love to read this matey, if you could give me a PM that would be shweeet!
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  9. Ahh clutch, iv just found out about this band. There bloody awsome! some of the best riffs iv heard in a while.
  10. The Magnificent Seven by The Clash. I was in a slap mood when i learned it so i turned it funk. great bassline
  11. i rekon BC should make the sales section unpostable untill you have had at least 10 posts or something like that. Then even if its spam that the floggers post, at least they will have a chance to browse the site.
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  13. [quote name='kdphysio' post='175818' date='Apr 13 2008, 07:55 PM']yeah great sound. particularly like 'load up the guns'.......edgy.[/quote] My favourite isnt even up there, its only a jam at the moment, however we plan to actually do something about our thousands of riffs and structure them all etc.. etc.. Not to bad for a few bedroom recordings pieced together though, although the featured 3 need more work. thanks for the replies guys, you have made a bass player feel proud mike
  14. Woah, didn't say i/we was expecting comments like this. Well thats settled then. As soon as our singer gets back from his trip around the world we shall start up. O and you are ALL invited to any/every gig we do.
  15. We are not exactly a band, more 4 best mates who can play the required instruments for a band. The name came from when we were at school. During lunch on a thursday at college we would go to the local newsagents and buy strongbow supers and get lashed for afternoon lessons. i wish i could go back, that was easily the most fun iv had during my life at school. Were thinking of actually forming a band and doing proper gigs etc.. but we want to know if we might even have a potential audience. [url="http://www.myspace.com/superthursday"]clicky clicky![/url] Cheers Mike *I didn't know where to put this so mods, if its ment to go somewhere else. Feel free to move it *
  16. rite, omni 15 it is! Low end is what i want, and the 15 will give me it. I would love to hear one of these before it build it though. Anyone around oxford or the South east London area (croydon) that has an omni 15 that they wouldn't mind me having a quick listen to? In terms of the biamp, looks like its not a good idea to do that then. lol o well...not a bad loss. [quote name='alexclaber' post='174634' date='Apr 11 2008, 03:50 PM']You could relabel the tweeter level knob as your 'bad mofo' or 'punch' or 'warmth' or whatever control to keep foolish producers/engineers happy! [/quote] there goes my tea!
  17. giggiggiggiddy gooo!!! They are truly awsome! especially the fender with the block inlays!
  18. [quote name='Golchen' post='174449' date='Apr 11 2008, 11:59 AM']1st class delivery to the land of fail.[/quote] Couldn't have put it better myself. That is just truly truly awfull
  19. [quote name='gilmour' post='174299' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:07 AM']I'll let you know once I've finished making my O10, but from what Dave Perry says - yes there is no comparison the low end of the 15 is much stronger (he's posted a review on Bill's site and Finnbass), but it is a lot less portable, and will cost more.[/quote] Humm, thats why id love a omni 15, purly based on its low end. i love playing Dub and its all about low end with a bass... i mean isnt that what a bass was made for!?! Seriously though, if you could let me know gilmour when you have finished your omni10 build that would be excelent. I will wait with great interest! Im also going to have to get the old measuring tape out to see if an omni 15 would even fit in my terriably small car. *daewoo lanos* - quite simply the most awfull car ever made! [quote name='gilmour' post='174299' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:07 AM']In terms of difficulty I'd say there's not much in it, the wiring for the O15 is a bit trickier because of the crossover, and the O15 will cost a lot more to make, but i can't give an exact price as most of my O10 is being built with 'leftovers'[/quote] Im not too fussed about the difficulty of the build as i love building things, helping out with DIY etc.. etc.. its just my thing i quess. However the only thing id say id have a slight problem with would be the wiring as im going to link it to my newly bought GK which as you hopefully know has the biamping output. This could be tricky as i dont have the 1st clue about even thinking about wiring a cab to that. :wacko:
  20. to be honest, why would you want his tone? I know his tone sounds good but shurley you would want to make your own tone rather than just "try" copy someone elses. For one, you dont have the fingers Flea uses. You might be able to buy all his shizzle but your playing style will always differ to someone elses, thus making a slightly different tone. If i was you, id try find your own tone through playing different cabs through the head and finding what YOU think sounds best or closest to flea rather than try copy the crazy slapper. Thats what i think anyway, fell free to ignor me!
  21. [quote name='gilmour' post='173583' date='Apr 10 2008, 02:02 AM']:brow: Sorry Finn, but if it makes you feel any better I went through your build thread a couple of times - back when i was [i]lurking[/i] before I started min Put simply the Omni 15 is the best sounding cab i've ever played through[/quote] I blame all of you! I Am set on making one this summer because of you lot! However im still torn between a omni 10 or 15. Given the choise to start from scratch having not made one of these before, which cab would you choose? In terms of low end, is the 15 that much better?
  22. Ahh Andy, i would love to take this off your hands but i can't bring myself scrap my summer project and loosing the satisfaction of playing something you built from not a lot! Have a Bump on me!
  23. Wow sudgen, thoes omni's are mint! Great job building them sir. Im going to start up a build in the distant future, so watch this space.
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