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Everything posted by SkinnyMike

  1. Im fairly bad with estimates to be honest. Would £250 be about rite? and with the head, £400?
  2. BUMP I could realy do with this gone...
  3. BUMP so no one is either interested in a thinderbird or knows anyone who may be??!
  4. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='126937' date='Jan 24 2008, 02:38 PM']Have a look in the recommended luthiers sticky.[/quote] Ha i knew someone would say that...I aready looked and from what i saw there wasnt any in the Oxford area on there. There was in the croydon ares but they wernt actually anyhelp tbh. iv been phoning around all morning...
  5. Hi there, im going back up to Oxford in the next few days and i have a Fender jazz neck that needs a new truss rod. Does anyone know how would be great for this job as i would love to have this neck fxed up! thanks the_house
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='126301' date='Jan 23 2008, 05:18 PM']No problem. I think the LMII will be the right one for you. As ive said, most people i know that own MB heads dont really use the EQ much and so maybe you could save some cash by not getting the SA450. the two tone filters are very good. If you are ever down in London at the weekend and you want to try the UL115 give me a shout. Its the only cab i have access to away from gigs as i dont drive so leave my gear with my drummers. I also gig quite a bit in the Oxford area but these are mainly wedding so it might be difficult to meet up. In fact if you wanted to buy it ill let it go for a bit less than £350 ;-)[/quote] Humm, yeh il definatly bear that in mind my friend. I actually live in London but at uni in Oxford so i travel to and from whenever i can/want realy. What i tell you what, il try out my friends unc's cab, Sell the rest of my gear when/if i can, get the head and then get back to you with that offer if its still up when i get to that stage How does that sound sir? cheers mike
  7. [quote name='Merton' post='126288' date='Jan 23 2008, 05:01 PM']Mike, everyone has different opinions so asking "which has the best tone" will give as many responses as there are bass amp manufacturers!! e.g. I hate the Ashdown tone and love the Trace sound but I know plenty of people with other opinions. Best is to try lots for yourself. You seem to like the MB stuff so that's a damn fine place to start![/quote] Merton, thank you for your reply but, Yes i know that saying this will attract many different varietys of opinions, but from my own experience, i seam to find getting as much information from other people about different makes, models etc.. very usefull. I think of it more like a survey kind of thing. (Its hard to explain) However Yes i think the MB might be the head i am looking for but in terms of which one, that will be decided on the day i think. Dave, thank you that was very helpfull and if and even thought its early days, im fairly sure the epifany range might be the answer. IL have to contact my friends uncle about having a go on it.
  8. [quote name='Alfie' post='125826' date='Jan 22 2008, 10:49 PM']I am at Exeter, Brasenose are our nextdoor neighbours.[/quote] Ahhhavnt heard of it im afraid, but then again i havnt heard of most of the colleges. Hope all is well at the ox though! as long as your not taking the course my mates taking. Its a clasics and acient greek course or something very similar to it.
  9. thanks Murphy, Im definatly going to need to have a closer look, and try out these cabs im going for power much more than before due to band etc.. etc.. you know how it is. In terms of heads though, still unsure as i originally thought M was the ultimate way forward, but looking around GK is rite up there. I need to try it all out though to find my sound. thanks for all the input so far guys, its realy helped me out.
  10. christ, been having a little gander on the net and schroeder are LOUD. Dave, if yo uwere in my position, looking at various makes, (MB,GK,Warick,Epifany,and now schroeder) which do you find has the best tone? In fact, anyone, if you have tried any of these cabs, which took your fancy and why? Head wise, If you have tried and GK, MB, or Warick, which took your fancy and why? thanks mike
  11. Epiffany rite? If so my mates uncle has one of these but the 2x10 version. Never tried it but hes been playing bass a while. I will definatly have to check that out! Power wise though, whats it like when giging? in your opinion obviously Head wise im definatly going to have to have a long long try in the shop to find that new sound. Well as long as i sell my items il be able to get all this. Thanks for your knowledge so far Dave, your a star! [quote name='dave_bass5' post='126167' date='Jan 23 2008, 03:17 PM']Yeah, that sounds like my experience. But i didnt find out until i was at a gig. Lucky i could take the cab back. I can recommend the UL115. Like i have said, its a very full sounding 1x15. In fact it can get very bright if needed. Ive not heard a 1x15 like this before although him sure there are loads around. And its light enough to carry with one hand (not too far though). Only trouble is its not cheap. I paid £450 for mine second hand from the Gallery in London. new they are around £700 over here i believe. I had it up for sale for around £350 last year ago but got no takers. i decided not to push it too much as i really love the cab, even though i dont use it now. My GK cost £499 so i think its in the same price range as the bigger MB heads like the LMK and SA450.[/quote]
  12. [quote name='BlueBear' post='125808' date='Jan 22 2008, 10:31 PM']Avoid it, seriously.[/quote] what he said buddy. A friend of mine had one of there combo amps and it never used to even work 1/2 the time! tbh mate, wait a little longer/sell some things and get a better, more respectable amp. I mean when i 1st saw one of there mixers called the "eurostack" i dont ever trust anything with euro in it!
