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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. For media file conversion, I swear by Format Factory. It's freeware & converts just about anything into anything else, including M4A. [url="http://www.formatoz.com/"]http://www.formatoz.com/[/url] Pete.
  2. I've been chipping away at transcribing this & have hit a snag... [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8453031/Moanin_Triplets.pdf"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8453031/Moanin_Triplets.pdf[/url] The snag in question is circled in red. The top section is what I want it to look like, but the bottom transcript is what Guitar Pro is insisting on - see that socking great tie? That's not what I want at all. So... Is there something wrong with my transcript that's resulting in this (to me) inexplicable weirdness, or is Guit Pro being silly? FWIW I have two Real Book 'interpretations'. Both are slightly different & neither sound quite right to my ears, hence my attempt at getting a bit closer. I've also deliberately turned the TAB off for this exercise, to try to force me to get used to the stave(s). Here's another version of the offending tune by Ronnie Earl with some more cracking B3: Pete
  3. [quote name='Commando Jack' post='1084904' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:54 PM']...the neck has been replaced...[/quote] This is where I'd point the finger. Set the intonation on the 12th fret, then take a tape measure & check that the distance from the 12th fret to the centreline of the saddles is the same as (or very close to) the distance from the nut to the 12th fret. From what you've said, the odds are it won't be & you'll need to move the bridge until the two dimensions are equal.
  4. There's an interesting (if confusing) [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=727086"]thread over on TB[/url] revolving around an apparently fake Ritter 7-string sold by Guitar Center (caution, it's 33 pages & rising), which threw up this link: [url="http://www.musicincmag.com/News/2010/101214/101214_martin.html"]http://www.musicincmag.com/News/2010/10121...214_martin.html[/url] Now that's scary. I knew about the 'TradeTang' model (where you can get a job lot of [i]any[/i] design for next to no money), but the Trademark Variant is astounding.
  5. TBH, I'm more concerned about the Primrose Yellow that appears to be lurking under the black. Oh, and the chances of retrieving any dates are very slim indeed unless they got nitro'd over at the factory.
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  7. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1076125' date='Jan 3 2011, 11:03 AM']This John Giblin track sold me my Wal [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClCvm4eAT38&feature=related"]April[/url] It wasn't until later that I realised it was the tune, not the sound, that moved me.[/quote] It's a lovely earworm of a tune & a great fretless practice piece. Probably a subconcious influence on my going 'bareback' Have the other version from 'Is There Anything About?' Then another bit of Percy Jones goddness, Malaga Virgen. I prefer the stunning take on 'Livestock', but this'll do... The real reason I went fretless... Pino again, this time on Paul Rodgers' 'Muddy Water Blues' album. [i][b]That's[/b][/i] how you play a slow blues. Finally, another one from the MWB set, killer tone: Pete.
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1078058' date='Jan 4 2011, 10:55 PM']If you don't get on with the little ones, try those big triangles out! Practice makes perfect.[/quote] As I recall, the Tortex picks are stiffer than the nylons by quite a lot. A 1mm Tort is probably edging towards a 1.3 - 1.5mm nylon. I never got on with them, but YMMV.
  9. [quote name='Thepurepower' post='1077675' date='Jan 4 2011, 06:57 PM']RE spankin it hard - I've just cracked the .50 in three places, only noticed when it felt a bit odd![/quote] Maybe not spank it quite that hard then. You [i]might[/i] be setting yourself up for an injury if you're actually breaking picks. Go up a weight or three & back off a bit. In the 25-odd years I've been using nylon Dunlops, I've yet to break one. They usually get worn out or lost. Pete.
  10. 1: It's all in the wrist [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyuDyWc09G8"](have a look at Mr Kilminster's approach)[/url] 2: Jim Dunlop 1mm Black Nylon for me - good balance between flex & stiffness. 3: Low-ish action, & boost the upper mids & treble 4: Spank it. Spank it hard. No way would I attempt that fingerstyle - kudos to you for even trying! Pete.
  11. [quote name='noelk27' post='1077290' date='Jan 4 2011, 01:40 PM']If not, Wizard Pickups offer repair services, as well as replacements.[/quote] I called Andy at Wizard a while back, & he's rather loath to provide 'replica' pickups for fear of treading on the toes of Aria's legal dept. He also said he didn't have a mould for the staggered/exposed variety. As the Special II has the staggered pole arrangement however, a rewind ought to be a simple solution if needed as this style aren't potted (at least the ones in my TSB & ZZB aren't). The covered-in 16 pole SB p/ups are the buggers as they're epoxy potted & transplant surgery is the only option. Pete.
  12. [quote name='fryer' post='1076398' date='Jan 3 2011, 03:57 PM']Tobacco Road - the Animals. I can't see how that bass line works. I know it's the [b]proper sheet music,[/b] but is it right ? This is my tab for it.[/quote] I'd hesitate to use the term 'proper' It was written in tab & the software (Tux) did all the clever wiggly dotty stuff. It's what I worked out from listening to the youtube-linked version (concert footage). One thing with your tab is that it gives no indication of time signature... I felt it was in 6/4, but a tripleted 4/4 could well work too. It's definitely counted as threes (123, 223, 323, 423). Just played it back in Guitar Pro & it sounds a little 'wooden', might revisit this one over the next couple of days & see if I come up with anything different. Pete.
