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Everything posted by tedmanzie

  1. this is one of my favourites... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_T1NE4Q2BI
  2. Now christmas is over (phew) this is getting a bump! Lots of extra pictures added.
  3. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1359968704' post='1962513'] How's about some mid-90s German fusion? [/quote] Nein danke!
  4. Crikey, i just found this - Miles Davis - The Cellar Door Sessions 1970... I realise they were re-issued a couple of years ago, but I've only just discovered them being new to this sort of thing and all that (I only got Live Evil last week). They sound like the Holy Grail, I've just ordered them...! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dSvXf0gATo[/media]
  5. In my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone buying a bass on ebay for £665 and putting it on here for £1000. 'His 7th such move in the year' - so what?! So he's sold 7 basses, good luck to him, its hardly mugging old ladies. Sorry for getting off topic here....
  6. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1359725455' post='1959417'] Want a cheap solution. [/quote] Dust it
  7. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359717268' post='1959169'] The great Tony Williams.............. [media]http://youtu.be/R_4vi09Tfgg[/media] [/quote] yeah! love it. nice vhs style too
  8. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1359585992' post='1957277'] Colin Hodgkinson on bass . Back Door , a band from Yorkshire . Sax , bass and drums . [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE1GnnjS4Ms[/media] [/quote] this is ACE!
  9. it seems to be the norm for sellers to request paypal gift or BACS on basschat, or ask the buyer to pay extra to cover fees. i didn't realise the 'gift' had no comeback via paypal so maybe the mods should put some advice as a sticky? personally i think if you take paypal payment you should take the fees as the seller, not the buyer.
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359575721' post='1956978'] What about this? [media]http://youtu.be/lDfCkJ_LwcE[/media] [/quote] sounds good
  11. imo you are most likely getting a standing wave problem due to the dimensions and shape of your new room, emphasised by the materials - concrete floor, lack of furnishings. the dimensions will decide the resonant frequencies, the shape is probably square or rectangular parallel walls reinforcing the frequencies. the concrete floor is not helping, its probably making things worse as it bounces the waves straight back, again making the standing waves more fierce. if you move around the room while playing you'll probably find some places emphasise frequencies more than others, and in other places the frequencies dip. in your other room the bass frequencies would pass through the floor which i expect reduced a great deal of the problem, and your double bed is acting like a giant bass trap nicely taming the low frequencies rebounding around the room. perhaps also the spare room has better dimensions, but i bet its mostly the bed and the floor. even though the problems in the new room are in the bass end, the frequencies multiply (i think) so the problem is audible in the mids and upper end. i'm not an expert on this by any means, but i have exactly this problem in my studio which also has a concrete floor and not a lot in it to soak up the bass frequencies - so i have been reading up on it and taking advice. carpet on the walls won't do anything really, even if you could do it. to tame those bass frequencies you need BIG things like beds and sofas - in other words bass traps. bass traps need to be substantial, so you're not really going to be able to do much aside from finding a different listening position and maybe trying a smaller speaker that doesn't produce so much bass? by far the easiest solution is to practice in the spare room where it sounded good originally!
  12. is the amp playing out through the laptop speakers?
  13. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1359550948' post='1956413'] I really like this blog for interesting jazzy funky stuff: [url="http://neverenoughrhodes.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://neverenoughrh...blogspot.co.uk/[/url] No idea if that fits in with what you want, but there's lots of lovely stuff. Particularly, er, if you like Rhodes. [/quote] Who couldn't love a Rhodes! i took a piano lesson once and the guy had a Rhodes. I couldn't concentrate at all as i was just listening to any note on it and thinking 'I must get one of these'...
  14. [quote name='soul deluxe' timestamp='1359548947' post='1956349'] you seem to have your reccomendations down already.. and seem to very very specific on what your after...not sure about British early 70's jazz funk, not sure it had made the jump over the atlantic at that point.. you could try some very early Incognito... beggar and co. light of the world...as for american 70's jazz funk Billy Cobham does it for me.. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN9Vaml0dZE[/media] [/quote] thanks, good tip. gotta love JS's Basil Fawlty 70s moustache too! sorry to be too specifc in what i'm after! just describing my findings. any recommendations gratefully received
  15. Following on from a 1970/71 James Brown phase, I've been having a 70s jazz/fusion/funk phase for the last few months. I've picked up lots of LPs, mostly vinyl. Some of this stuff is really amazing. I particularly enjoy the stuff that keeps an element of the funk rhythm section about it, and if it has mini moogs (etc) on then its a bonus point Personally I'm not really liking later 70s fusion that gets too rocky or too tricksy/prog, also when it gets too funk/disco I don't find it so interesting, and the same for stuff that goes too free and loses the rhythm.[i] But any recommendations welcome[/i]! I would also be interested to find out if there are any British jazz classics from this era? So here are some of my current top favourites. I'm still searching around in this jazz world so please post any recommendations or top tips: Nathan Davis - If George Duke - Faces In Reflection / Feel Miles Davis - Bitches Brew / Live Evil Eddie Henderson - Realization / Inside Out Herbie Hancock - Headhunters / Thrust / Sextant / Mwandishi / Crossings Norman Connors - Dance of Magic / Dark of Light / Slewfoot Larry Young's Fuel Lonnie Liston Smith - Visions Of A New World Johnny Hammond - Gambler's Life Harvey Mason - Marching In The Street
  16. [quote name='tremblap' timestamp='1359536914' post='1956139'] and again... wrong forum maybe? [/quote] correct forum!
  17. Start singing/screaming, plug your bass into an overdrive for the chorus, and you and your drummer can take off as a rocking two-piece!?
  18. yes it had its moments, bit on the nice side for me but good to see, and free!
  19. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359389109' post='1953988'] Boaters Inn, Kingston, Surrey. No improvised jazz but worth a visit. [/quote] funnily enough i was there last night
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