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='126147' date='Jan 23 2008, 02:57 PM']Exactly. MB heads seems to have something special about them tone wise. I know some people dont like it though but i think its more the lack of colouring rather than anything else. Not a recommendation as such but when i had some slightly bigger gigs coming up last year i got a GK 1001RBII as, on paper, its louder. 480watts in to 8ohms as opposed to 300watts. Trouble was, to get a clean, full sound from the GK i had to keep the volume/gain down and so got nowhere near the full output. Also at one gig i used it for the first set and my SA450 for the second. The SA450 filled the room much better. more low end and a smoother tone. But thats just my opinion and it suites my playing style. Im only doing covers but i find i can get most styles out fo the MB heads. I would use a GK again, but only if both my MB heads were broken.[/quote] Yeh, thinking about it though even though the sound i get with my MB cab is one i love, the mids dont sound as full as they should if that makes sence. They do almost drop off and dissapear into the drums rather than pushing them away I need to find a mix between the tone of a MB cab but one that can deliver better when it comes to the mids a bit more. Head wise, GK was a make i was thinking about, but price wise i think they might be too much. Same goes for Trace. I could be wrong though...
  14. ha, yeh i know what you mean but this may sound odd but i find my style of playing with my bass working with markbass did sound just too good. But im still going to look around as i dont want to make a rational decision on this as for me im going to be parting with a lot of money. (being a student ) So so far recomendations are markbass LMK and the SA450. Any other models i should look at? thanks for the help so far
  15. Dave, thats some interesting stuff your saying here. I should point out i want something that will power enough for gigs. This SA450, never even heard of it tbh but i hadnt heard of mark bass till i went to the shop. Il definatly have to try thoes out and look much more into them. My cab is this: [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/traveler-151-p/12368"]Cab[/url] Im looking to also get another cab but thats a different story and i will think of that at a later date.
  16. thanks for the reply Murphy. Yes iv looked at various reviews about this head and it does sound bloody brilliant. I think i may have even used it when i was at the shop. Its good to hear about such a natural sound as im looking for that the most. Im swaying towards that head quite a lot. And the fact its very light is also a great advantage as my hartke is so daym annoying to move around. I have also had an interest in some Warick heads. (warick x-treme 5.1) Can anyone vouch for Warick or tried both sets, maybe tried an alternative to both these brands and heads etc..etc.. thanks
  17. so no one is willing to talk about best heads to power my cab? Im hoping to gain about £650 and i loved one of the markbass heads i tried out.(not entirely sure which one i tried out. They all looked the same ) Any similar products to markbass that will power my cab very nicely within my price range? Or can anyone vouch for a certain brand over another etc.. etc..
  18. [quote name='steve-norris' post='125860' date='Jan 23 2008, 12:13 AM'][url="http://www.guitars.co.uk/acatalog/Ibanez_AGB140.html"]http://www.guitars.co.uk/acatalog/Ibanez_AGB140.html[/url] Had one of these for a while, outstanding value for money anyone who buys this ( for a slightly more realistic price ) won't be disappointed, really well made and a Ive always regretted selling mine i want another with a Darkstar in it.[/quote] Agreed, im not just saying this because i want to sell my ibanez, but it really is a brilliant bass. Im quite reluctant to sell this to be honest but i need a new head (markbass) and so all my previous gear must go. So offer up (at a more realistic offer )
  19. Im actually at Brookes, one of my best m8's is at brasenose though. Which one are you at?
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='124898' date='Jan 21 2008, 06:31 PM']I sold one on eBay, did you perchance buy it?[/quote] Im afraid i didn't. I got this from G.A.K In Brighton 1st hand.
  21. ahh, i see. Well i cant actually remeber how much i bought it for if im honest so i looked at it and thought how much i would pay for it. So in my eyes i see its this much, but with offers from others and locality etc.. the price will most likely go down. So offer up people
  22. I have got this great multi effects pedal which i sadly have no time to use for as most of the stunning effects i dont need for the style i play anymore. Iv had this since late 2006 i think and it served me well, and spent HOURS playing with this. Its a great toy, and has many crazy sounds. (Im not going to list them as if you clicked on this topic you should proably know what it has and if not...GO and research it then make me an offer ) Offer up for this, worst i can say is no. And questions, feel free to PM me. thanks The_house
  23. Bassists, this could be your lucky day! Iv only realy used this for home use, although i have giged it on occasion. Its a great cab and im sorry to see this go, but its time i got myself a new head to power myu new cab Open to offers, postage may be a problem unless your local. I live In Croydon, Surrey till the end of the week then moving up to oxford for my uni course. Any question please PM me. Thanks The_house P.S i have a Hartke HA3500 head which for the rite price, il let them go in one deal. Pictures will be up shortly
  24. Now this bass of mine realy has to go. It was the 2nd bass i ever owned and did me good. However i need to get rid of it as i have had this for too long now.(I think i got it in 2003-4) looking to get £100ish for it Postage or courier will be needed from you as i have no idea of cost, ect for that..Im located in Croydon, Surrey till the end of the week and then going off to uni in oxford.(hope this helps...) Pics will be up in an hour. any question, just give me a PM thanks the_house
  25. Ecactly what it says on the tin. Iv had this badboy since late 2006, and Dont use it much anymore so im going to put it up here for a new home. Pictures will be up in an hour. I actually managed to maintain this in a good condition so there arnt any major dings or scratches. [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/ibanez-artcore-abg140/jan-06/16448"]Review of the Ibanez artcore bass[/url] I am open to offers, so offer up. The worst im going to say is no thankyou. Idealy im looking towards the £200 area for it. cheers The_house
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