  13. [quote name='greyparrot' post='1076072' date='Jan 3 2011, 09:44 AM']...and glad your likeing this :-)[/quote] What's not to like? JB is one of the all-time greats. Seen this?
  14. [quote name='BassBus' post='1075238' date='Jan 2 2011, 01:01 PM']People often mock the fact we only play one note at a time but that kind of playing just sets that rhythm so well. While everyone else stays at the same pace you are able to speed things up and slow them down just by playing two or four notes to the bar. Love it.[/quote] ^^This^^ There's all manner of fun to be had in the Country and R 'n' R genres with the humble R-3-5. Turn it around, drop one out, repeat bits, half time, double time, walk it up the neck bouncing it off an open etc. etc. Greyparrot... what's the source for the track in your OP? It's not the Sun Sessions stuff (that one's Bill Black keeping a pretty strict R-5). Great tune, thanks for the heads up It'd be handy if you could take to posting a YTube link to the source as well as embedding your take. REDLAWMAN. At the risk of threadjacking, my ongoing [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=97180"]R 'n' R tab/notation[/url] project may be of some use to you. Pete.
  15. [quote name='gizmo6789' post='1075444' date='Jan 2 2011, 04:30 PM']just wondering, but can you play into the computer and GP6 automatically tabs out what you are playing? or am i having an awesome dream?[/quote] Not from an audio source, but it will accept direct entry from a MIDI instrument. Not sure if Tux can do this, if it can it's well-hidden.
  16. From my experience they're both very good tools, but both have limitations. Guitar Pro (5) will let you write a completely illegal bar, leave it highlighted in red, & only play the legitimate bit. Tux will finish the bar off with whatever fits the remaining gap, which I feel is a better way of doing it. Tux makes a mess of the notation if you print to PDF, however. There's something amiss with the Postscript engine (Ghostscript?) that it uses. There's a workaround that involves a freebie called Lilypond which does translate the dots properly, but looks a bit cluttered to my eye. My current favoured option is to turn the Tab 'stave' off & enter notes directly on the staff. It's gradually forcing me to learn the bass & treble clefs, which is no bad thing. Pete.
  17. Nicely swung, that man. Brave choice too... 'Further On Up The Road' has a high "trainwreck" factor owing to nobody quite knowing where the stops are. It's one I tend to shy away from tbh - especially when perpetrated by one particular local guitard (who really [u][i]does[/i][/u] deserve being called such). Probably too much of a slog for you, but this might be of interest: [url="http://www.coachandhorsesbluesjam.com/home.shtml"]http://www.coachandhorsesbluesjam.com/home.shtml[/url] Pete.
  18. Something I've stumbled upon in the last few weeks is this... In Guitar Pro go to View > Hide Tablature (in Tux it's much the same except you un-tick Show Tablature in the View menu). Viola! No more Tab! So that means I have to start entering notes on the stave, which thus forces me to learn both the Bass & Treble clefs. This does make transcribing take longer, admittedly, but I learn best when I have an application for the theory. Speed will improve with knowledge. P.
  19. Preachin' to the converted here. I always believed that this was Dave Peacock, but it turns out it's Chas Hodges. Storming line either way & a great tone too
  20. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1068050' date='Dec 23 2010, 06:14 PM']Meanwhile, back in the 1980's.... Love these basses, they've got a definite "Big Country" vibe![/quote] Way cooler than that We don' need no steeeenkeeeen' Rickenbacker.
  21. Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkys (Nickels) Hartke Nickels
  22. Does anyone have an accurate transcript of the main refrain & subsequent swing section (i.e. about the first 45 seconds)? NOT the bass part - either the piano or brass. I have the "transcription" that's on p.240 of the Real Book Vol II, but I'm not entirely convinced by it & it's starting to drive me nuts. A couple of gratuitous Youtube clips of a great tune: Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers: Ronnie Earl: I love the B3 in this - you can't beat a good dirty organ. Pete.
  23. Can't help, but if no-one else comes up trumps you could always give Larry Hartke a call: [url="http://www.calllarryhartke.com/"]http://www.calllarryhartke.com/[/url] Odds are he'd know what equivalent would work. Give him an hour or so though, it's still a bit early over there.
  24. I've rather neglected this thread, so here's something to be going on with: [b]Long Tall Sally[/b] - The Beatles [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8453031/Long_Tall_Sally.pdf"]PDF[/url], [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8453031/Long_Tall_Sally.gp4"]GuitarPro 4 (opens in Tux Guitar)[/url], [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9MszRcOefM"]Youtube[/url] This was one of the first songs that I can recall hearing. One of the green-label Parlophone EP's (with Matchbox, Chains & I Saw Her Standing There) onna Dansette Bermuda. Scarred for life I was.
  25. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1063296' date='Dec 19 2010, 10:35 AM']What's wrong with the binding? Jon.[/quote] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/musicstorelive/5269190968/in/photostream/"]It's a bit Happy Shopper in places[/url]
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