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Posts posted by BassTractor

  1. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1338580743' post='1676869']Ok I'll ..... Take it back to Tullepetaon City[/quote]

    Sir Lurksalot,

    You're quite the knightly gentleman, taking this back on my behalf whilst only having provided a poetry inspiring translation.

    Mea maxima culpa, of course.
    If you please, allow me to take it back myself ... to Roosendaal, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1338554753' post='1676270']

    I've always thought that those who snigger at other peoples' specialist interests or hobbies - trams, philately, house bricks, whatever - are entirely deficient in the virtues of empathy, wisdom and politeness. That they freely articulate such views in the belief that they are demonstrating their innate superiority speaks volumes about their witlessness.

    It's rather like the person who says "You read [i]books[/i]? God, how [i]boring[/i]" and howls with idiot laughter. You don't know whether to pity them or lure them to a subterranean cavern and butcher them in the interests of the wider public good.


    No comment. It just deserved to be held up and repeated. Tx!

  3. Hi and welcome! Hope you'll have a good time here.

    There's no specific protocol about links. It's just that your very first post sounded like you were trying to sell an album, see? New member, one post only, post contains adspeak, post contains link to goods, post contains a "thank you" ... I think you get the drift.

    Fora (forums) like BC are of course protective about what they've achieved. Millions of shops could potentially try and use it for ads instead.

    Anyway, enjoy, and contribute if you feel like it.

  4. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1338548223' post='1676089']Wasnt that about molesting little girls ?[/quote]

    "Eyeing little girls with bad intent", indeed.
    Then again, who isn't like that? I for one always eye the little girls with bad intent: "I think I'd like to meet your grandmother..."

    [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1338550828' post='1676151']We used to do Tull's Living in the Past, back when we had a KB player do the flute bit, nice bass line going on there.[/quote]

    Yup! Great bass line, and the one that finally pulled me away from the keyboards.

  5. [quote name='petercullenbassist' timestamp='1338417889' post='1674468']So im looking for songs eith a good bass line. Stuff like love cats seem to go down alot better than songs with a simple follow aling chord stucture.[/quote]

    Since I never understood those lines, can I just ask:
    Are you simply asking for songs with a good bass line that would be great for voice, guitar and double bass? Or is the question more specific?

  6. Hi Si600,

    Welcome to BC! Sounds like you'll fit right in.
    My guess is you get best exposition for the Q in the section that fits, but I've been known to be wrong about stuff.

    Enjoy the ride!

  7. As a noob, I do not know most of the basses mentioned here. However:

    Ric - - Chris Squire's sound. I loved it, love it now and will always love it.

    Warwick Thumb - - the first bass I heard that sounded absolutely effing fantastic without any effects, on just about any amp with controls flat. Now _that_ was Plug 'n' Play. Better ones may surely exist, but this was the one I heard some 20-25 years ago.

    Music Man Bongo - - the sound, the EQ quality and versatility, the ergonomics, the build quality, the fantastic design, the neck feel.

  8. [quote name='MGDriver' timestamp='1338493384' post='1675483']1974 MG Midget.[/quote]

    What? Have you never even realised how many basses you could've made out of that thing?

  9. Hi MGDriver,

    Welcome to the masses! I hope you'll find something interesting here now you decided to surface.
    Me and other noobs will hang on your lips should you decide to share some wisdom.

    You really drive an MG? Then you may like that we have an Off Topic board for talking crap. ;) :D :ph34r:

    Anyway, enjoy!

  10. Of course, I'm in no position to say "Welcome back", so I'll leave it at a modest
    Welcome back!

    Avatar: the little one is 100*100, so if you add some pixels on both sides of your original so it becomes square, I think a kind soul will buy yer head on eBay and donate it to BC.

  11. [quote name='ceilidhswinger' timestamp='1338374622' post='1673394']
    sit alongside Sweet Home Alabama in a medley?[/quote]

    Don't know about where the line goes for you guys, but in my own ears you could easily get some Kinks or Jethro Tull to sit well, and you could go back and forth between them as a form for segue. First songs to come to my mind are Jethro Tull's "Hymn 43" and "Up to Me" (both off Aqualung), but you could even pull it off doing stuff with "Lola" by The Kinks - if you wished, that is.
    [size=5][i][b][color=#0000ff]S[/color][/b][/i][/size][size=5][i][b][color=#0000FF]weet Home Ala[/color] [color=#ff0000]met her in a club down in North Soho[/color][/b][/i][/size]

    When writing that, I never thought of the possibility that your band might do a covers medley whilst sounding close to the originals. In that case, just forget these examples.

  12. [quote name='belgamrood' timestamp='1338396807' post='1673948']
    and now im officially broke :-) [/quote]

    In that case: welcome home, bro!
    Enjoy the site!

    I'm from Etten-Leur close to Breda. Can you see my house from where you are?

  13. As I think others have already indicated with other words:

    Case 1:
    You're a great composer or arranger in the players' eyes - giving them a lot of fun. You organise. You're the natural center of the band.
    For some time, people will want to play with you because of this. Some time later, the demand for wages comes up like a steel glove. You get trouble.

    Case 2:
    You're just another bloke, or your uniqueness is not recognised.
    You're in for a lot of work, a lot of trouble and a lot of conflict.

    Go for it if you know exactly what you're doing. But since you asked the question, I think you're already indicating that you do not know exactly.

    (BTW, personally, I've done the case 1 thing many times, but only for projects with limited time scope.
    Every constellation for the longer term has given me a MUCH more modest position.
    YMMV and allsorts of course.)

  14. [quote name='TinRoofCeilidh' timestamp='1338222865' post='1671074']
    I didn't start playing sax until I was 40; now here I am at 67 starting on bass!

    Now _that_ impresses me. Kudos!

    [quote name='TinRoofCeilidh' timestamp='1338222865' post='1671074']
    What are "gaugeless strings"? please.

    Oh, sorry. They are sooo thin, that your bass will sound like an air bass. In fact, in most or all practical situations, they're used [b]exclusively[/b] on air basses. :lol:
    Sorry for not being clearer about that.

  15. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1337985907' post='1668485']
    "By exploiting the workers - hanging onto outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society"

    [size=4]Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here.[/size]

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