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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. Good to hear from you all guys! I was thinking it might be an idea to get a network of bass players in Cornwall and socialise/gig share/generally help each other out. Anyone up for that? I think there is a page on Facebook with a similar aim, kind of like a bass players directory. It's called Bass Players in Cornwall - can't post the link as I'm on my phone. Btw, anyone heading to Looe festival this weekend?
  2. The last one I played wasn't great, not sure I'll be having those dreams anymore! Penzance is a great town! Lots of good musicians down that way, and the Guitar Doctor is there too. If they moved Penzance up to where St Austell should be then it'd be fantastic! Do you visit at all?
  3. Wasson beys There seems to be a strong contingent of bassists from just about every town/county on here except for Cornwall. I know Deep Thought and Shaggy, are there any other Cornwall-based bassists on here?
  4. Any half decent pair of earbuds will do, as long as they are the in-ear type. I picked up a pair from Tesco for £15 that do the job for me!
  5. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1347620585' post='1803092'] I'm looking for a high tension set of strings as I like the low action. Any recommendations? [/quote] TBH FME etc high tension strings have more pull on the neck which increases relief and raises the action. Adjusting the truss rod will solve this but be careful in doing so! I once put Roto flats on Rex's AXL bass and you could launch a ski jump from the neck now! I think round core strings have more tension for the same gauge.
  6. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1347540742' post='1802144'] I'm looking for a high tension set of strings. Any recommendations? [/quote] Rotosound RS77 flats 50-110 Hope you have a sturdy truss rod!
  7. I have the DHA and I can only concur with what has already been said. I've never used the Tech 21 but from what I've seen and heard it does a very good job of replicating the Ampeg sound, the DHA on the other hand is it's own being completely. While you can get a pretty close ampeg-esque sound out of it, it will give you so much more. I run mine between my effects and my amp and it rounds off the edges of the sound and warms everything up a treat! It comes in useful as an active DI too. But then, like I said, I haven't used the Tech 21 so I don't really know how it compares.
  8. Thanks bluejay but I do not receive notifications via email anyway so no problem there! I'm referring to the notification list on my profile itself, but oddly I did receive a notification for this reply... I guess it must just be because I had a few days of silence
  9. To whom it may concern - Mods/Admin?? Although my account settings have not changed, I have not received any notifications at all in the last week, despite the threads themselves being updated. I had a few days of inactivity, could it be related to that, or might it be something else? Cheers Joe
  10. Fishstock at Brixham yesterday. Got there to find there was no parking so we had to quickly unload gear then go and pay to park at the other end of the harbour! Not a good start! Luckily for me there was a Hartke rig supplied so minimal faffing with gear for me. Set went really well too, bit of variation with a folk 3 piece and some saggy belly dancers before us but the crowd were mad for the Fools!
  11. Fishstock at Brixham yesterday. Got there to find there was no parking so we had to quickly unload gear then go and pay to park at the other end of the harbour! Not a good start! Luckily for me there was a Hartke rig supplied so minimal faffing with gear for me. Set went really well too, bit of variation with a folk 3 piece and some saggy belly dancers before us but the crowd were mad for the Fools!
  12. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1346068367' post='1784739'] I think you'll find that that has absolutely nothing to do with the bass and everything to do with your opinions of the players. [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1346068755' post='1784747'] Yeah I just pointed that out to him but he denies it I'm not he knows what he wants to know. Seems to me that Joe wants some confirmation that Warwick players are daft c***s I don't know what's on topic or off topic in this thread [/quote] Come on guys, that remark was only meant in jest
  13. Thanks guys I'll check out some of those tracks
  14. I'd recommend Russ Fletcher to anyone in Cornwall [url="http://www.russtrading.co.uk/"]http://www.russtrading.co.uk/[/url] He's based in Barripper, near Camborne. Just serviced my Ashdown ABM 500 (bought secondhand on BC) and for a £40 service (inc. PAT test) plus a new preamp valve it sounds good as new! Great bloke as well - very knowledgable and friendly, not an arrogant patronising eejit like another local amp tec... Oh, and his number is Freephone!
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1346066612' post='1784689'] Almost any bass can sound like almost any bass. Warwicks are played in most genres, and most of any bass tone comes from the player's mind and fingers. You seem to be talking about the players more than the bass. Maybe your question should be 'What is the sound of a Warwick player'. If you have some sort of prejudice regarding what you think is the sound of Warwick players, do more research on YouTube. FWIW, I don't think you are the slightest bit interested in what a Warwick sounds like. Now go and find me a bass you think has 'instantly recognisable' tone, and I'll point you in the direction of a good psychiatrist. [/quote] I am aware of all of this. You seem to be missing the point, or perhaps I'm not being as clear as I should be. I know that just about any bass can produce just about any sound for just about any application. I have no prejudice against Warwick players. [quote] and most of any bass tone comes from the player's mind and fingers. [/quote] This is exactly my approach to playing. Anyway, we're wondering off topic here. I see you're a Warwick owner, do you find any nuances in the sound?
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1346018125' post='1784260'] It's whatever you want it to be. [/quote] I remember a friend of mine telling me that he once spoke to a local bassist about his Corvette $$ and he took him through all these different EQ settings like, "If you want a Precision sound - do this, this makes it sound like a Rickenbacker" etc etc. I'm trying to find what signature characteristics, if any, make a Warwick instantly recognisable. From my experience, the Warwick sound is usually bad slapping and pointless fretw**kery!
  17. We've already had this discussion about MusicMen (MusicMans??) so what about Warwicks?? What defines a classic Warwick sound?
  18. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1345447309' post='1777465'] The power of the waves double, but your ears work logarithmically so you don't perceive that as twice the volume. [/quote] Ah I didn't know that, we didn't cover the human ear in A-Level physics
  19. Theoretically, if two identical sound waves are perfectly in phase then the amplitude of the wave doubles and hence the volume is doubled, so two 100w amps should feasibly produce double the volume of one. However if the waves are perfectly out of phase then the waves cancel each other out, total amplitude is always zero, resulting in silence. In reality, wave physics don't really work as they do on paper!
  20. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1345404186' post='1777176'] Had a wedding last night which was a dream. We didn't start until 9pm (it's usually 8) because the meals ran on and the venue took their time turning the room around for us then at the break the groom paid us. I took the envelope and divided the money between us - only to find that we'd been overpaid a considerable amount. I took it back to the groom and told him that we'd been overpaid and to that he asked if we could play til one. I told him that we're only contracted til 12 and were only expecting to play til 12 and would rather give him back the money he'd overpaid us. To that he told us it'd be totally fine to play til 12 and to keep the money. I literally hugged him. Oh, and our usual drummer wasn't there. We had a dep in who was a DREAM. His feel was just in the pocket at all times. Great gig, great wedding, great people, great dep, great over-payment. Nice! [/quote] And you didn't wake up at the end?! I wish all weddings were like that! (maybe minus the dep drummer...)
  21. I'm liking the look of the Sandberg Californias. Does anyone know a dealer in the southwest that stocks them so that I could try one? Don't have the money to buy one but nothing wrong with a bit of food for thought!
  22. If in doubt then just ask the other guys in the band what they think. The music belongs to all of you after all, and everyone should be able to give each other constructive feedback when required.
  23. What I can do however, is emphasise points that have already been made. There is much less room to play with in the studio than live so you shouldn't play any more than is needed. Hold the groove, and keep it tight!
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